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Presented by: Professor Namir Al-Tawil

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1 Presented by: Professor Namir Al-Tawil
Communication Skills Presented by: Professor Namir Al-Tawil

2 Contents Definition of communication and CS.
Common ways of communication. Communication goals. Methods of communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Barriers to effective communication. Presentation skills. Listening skills. Criteria for a good message.

3 Definition of communication
Communication is sending or receiving ideas, thoughts, or feelings from one person to one or more persons in such a way that the person receiving it understands it in the same way the sender wants him/her to understand.











14 Barriers to Effective Communication
Selective Perception People selectively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests, background, experience, and attitude. Filtering Sender manipulate info so that it will be seen more favorably by the receivers. Information Overload A condition in which information inflow exceeds an individual’s processing capacity.

15 Barriers to… (cont.) Emotions
How a receiver feels at the time a message is received will influence how the message is interpreted. Language Words have different meanings to different people. Communication Apprehension (dread) Undue tension and anxiety about oral communication, written communication, or both.

16 Barriers to… (cont.) How to remove those barriers from the process:
Ensure the message is properly organized. Do not send too much information too fast Understand your audiences’ culture Be confident and knowledgeable about the topic (1): make sure that you have prepared well for the topic, and make sure that every message is not manipulated. Keep in mind, “Effective Comm” Meaning that once the message is delivered, both party are quite clearly understood and avoid potential conflict. 16

17 Make a Great First Impression
At a new encounter, you are evaluated and another person’s impression of you is formed. Be on time Present yourself appropriately A winning smile Be open and confident Be positive, courteous, and attentive It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed. Making perfect those first encounters extremely important, for they set the tone for the all the relationships that follows. (2). They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and so the “picture” you first present says much about you to the person you are meeting (all about your physical appearance) (3) No need total conformity, your individuality may create good impression too. (6) Use magic words and some commonness of the two partners. 17

18 Presentation skills

19 Tips for Presentation Skills
The only reason the presenter gave the talk is to communicate something to you. Ensuring your verbal message: Understand the purpose of the presentation KISS the message Be prepared Unforgettable delivery

20 Tips for Presentation Skills
Understand the purpose of presentation Answer the W5H1 question Who: the audience, their interest, value – etc. What: the message you have & success criteria. How: the best way to convey your message. When: set timing; time to talk & time to silent. Where: physical context of the communication. Why: the reason audiences want to hear the msg. - (5): “silent” means “listen” lol 20

21 Tips for Presentation Skills (cont.)
KISS the message Use your simple words Make your word clear and concise Keep in mind: “less is more” Be prepared Rehearse well and set proper timing Be mindful of the entire communication process Well-learn the topic and be ready for unexpected questions

22 Tips for Presentation Skills (cont.)
Unforgettable delivery Use examples to bring your points to life Don't talk too fast. Pauses are effective Use a variety of tones of voice Use visual aids

23 Listening skills




27 Tips for Listening Skills
Why do we listen? We listen to obtain information. We listen to understand. We listen for enjoyment. We listen to learn By having good listening skill, you can better influence, persuade, and negotiate; and avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. However, studies have found that we can capture the information only 25% to 50% of what we have heard. 27

28 Tips for Listening Skills (cont.)
Keep in mind that the most important of “active listening” is that the listeners try to capture the message and also encourage the speaker to say all or most of his words. Five key elements of active listening: Pay attention Show that you’re listening Provide feedback Defer judgment Respond appropriately - Look at the speaker directly. - Don’t mentally prepare a rebuttal. - Avoid being distracted by everything around. - Listen to the speaker’s body language. - Most importantly, listen to the speaker! No one else! - Nod occasionally - Smile and use other facial expression - Saying ‘yes’ or ‘uh huh’ to convey your attention - Reflect what has been said by paraphrasing - Ask question to clarify certain points - Summarize the speaker’s comment periodically more importantly, to try and understand the total message being sent. If you find it hard to focus on their messages, try repeating their words mentally as they say it. “The most important of ‘active listening’ is that the listeners try to capture the msg and also encourage the speaker to utter all or most of his words”. - Be open and honest in your response - Assert your opinion respectfully - Treat others the ways you want to be treated - Allow the speaker to finish - Do not interrupt with counterargument. 28




32 Criteria of good message
In line with the objective (s). Meaningful. Based on felt needs. Clear and understandable. Specific and accurate. Timely and adequate. Fitting the audience (listener). Interesting. Culturally and socially appropriate.

33 Conclusion Good communicators:
Know what they want to say. Establish and maintain relationships. Understand others perspective. Active listeners. Understand and clarify messages.

34 References Devito, A. Joseph. Essentials of human communication. 5th edition. US: Pearson Education, inc.; 2005 Arends, I. Richard. Learning to teach. 4th edition. US: McGraw-Hill; 1998. Dent, A.John. & Harden, M. Ronald. A practical guide for medical teachers. 2nd edition. UK: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2005. Al-Youzbaki, B. Dhafer. Medical communication skills. 2nd edition. Mousul: No publication year.

35 THANK U 4 listening

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