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Hang Gliding Near KBUR Southern California weather allows hang glider flights approximately 300 days per year. Hang glider pilots regularly fly within.

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Presentation on theme: "Hang Gliding Near KBUR Southern California weather allows hang glider flights approximately 300 days per year. Hang glider pilots regularly fly within."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hang Gliding Near KBUR Southern California weather allows hang glider flights approximately 300 days per year. Hang glider pilots regularly fly within Class E Airspace. For nearly 40 years, hang gliders have shared the skies around Burbank Airport, with commercial and general aviation aircraft .

2 The Sylmar FlightPark This popular park lies approx. 10 miles north of Burbank Airport and has a membership of nearly 200 pilots.

3 Significant Flight Operations
Identified on the Sectional and Terminal Area charts, hang gliders have been operating at this location for nearly 40 years. The local club membership averages 200 pilots. On a busy summer weekend, one could expect to see as many as 25 hang gliders in the air at one time. Flight operations are designated on Sectional and Terminal Area charts (red circle for emphasis only).

4 Lateral Boundaries Most Hang Glider operations are between the deg. Van Nuys radial at NM.

5 • The most common flight areas are the most darkly shaded.
View from Northwest • The most common flight areas are the most darkly shaded.

6 View from Northwest Hang gliders generally cannot climb above the inversion level. Most months of the year, this is below 6,000 ft. MSL. During the months of April and October, hang gliders occasionally reach altitudes up to 16,000 ft. MSL.

7 For additional information please contact FAST Rep. Joe Greblo at

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