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The Black Death 1347-50.

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1 The Black Death

2 The complete quiz comprises of 6 rounds.
Suggestions … 1. Break into teams of 3 to 6 or people. 2. Each team should choose a captain. 3. Each team should choose a team name. Nb: maximum of 3 points for team names. 4. After each round the team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team. Nb. captains cannot be transferred. 5: * Denotes MORE than one answer.. 6. Answer bonus questions using mini whiteboards.

3 Round 1 Multiple Choice With Bonus Answers

4 Bonus 1 Make the longest word you can B O U T K R E A Click for timer!
1 : The odd one out ? Bonus 1 Make the longest word you can B O U T K R E A Click for timer! A Middle Ages B Medieval C c D Dark Ages

5 One point for each letter in your word Did you get Outbreak?

6 Bonus 1 In which century did the Black Death occur?
2 : The Black Death may have started in * … A China Bonus 1 In which century did the Black Death occur? B Kaffa C Sicily D India

7 14th

8 3 : Correct order : spread ?
Asia : Europe : Middle East : Britain Bonus 1 Give another name for the peasantry B Europe : Middle East : Britain : Asia C Asia : Middle East : Europe : Britain D Middle East : Asia : Europe : Britain

9 Serfs

10 4 : Name the road along which the Black Death travelled
Silk Road Bonus 1 Two types of goods were brought from the Far East? B Anfield Road C Spice Road D M6

11 Silk and spices

12 Bonus 1 What was the Miasma Theory?
5 : The Black Death was blamed on ( * ) … A Lepers Bonus 1 What was the Miasma Theory? B Animals C Jews D Planets

13 The idea that bad smells caused the Black Death

14 Bonus 1 Why did they do this?
6 : Self – harming was called A Flatulance Bonus 1 Why did they do this? B Flagellation C Fermantation D Filtration

15 They believed God would forgive them for their sins

16 Bonus 1 Another method used?
7 : Ways used to prevent the plague *. Burning Oils Bonus 1 Another method used? A B Burning Jews C Burning Rats D Burning Houses

17 ?

18 Where did buboes appear ?
8 : Symptoms : odd one out A Skin turned black Bonus 1 Where did buboes appear ? B Fever C Vomiting D Buboes on stomach

19 Groin / legs / armpits

20 A B C D 9 : Symptoms order - Bonus 1
What is a spasm? A Death : Spasms : Vomiting : Buboes B Buboes : Spasms : Vomiting : Death Buboes : Vomiting : Spasms : Death C D Vomiting : Spasms : Death Buboes

21 Uncontrollable shaking of the body

22 What type of plague did fleas help spread?
10 : The real cause of the Black Death A Fleas Bonus 1 What type of plague did fleas help spread? B Rats C Germs D Cats

23 Bubonic

24 End Of Round 1 The team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team.

25 Round 2 Images

26 4 2 1 3 8 5 7 9 10 6 Word Represents? Man with sword ? Word ? Name?
French Phrase? 8 5 7 Name? Event ? 9 Clue : PP 10 6 Man in red shirt ? Bacteria P ?

27 4 2 1 3 8 5 7 9 10 6 Quarantine Buboes London Mayor Vomit Richard II
Garde Loo! 8 5 7 Richard II Peasants’ Revolt 9 Plague Pit 10 6 Wat Tyler Pestis

28 Round 3 Multiple choice and bonus

29 What did bacteria do to the flea’s gut?
11 : How were people were infected * A Breathing Bonus 1 What did bacteria do to the flea’s gut? B Touching C Rat Bite D Flea Bite

30 Blocked it

31 Bonus 1 List 3 types of plague
12 :The plague was more than one type of disease A True Bonus 1 List 3 types of plague B False C Not sure D Phone a friend

32 1 : Bubonic 2 : Pneumonic 3 : Septicemic

33 Spread by blood poisoning
13 :The Bubonic Plague A Spread by coughing Bonus 1 Why called bubonic? B Spread by blood poisoning C Spread by flea bite D All of the above

34 After the lumps / swellings on the body

35 Spread by blood poisoning
14 :The Pneumonic Plague A Spread by coughing Bonus 1 Why called pneumonic? B Spread by blood poisoning C Spread by flea bite D All of the above

36 A condition that affected the lungs

37 Through blood poisoning
15 : Septicemic Plague A Spread by sneezing Bonus 1 B Through blood poisoning C Spread by coughing D Spread by touching


39 Bonus 1 What was the % chance of dying from septiciemic plague?
16 : Chances of dying from bubonic / pneumonic plague A % Bonus 1 What was the % chance of dying from septiciemic plague? B % C 60 – 90 % D 100 %

40 100 %

41 Bonus 1 What is an eggs least favourite day?
17 : Buboes were the size of … A Rats Bonus 1 What is an eggs least favourite day? B Melons C Nuts D Eggs

42 Fry Day 

43 18 : Why were the peasants revolting ( * ) ?
There was a bad harvest Bonus 1 What was the name of the newly introduced tax? B Angry at the Black Death C They wanted freedom from ‘serfdom ‘ Bonus 2 How much did they have to pay? D They were angry with increased taxation

44 1 : The Poll Tax 2:5p

45 Bonus 1 What was his original profession?
19 : One of the leaders of the revolt? A Watt Bulb Bonus 1 What was his original profession? B Walter White C Wat Tyler D Taylor Swift

46 Soldier

47 20 : What killed Wat? A B C D Bonus 1
What did the king do to Wat’s head? A Colonel Mustard with a candlestick B The king’s valet with a knife C The London Mayor with a sword D The Black Death

48 Put it on a pole and paraded it around London

49 End Of Round 3 The team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team.

50 Round 4 It is True or False ?

51 1 : The real, real cause of the plague was the flea!

52 False It was bacteria

53 2 : The plague still exists today

54 True

55 3 : Richard III was the King at the time of the Peasant’s Revolt

56 False It was Richard II

57 4 : 66 % of Europeans died during the Black Death

58 False It was about 33 %

59 5 :The King kept his promises made to the peasants during the revolt

60 False

61 6 :The Mongols helped spread the disease by letting flea infested rats into the city of Kaffa

62 False

63 7 :There is a vaccine available to stop the plague today

64 False It is treated with antibiotics

65 8 :The Black Death had some positives for the surviving peasants

66 True Supply and demand!

67 9 :This is a good example of art before the Black Death

68 False (after)

69 10 : The Black Death never returned after 1350

70 False The plague returned many times.

71 End Of Round 4 The team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team.

72 Round 5 Complete the quote

73 1 : Giovanni Boccaccio : “The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the ________ was the plain sign of certain death”. 2 : Giovanni Boccaccio : “Others did not shut themselves up, but went about, carrying __________ or scented herbs or perfumes in their hands”. 3 : Giovanni Boccaccio : “Such terror was struck into the hearts of men and women by this calamity, that brother a____________ brother “. 4 : Henry Knighton : “ Sheep and c ________ went wandering over fields and through crops, and there was no one to go and drive or gather them”. 5: Henry Knighton : “likewise many villages and h _________ became desolate ( empty ), not a house being left in them, all having died who dwelt there”. 6 : BBC History : “The Black Death was a squalid disease that killed within a _________' 7 : Robert of Avesbury : “On the same day, 20, 40 or 60 bodies, and on many occasions many more, might be committed for burial together in the same ________ .' : Henry Knighton: “And thus the S ______, believing that the English were overwhelmed by t terrible vengeance of God, gathered in the forest of Selkirk with the intention of i _______.” 10 : Henry Knighton : ‘Within a short space of time, around 5000 of them had died, and the rest, weak and _________ alike, decided to retreat to their own country .'

74 1 : Giovanni Boccaccio : “The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the NOSE was the plain sign of certain death”. 2 : Giovanni Boccaccio : “Others did not shut themselves up, but went about, carrying FLOWERS or scented herbs or perfumes in their hands”. 3 : Giovanni Boccaccio : “Such terror was struck into the hearts of men and women by this calamity, that brother ABANDONED brother “. 4 : Henry Knighton : “ Sheep and CATTLE went wandering over fields and through crops, and there was no one to go and drive or gather them”. 5: Henry Knighton : “likewise many villages and HAMLETS became desolate ( empty ), not a house being left in them, all having died who dwelt there”. 6 : BBC History : “The Black Death was a squalid disease that killed within a WEEK ' 7 : Robert of Avesbury : “On the same day, 20, 40 or 60 bodies, and on many occasions many more, might be committed for burial together in the same PIT .' : Henry Knighton: “And thus the SCOTS , believing that the English were overwhelmed by t terrible vengeance of God, gathered in the forest of Selkirk with the intention of INVADING .” 10 : Henry Knighton : ‘Within a short space of time, around 5000 of them had died, and the rest, weak and STRONG alike, decided to retreat to their own country .'

75 End of Round 5 The team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team.

76 Round 6 Chronology

77 Date Jumbled Events c1333 Mongol army hit by the Plague. 1339
Black Death reaches Northern England / Scotland. 1345 The Peasants’ Revolt. Oct 1347 Edward III orders streets to be cleaned. March 1348 Plague arrives in southern England near Southampton. July 1349 A second, ‘Great Plague’ hits Britain. Aug 1349 Black Death originates , possibly in China. Feb 1349 2, 200 people were being buried every day in England. 1381 The plague spreads from Kaffa to Sicily 1665 Plague reaches Central Asia, along the Silk Road.

78 Date Ordered Events c1333 Black Death originates , possibly in China.
1339 Plague reaches Central Asia, along the Silk Road. 1345 Mongol army hit by the Plague. Oct 1347 The plague spreads from Kaffa to Sicily. March 1348 Plague arrives in southern England near Southampton. July 1349 Black Death reaches Northern England / Scotland. Aug 1349 Edward III orders streets to be cleaned. Feb 1349 2, 200 people were being buried every day in England. 1381 The Peasants’ Revolt. 1665 A second, ‘Great Plague’ hits Britain.

79 End Of The Quiz! Which team is the winner?

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