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Engaging with Researchers at the University of Exeter

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1 Engaging with Researchers at the University of Exeter
Gareth Cole. 8th March 2013

2 What is Open Exeter? JISC funded RDM Project Three main work strands:
Policy/advocacy Follow the Data Technical strand Engagement needed with each workstrand i.e. Not just policy and advocacy

3 Why Engage? Requirements analysis
Raise awareness of policies and funder requirements Prepare the ground so that policy etc. doesn’t come as a surprise Work with researchers and Professional Services staff to create policy and infrastructure Embed training and RDM on existing courses and programmes

4 Who have we tried to engage with?
Engagement needs to take place at all levels Not just senior management PGRs Academic Staff Professional Services Staff – not just researchers Central IT College IT staff – Computer Development Officers (CDOs) Library College admin support Finance teams RKT Basically everyone!

5 How have we engaged? Policy Task and Finish Group DAF Survey
Existing channels of communication Face-to-face Interviews Meetings Briefings Focus Groups Talks and Presentations – researchers and PS staff Staff Meetings Existing College Workshops Targeted audience – tried to limit general communications

6 What has been successful?
Conducting a requirements analysis Working within existing programmes Target your audience properly Use “target” audience to help formulate policy i.e. Directors of Research on Task and Finish Group Use existing lines of communications Talk to people who know and already communicate with your chosen audience Working with a group of PGR students

7 Future Plans Carry on engaging!

8 Conclusion Engagement makes life easier
Engagement can provide collaborators and pilot case studies Policies, tools etc. can be shown to be collaborative and not imposed without consultation Listen to those you engage with Use their ideas where practicable They have to cope with the results of what you are doing! Consultation isn’t necessarily engagement

9 Any Questions? Contact us:;
Open Access and Data Curation team

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