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Estimating Work Plan costs and Developing GAP Budgets

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Presentation on theme: "Estimating Work Plan costs and Developing GAP Budgets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Estimating Work Plan costs and Developing GAP Budgets
Work plans and budgets are inseparable. Budgets are driven from work plans. Budget details are important. Accurate commitment costs are the key to a good work plan and budget.

2 Budget Budgets are close estimates based on activities in the work plan. Budget items must be: Necessary and reasonable Allocable in work plans Allowable costs Per 2 CFR Part 200 (See your EPA grant award documents) Work closely with your finance department Pull up the CFR Part 200, what section?

3 BUDGET Budgets include: Line item detail of projected expenses
Salaries Fringe Travel Contractual Supplies Other Direct Costs Phone, postage, printing, registration fees, meeting room rental, etc…. Indirect Expenses if applicable

4 BUDGET Detail Purpose of the Budget Detail
To demonstrate how the expenses tie into the work plan activities Give details on how figures were calculated

5 SAMPLE BUDGET Detail EPA GAP PROGRAM PERSONNEL Total: $ 55 , 245 The personnel costs are based on estimated time required to complete the project activities outlined in the work plan. The Project Director manages, over sees and reviews documents for the Environmental Programs staff. The Program Coordinator completes the day - to day activities based on the work plan. The IT Manager is a salary position allocated to each prog ram based on FTEs. This staff member will spend a minimal number of hours on this project to support all computers, software, internet and servers. Clerical Staff will assist all staff with mailings, meeting and travel arrangements and any other cler ical duties. Electronic timecards are used to track time spent on each program. Position Title and Name Annual Salary Time Months Amount $ 83 200 5 % 12 Mos. 4 160 Name of staff 47 840 100 7 IT Manager 79 040 2 1,581 Clerical Support 33 280 1,664 FRINGE BENEFITS 14 176 The fringe benefits include the contribution required by the government for social securi ty, unemployment, and worker's compensation. In addition, health, life and disability insurances, and retirement are provided for all full time permanent staff. 7.65% 4,226 Worker's 0.63% 348 Unemployment 2.7% 1,492 Disability .68% 376 4% 2,210 Health & Life Insurance 5,524 Total Fringe Benefits 14,176 If your fringe benefits percentage is high, detail of whats included should be in the justification

6 SAMPLE BUDGET detail Add component at the end of each description
TRAVEL Total: $ 4 , 656 The travel budget includes the cost of round trip coach ai rfare, lodging, per diem, and ground transportation. The cost per day was calculated using federal government per diem guidelines. One Regional Tribal Operations Committee Meetings (RTOC) & One National Conference The estimated cost is for staff to atte nd the Regional Tribal Operations Committee Meeting Hi eld in locations throughout Region IX to participate and collect pertinent information for tribal nations i n Arizona and one national conference training. Travel reimbursement will be sought from USEPA through the Tribal Travel funds allocated for this purpose. Two Tribal Solid Waste Working Group Meetings and On - site Technical Assistance The estimated cost is for ITCA staff to conduct two working group meeting s at a tribal location and provide program support and technical assistance to the tribes ITCA is working with in this project period . Tribal Youth Education/Outreach will be achieved by assisting in a youth conference to educate on solid waste management. Tribal Training and Technical Assista nce training on solid waste hierarchy and provide program support and technical assistance to the tribes ITCA is working with in this project period. Assist o ne tribe with Hazardous Wast e Removal . The estimated cost for ITCA staff is to assist one tribe planning and collecting Household Hazardous Waste and removing it from their tribe. Travel - # prsns # Trips Airfare Grnd/Mlge Meals Lodging Total Nat'l Trip-Region 9 (3 d/2 nt) 1 500 100 213 380 1,193 Nat'l Trip - RTOC (3 d/2 nt) Nat'l Trip - Training (3 d/2 nt) In State - (3 d/2 nt)-Outreach & Yth Ed 162 138 230 530 In State-Wkg Grp Mtg (1 day) 216 In State - 1 tribe/2 d/1nt Source Reduction 124 92 115 331 TOTAL 1,500 802 869 1,485 4,656 Add component at the end of each description


8 SAMPLE BUDGET Detail Page 1 of DIRECT COST Total : $ 88 , 177
INDIRECT COST Total: $ 15 784 The current approved rate for indirect cost is 17.9%. This rate is approved by D.H.H.S. and it is calculated based on direct costs. A new rate proposal has been submitted and is awaiting approval fo r the same percentage. TOTAL BUDGET 103 961 Total Budget $10 3,961 # of hours budgeted 2330 hours


10 COMPONENT WORKSHEET EPA requires grantees to give an estimated budget for each objective on the grant submittal each year (and any revisions) The Work Plan includes: Estimated Component Cost # of FTEs per Component Estimated cost per commitments (optional but useful)

11 Work plan cost estimate tool (A demonstration)

12 Tips No Cents Please! ( using the =round function in excel will eliminate the cents ) Make sure to explain what costs are exempt from the indirect rate when calculating the indirect cost number in the budget. when costs in the budget are shared with other programs (i.e. utilities, copiers, etc, ) please include a comment showing the allocation formula for those costs.

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