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Red to Gray. Red to Gray % Population Decrease, million 17 million 12 million.

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2 Red to Gray

3 % Population Decrease, 2000-2025
1.6 million 17 million 12 million

4 % Population Change, Population gained (millions) Population lost (millions) Turkey Russia 17.3 Latvia 0.3 Uzbekistan Ukraine 11.8 Moldova 0.3 Tajikistan Romania 2.3 Serbia and Montenegro 0.3 Turkmenistan 1.6 Poland 1.6 Kazakhstan 0.3 Azerbaijan Bulgaria 1.5 Croatia 0.2 Kyrgyzstan Belarus 1.4 Armenia 0.2 Albania Georgia 0.8 Estonia 0.1 FYR Macedonia 0.1 Hungary 0.8 Slovakia 0.1 Czech Republic 0.5 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.1 Lithuania 0.4 Slovenia 0.1


6 % of over-65 population

7 Managing the “third transition” is closely linked to progressing through first two transitions
“Old, late reformers” “Old, early reformers” Aging “Young, late reformers” Reforms

8 Red Light to Green Light

9 Increasing labor force participation could ease potential shortages
Labor force participation rates (%), latest year Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union OECD

10 Productivity gains will be a more important factor in economic growth than labor supply
Growth decomposition, Russia Poland Hungary Share of growth due to higher Labor productivity Employment rates Working-age population

11 But education and lifelong learning must substantially improve
Adult participation (%) in education and training, 2006

12 Red Ink to Black Ink

13 Aging will strain pension systems …but spending can be moderated by reforms

14 Providing affordable long-term care will be a major challenge
Dependent elderly as % of total population, 2005 and projections for 2050 under “constant disability” scenario

15 Red to Gray

16 Managing the “third transition” is closely linked to progressing through first two transitions
“Old, late reformers”: Rest of Former Soviet Union and rest of Former Yugoslavia “Old, early reformers”: EU-10, Croatia and Albania Aging “Young, late reformers”: Four poorer Central Asian republics Reforms

17 Aging is an opportunity no less than youth itself …
The only danger lies in complacency.


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