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The Industrial Revolution in the United States

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1 The Industrial Revolution in the United States
EQ: How can new ideas change society and the economy?

2 Industrial Revolution
Expanded after the War of 1812 and really picked up momentum during the 1830s Started in Great Britain and spread to the U.S.

3 Production of goods moved from homes/small shops to factories

4 Mass production emerged, which is the production of goods in large quantities

5 Society changed : child labor, crowded cities, wealthy/poor gap

6 The Industrial Revolution in the U.S.
After the American Revolution, trade was the main source of income After the Embargo Act of 1807, trade stopped and even though it was repealed two years later, many trade centers had shut down During the war of 1812, trade stopped again as Britain blockaded the Atlantic coast Due to the events of the early 1800s, trade slowed and Americans were forced to change how they made money, especially in the North

7 The Industrial Revolution in the U.S.
Success was aided by 4 factors: Power sources were harnessed Improvements were made to industrial processes Transportation was expanded The government passed protective tariffs to protect American manufacturers

8 Power Sources were Harnessed
The North couldn’t farm due to poor soil No demand for slavery Textile mills grew rapidly in the North Harnessed water power from fast-flowing rivers

9 Improvements to Industrial Processes
Eli Whitney Inventor Two major inventions: Interchangeable parts The Cotton Gin

10 Interchangeable Parts
Identical parts that could be used in any specific item Could make 10,000 muskets in 2 years Gun shops could only make about 3,000 in 2 years


12 Cotton Gin Machine that removed prickly cotton seeds from the valuable cotton fiber Used to make thread and fabric This had been done by hand in the past Allowed cotton to be produced faster and, therefore, more profitable Became the new cash crop of the South

13 Looking at the following pictures, what manual labor was still needed with the cotton gin?

14 How many bales of cotton were produced in 1790?
What happened to the amount of slaves between 1790 and 1860?

15 The South is Based on Agriculture
Slaves picked the cotton and fed the cotton through the machine Slavery became entrenched in the South, meaning it became crucial to the economy of the South

16 Opposite Economies Led to Regionalism
Placing the needs of one section/region of the nation over the needs of the whole nation West Americans wanted to spread here North Cared about trade, manufacturing, and industry. No slavery South Cared about agriculture, cotton, and slavery

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