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Google Docs and SAMR Model

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1 Google Docs and SAMR Model
Created by Chantel Desjarlais

2 Google Docs and How I Use It In the Classroom
Within my classroom we use Google Docs for all student’s writing pieces. It does take a lot of time when first showing the students all of the tools for Google Docs, but if you show them and provide some sort of cheat sheet to them, you will notice as a teacher that it will become a great tool for any types of writing. Before Google Docs we were using a lot of paper for prewriting, drafting, and final writings and although it wasn’t impossible to have students write our their pieces the old fashion way, Google Docs just became a more functional paper-saving tool when it comes to writing.

3 How To Get Started Using Google Docs
Luckily for me, my school has gifted my classroom with its own Chromebook Lab that consists of 25 Chromebooks. Before you have the students login to the Chromebooks or Google Docs in general, we have to have an acceptable use policy signed from their parents stating that they are aware of all the consequences that come with any inappropriate use of the Chromebooks. Once this is signed the students will then be provided with the own Google and password.

4 How I Use Google Docs for Writing
While my students are working in Google Docs, I only allow them to ask me questions through their word document. It is important that they know that I will not always reply on an instant (especially when there are 20 students typing their papers at once). Once I do reply to them, they know that it is up to them to make the changes that I suggest to them. Note* Google Docs is a way for quiet writing time, I often turn of soft classical music while they work on their writings.

5 Examples of How I Use Google Docs
These are actual research reports that my students have done in Note* This screen shot only shows 8 out of 25 students. I did not screen shot the other 17 reports.

6 How I Work With Students in Google Docs Using the Comment Boxes
Comment from Me

7 Checking To See If Your Student Has Edited
Response Checking To See If Your Student Has Edited When I have finished given my students feedback, I then send them an telling them that I have responded to their writing. (This is shown in the top picture). The bottom picture show that students editing history and I can also check to see if they applied the changes I suggested in the comment box (in which this student did not). Editing History

8 When A Student Is Finished With Their Writing Piece
When a student is finished, there are many different options you can do as a teacher. The first option is to just print the final draft. The second option is to add it to your drive. The third option is to download it as a Microsoft document. The fourth option is to the document as an attachment or to a different collaborator. When working on proofreading with my students I do make them their document to a different students and that student becomes their collaborator.

9 Where does Google Docs Fit on the SAMR Model?
Google Docs is considered to be a substitution for a word processor. It also serves as an augmentation, because it allows for the tasks (in which my task would be writing) to get completed. Google Docs is also a modification, which I love because it provides feedback to students and it allows students who cannot write or type their paper to read in their writing piece to Google Docs. It also allows students or myself to record messages instead of typing them in the comment box, I think it also serves as a way for collaboration amongst peers, which all of these I would consider to be a redefinition of the SAMR Model.

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