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October Accountability Update

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1 October Accountability Update
All PS Enrollments, transfers, withdrawals and codes MST PMR Month 1-due yesterday, will review today and submit on tomorrow. SARS-in progress Class-size-ongoing (all teachers should be assigned students) CHANGE- Test administrators may log students on to the computer and into the test while students are in the room. Students should be away from computers during this process to prevent compromising the secure testing login account information and accidently starting a test, which requires notification to and reset by Takeda LeGrand. Repeated resets will be documented as a testing irregularity,. DISCUSSION-Where proctors are not required by a vendor, thye are not required by the State and all State tests no longer require a proctor; however, we make this a local requirement. Think-Pair-Share Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Check-in Elementary RtA Midyear-PS labels and updates; PS is the authoritative source. K-3 Class Size Data Pull Review-ongoing NC check-ins Grades 4-5 Middle NC Check-ins Grades 3-8, IFs will be trained by Dr. Alisha Ellis NCFEs/MCFEs for Grades 6,7 and 8 Social studies and Grades 6 and 7 Science. All NCFEs/MCFEs/EOGS are administered online. High Fall Testing-All Online NC Test Browser/NC Education Accounts Technology Plan-Before, During and After (Security)

2 October Diversity Update
Taskforce MTG: Nov. 15th, 3:30 PM, West Middle School MLA, Page Street, Troy, MCEC, Star, GRES, and Candor: ¼ of Equitable Practices identified and shared with Takeda LeGrand on or before October 2nd . A Google docs for Equitable Practices will be shared with schools today. At least one restorative justice practice identified and shared with Takeda LeGrand on or before October 2nd . Will receive a monitoring/support visit from Dr. Montrio Belton and the Urban and Rural Education Institute on November 13-14, 2018. MGES, WMS, EMS, WMHS, and EMHS: Dreambuilders Communication are conducting onsite monitoring and support visits.

3 October Title V Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Update
All Name change for Abstinence Education Program changes-pending Amount decreased by 50% to ~$37,000 Plan to use funds is in progress Elementary Stipend of $500 to Guidance counselors who teach of the A+ Lesson Plans to 5th Graders this school year. The A+ Lesson Plans are available in a digital format. Records of students and demographic information must be submitted for stipend payment. For budget planning, schools must opt-in by October 30th.

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