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Matrix metalloproteinase

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1 Matrix metalloproteinase
Andressa Obice &Tony Voong November 29, 2010 Biochemistry

2 Overview Family of highly-homologous, zinc dependent endopeptidases
Groups: collagenases, gelatinases, stromelysins, matrilysins, membrane-type MMPs (MT-MMPs), and Other MMPs Function: -degrade matrix/ non-matrix proteins Biological processes: -embryogenesis, tissue repair/remodeling, wound healing, angiogenesis Diseases: -atheroma, arthritis, cancer, tissue ulceration, nephritis, fibrosis, aneurysms Regulated by tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPS)

3 Structure Most MMPs: -propetide domain -catalytic domain -hinge region
-hemopexin domain MMP-7, MMP-26, MMP-23, - no hinge region - no hemopexin domain MMP-23 -cysteine-rich domain, -immunoglobulin-like domain g

4 Catalytic domain Hinge region Hemopoxin Domain About 170 amino acids
Spherical shape Catalytic zinc ion (zinc-binding motif) “Met-turn” Fibronectin type II repeats Hinge region Variable lengths No determinable structure Hemopoxin Domain About 200 amino acids Propeptide domain About 80 amino acids Must be removed before enzyme is active “Cysteine switch” Furin cleavage site

5 Tertiary (3D) Structure of MMPs
Catalytic Domain: 5-stranded-β-pleated sheet 3 α-helices Connective loops 2 zinc ions (1 catalytic/1 structural) Up to 3 calcium ions 3 histidines “S1’ pocket” Fibronectin Type II domains -2 antiparrallel β sheets, connected with a short α-helix, 2 disulfide bonds

6 Propetide Domain Hemopoxin Domain 3 α chains connecting loops
4-bladed β-propeller 1 disulfide bond (first/fourth blades) 1 calcium ion 1 chloride ion

7 Propeptide Domain Catalytic Domain Fibronectin Domain Hemopexin Domain ProMMP-2-TIMP-2 Complex

8 Inhibition of MMP by TIMP

9 Function

10 Degradation Over expression of MMP Alterations of TIMP ECM
 Proteolytic activity ECM molecules from tissue  cell surface molecules alters cell–matrix and cell–cell interactions and the release of growth factors that are bound to the ECM makes them available for cell receptors. In addition, a number of non-ECM molecules are also potential substrates of MMPs alters cellular behavior and phenotypes - cell migration, differentiation, growth, inflammatory, processes, neovacularization, apoptosis, etc. Figure  shows example Role of matrix metalloproteinases in the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms (MMP-2 and MMP-9)

11 Therapeutics Pro TNF- TNF -  TNF -  converting enzyme (TACE) MMP
Rheumatoid arthritis Crohn’s disease Cancer Stroke

12 TNF- Pro TNF- sTNF- Stages of Inhibition 1. pro-TNF- processing
2. pro-TNF- synthesis Pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-a is one of the primary cytotoxic proteins of the human immune system and its potent cell-killing effects are mediated through interaction with two cell-surface receptors - Receptor- Mediated Apoptosis

13 TACE Catalytic Domain Transmembrane glycoprotein Pro-domain Catalytic domain Disintegrin Cysteine-rich region Transmembrane segment / Cytoplasmic tail Green – Disulfide bridges Yellow – Helices (hC active site-helix) Red – Beta sheets (sI through sIV) Pink – catalytic zinc sphere White – His-His-His-Met-Pro (inhibitor)

14 TACE and MMP Inhibition of TACE and MMP-1 TACE / MMP
- same catalytic site / active site - are zinc endopeptidases - MMP inhibitors also inhibit TACE - Marimastat / princomastat = failed clinical studies musculoskeletal side effects. Differences - try to exploit differences in primary and secondary structure ( active site of s1 pocket) (narrow channel in s1 & s3) = ability to build selectivity over MMP - use of non-hydroxamate zinc-binding group (ZBG) = thiol

15 Channel

16 TACE Inhibitor Standard nomenclature for substrate inhibitor
Second picture – TAPI-2  effectiveness of hydroxamate ZBG (zinc-binding group - s1=hydrophobic with isobutyl - s2=shallow subtle cleft with tert-butyl - s3=large cleft with methyl group

17 ` While great deal is known regarding those elements of structure-based design important for the development of eith MMP or TACE specific inhibitors, a comparable understanding for TACE / ADAM 10 has yet to be achieved. - poor oral bioavailability - decreased potency in vivo - low selectivity = low success rate for specificity of TACE inhibitors devoid MMP (especially MMP-1 [1,313] collegenase) Unwanted side effects Lack of selectivity Poor oral bioavailability Decreased potency in vivo

18 TMI-1 & TAPI-2 Vs. TACE & ADAM 10
Poor oral bioavailable small size TNF- antagnoist Hard because MMP’s have distinct but often overlapping substrate specificities Designing more potent and selective novel TACE inhibitors Better understanding of TACE selectivity through structure 2E and TMI-1 of selectivity over 1,9, and 13 of MMP. Table 1 shows the phylogenetic profile of TMI-1 shows more selective for TACE rather than ADAM-10 ( comparing Ki values) - study of TAPI-2 and TMI-1 binding to ADAM 10 Pharmacology - Docycycline – inhibit MMP activity Future…

19 Questions?

20 References Chen, Taosheng. A Practical Guide to Assay Development and High-throughput Screening in Drug Discovery. Boca Raton: CRC, Print. 26 "Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-converting Enzyme — PNAS." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Web. 5 Nov DasGupta, Sirshendu, et al., Current perspective of TACE inhibitors: A review, Bioorganic & Medical Chemistry. (2008), doi: /j.bmc E.F. Healy, et al., Acetylenic inhibitors of ADAM10 and ADAM17: In silico analysis of potency and selectivity, J. Mol. Graph. Model. (2010), doi: /j.jmgm Levin, J. I., et al. Acetylenic TACE inhibitors. Part 2: SAR of six-membered cyclic sulfonamide hyroxamates, Bioorganic & Medical Chemistry. (2005), doi: /j.bmcl M. J. Eck, S. R. Sprang. The Structure Of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha At 2. 6 A Resolution. Implications For Receptor Binding. J. Biol. Chem. V Rao, B. Govinda, et al., Novel thiol-based TACE inhibitors:Rational design, synthesis, and SAR of thiol containing aryl sulfonamides, Bioorganic & Medical Chemistry. (2007), doi: j.bmcl


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