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relayed live all across the globe
2/15/2019 Men of Excellence Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba); Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community relayed live all across the globe December 28th 2018
Summary Men of Excellence
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (ABA) related the accounts of the Companions, who participated in the Battle of Badr. During the battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet (SA) appointed Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Jubair as the chief of the fifty archers, who were appointed to protect the pass, located behind the Muslims. The reason why the Muslim army had to endure a momentary loss after their victory was because a few individuals disobeyed a commandment of the Holy Prophet (SA) Nadir Al-Husni Sahib from Canada passed away on 20th December at the age of 85. He was a very righteous, devoted and a noble individual. The centre of his focus was the books of the Promised Messiah (AS) and the Khulafah. December 28th 2018
Hazrat Abdullah bin Ar Rabee
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (ABA) stated: The first of the badri sahabah that I will mention today is Hazrat Abdullah bin Ar Rabee’ Al Ansari. Hazrat Abdullah bin Ar Rabee Hazrat Abdullah bin Ar Rabee’ belonged to the Banu Abjar clan of the Khazraj tribe. His mother’s name was Fatimah bint Amr. He participated in the second bai’at that took place at Aqabah. After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta’awwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) stated: The first of the badri sahabah[Companions of the Holy Prophet (sa), who participated in the Battle of Badr] that I will mention today is Hazrat Abdullah bin Ar Rabee’ Al Ansari. Hazrat Abdullah bin Ar Rabee’ belonged to the Banu Abjar clan of the Khazraj tribe. His mother’s name was Fatimah bint Amr. He participated in the second bai’at that took place at Aqabah. He also had the honour of participating in the Battles of Badr, Uhud and Mautah. He attained martyrdom during the Battle of Mautah. Hazrat Atiyyah bin Nuwairah (ra) participated in the Battle of Badr and this is the only information that is available regarding him. Hazrat Sahl bin Qais, his mother’s name was Nailah bint Salaamah, he was the cousin of the famous poet, Hazrat Ka’ab bin Malik, from his father’s side. Sahl participated in the Battles of Badr and Uhud and was martyred during the Battle of Uhud. He also had the honour of participating in the Battles of Badr, Uhud and Mautah. He attained martyrdom during the Battle of Mautah.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Humayyir
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 Hazrat Abdullah bin Humayyir Hazrat Abdullah bin Humayyir Al-Ashja’i belonged to Banu Duhman, who had a treaty with the Ansar. He participated in the battle of Badr alongside his brother, Hazrat Kharijah. He also participated in the battle of Uhud. The name of his wife is Hazrat Umm-e-Thabit bin Haritha and she also accepted the Holy Prophet (sa). Hazrat Abdullah bin Humayyir was among the few companions, who firmly remained standing on the mount alongside Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair on the occasion of the battle of Uhud. When the other companions witnessed the scenes of victory and started to descend in order to join the rest of the army, Hazrat Abdullah bin Humayyir stood up in order to advise them. Hazrat Abdullah bin Humayyir Al-Ashja’i belonged to Banu Duhman, who had a treaty with the Ansar [Muslims living in Medina]. He participated in the battle of Badr alongside his brother, Hazrat Kharijah. He also participated in the battle of Uhud. The name of his wife is Hazrat Umm-e-Thabit bin Haritha and she also accepted the Holy Prophet (sa). Hazrat Abdullah bin Humayyir was among the few companions, who firmly remained standing on the mount alongside Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair on the occasion of the battle of Uhud. When the other companions witnessed the scenes of victory and started to descend [from the hill] in order to join the rest of the army, Hazrat Abdullah bin Humayyir stood up in order to advise them. He first praised Allah the Exalted and then advised them to obey Allah and the Holy Prophet (sa). However, they did not listen to him and descended in such a large number that not more than ten companions remained on the hill alongside Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair. Meanwhile, Khalid bin Walid and Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl saw the hill empty and attacked the remaining companions. This small group fired arrows at them until eventually they reached them and martyred all of them in an instant. He first praised Allah the Exalted and then advised them to obey Allah and the Holy Prophet (sa). However, they did not listen to him and descended in such a large number that not more than ten companions remained on the hill alongside Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair. Meanwhile, Khalid bin Walid and Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl saw the hill empty and attacked the remaining companions. This small group fired arrows at them until eventually they reached them and martyred all of them in an instant.
Hazrat ‘Ubaid bin Aus Ansari
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 Hazrat ‘Ubaid bin Aus Ansari Hazrat ‘Ubaid bin Aus Ansari, son of Aus bin Malik. Hazrat ‘Ubaid bin Aus participated in the battle of Badr. He captured Hazrat ‘Aqeel bin Abi Talib during the battle of Badr. Similarly, it is said that he also captured Hazrat ‘Abbas and Hazrat Naufal. When he presented himself before the Holy Prophet (sa) with all three of them tied up in ropes, the Holy Prophet (sa) said “[Arabic] that is, surely, an honourable angel has assisted you in this matter. Hazrat ‘Ubaid bin Aus Ansari, son of Aus bin Malik. Hazrat ‘Ubaid bin Aus participated in the battle of Badr. He captured Hazrat ‘Aqeel bin Abi Talib during the battle of Badr. Similarly, it is said that he also captured Hazrat ‘Abbas and Hazrat Naufal. When he presented himself before the Holy Prophet (sa) with all three of them tied up in ropes, the Holy Prophet (sa) said “[Arabic] that is, surely, an honourable angel has assisted you in this matter.” On this very premise, the Holy Prophet (sa) gave him the title of Muqarrin i.e. the one who shackles others. On this very premise, the Holy Prophet (sa) gave him the title of Muqarrin i.e. the one who shackles others.
Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Jubair
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Jubair He was among the seventy Ansar, who participated in the second pledge of initiation at ‘Aqaba. He participated in the battles of Badr and Uhud and was martyred during the battle of Uhud. Hazrat Baraa bin Aazib relates that during one of the days of the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet (sa) appointed Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair to command over 50 foot soldiers. The Holy Prophet (sa) told them emphatically: Even if you see that vultures are tearing away at our remains, do not move from this place until you receive an orders to leave. Even if you see us defeating the enemy and they begin fleeing, you must not leave this post until I command to do so. When the Muslims defeated the enemy and drove them away…….the companions of Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair said, “Let us go and collect the spoils of war. Our comrades have been victorious so what are you waiting for?” Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair then said, “Have you forgotten the instructions given to us by the Holy Prophet (sa)? Those who wished to leave their position replied, “By God, we too will go to our companions and partake of the spoils of war. They are taking the loot so we shall take whatever else remains.” Now, I will mention about Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Jubair, who was previously mentioned in relation to another companion, who was the leader of his group and the deputy of ‘Abdullah bin Jubair. He [‘Abdullah bin Jubair] was among the seventy Ansar [Muslims living in Medina], who participated in the second pledge of initiation at ‘Aqaba. He participated in the battles of Badr and Uhud and was martyred during the battle of Uhud. During the battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet (sa) appointed Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin Jubair as the chief of the fifty archers, who were appointed to protect the pass, located behind the Muslims. The details have already been mentioned in the incident of Abdullah bin Humayyir. Hazrat Baraa bin Aazib relates that during one of the days of the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet (sa) appointed Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair to command over 50 foot soldiers. He told them emphatically: “Even if you see that vultures are tearing away at our remains, do not move from this place until you receive an orders to leave. Even if you see us defeating the enemy and they begin fleeing, you must not leave this post until I command to do so.” When the Muslims defeated the enemy and drove them away them away. Hazrat Baraa states, “By God, I witnessed the disbelieving women holding up their clothes whilst fleeing (in that period of time women would also accompany the men in battle to motivate them) to the extent that their anklets and calves were laid bare.” Whilst witnessing this the companions of Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair said, “Let us go and collect the spoils of war. Our comrades have been victorious so what are you waiting for?” Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair then said, “Have you forgotten the instructions given to us by the Holy Prophet (sa)? Those who wished to leave their position replied, “By God, we too will go to our companions and partake of the spoils of war. They are taking the loot so we shall take whatever else remains.” When they reached there, they were made to turn back, and they came running back as they tasted defeat.
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) draws the following conclusion from this incident – and this is something that one should pay close heed to. Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) states: The reason why the Muslim army had to endure a momentary loss after their victory was because a few individuals disobeyed a commandment of the Holy Prophet (sa) and took their own initiative instead of adhering to the Holy Prophet (sa)’s instruction. However, if they followed the Holy Prophet (sa) just like the pulse follows the heart; if they believed that a single commandment of the Holy Prophet (sa) was more important than even if the entire world was to sacrifice their lives; Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) draws the following conclusion from this incident – and this is something that one should pay close heed to. Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) states: The reason why the Muslim army had to endure a momentary loss after their victory was because a few individuals disobeyed a commandment of the Holy Prophet (sa) and took their own initiative instead of adhering to the Holy Prophet (sa)’s instruction. However, if they followed the Holy Prophet (sa) just like the pulse follows the heart; if they believed that a single commandment of the Holy Prophet (sa) was more important than even if the entire world was to sacrifice their lives; and if they had not used their own initiative and thereby had not left the mount regarding which the Holy Prophet (sa) had instructed them to not leave irrespective of whether they were in a state of victory or defeat, then the enemy would not have had the opportunity to attack again and nor the Holy Prophet (sa) and his Companions would have suffered any loss.” And if they had not used their own initiative and thereby had not left the mount regarding which the Holy Prophet (sa) had instructed them to not leave irrespective of whether they were in a state of victory or defeat, Then the enemy would not have had the opportunity to attack again and nor the Holy Prophet (sa) and his Companions would have suffered any loss.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih ( ABA) said:
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih ( ABA) said: Today, this is precisely the case of the Muslims; God Almighty’s succour is no longer with them. They have begun to offer all kinds of interpretations to the instruction of the Holy Prophet (sa) which was to accept the Promised Messiah and Mahdi and convey his Salaam to him and hold him as the judge and arbiter. As a result, the consequences are evident. Here, there is also a lesson and a warning for the Ahmadis that after having accepted the Promised Messiah (as), It is only through complete obedience that one can attain any kind of success or victory. Today, this is precisely the case of the Muslims; God Almighty’s succour is no longer with them. They have begun to offer all kinds of interpretations to the instruction of the Holy Prophet (sa) which was to accept the Promised Messiah and Mahdi and convey his Salaam to him and hold him as the judge and arbiter. As a result, the consequences are evident. Here, there is also a lesson and a warning for the Ahmadis that after having accepted the Promised Messiah (as), it is only through complete obedience that one can attain any kind of success or victory. Thus, each and every person should asses their conditions in regards to the standards of their obedience. Thus, each and every person should asses their conditions in regards to the standards of their obedience.
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 The account of Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair’s martyrdom: When Khalid bin Waleed and Ikramah bin Abu Jahl came forward to launch an attack, Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair fired arrows to the point that all his arrows finished. He then fought with a spear until his spear broke. Just as Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair and his companions demonstrated complete devotion and were able to understand the true spirit of the commandments given to them, may we also understand this and demonstrate complete obedience. Thereafter, he began fighting with his sword until he was martyred and fell. He was martyred by Ikramah bin Abu Jahl. When he fell, the enemies dragged his body and despicably mutilated his body. The account of Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair’s martyrdom is as follows: When Khalid bin Waleed and Ikramah bin Abu Jahl came forward to launch an attack, Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair fired arrows to the point that all his arrows finished. He then fought with a spear until his spear broke. Thereafter, he began fighting with his sword until he was martyred and fell. He was martyred by Ikramah bin Abu Jahl. When he fell, the enemies dragged his body and despicably mutilated his body. They pierced his body so many times with their spears that his intestines fell out. Hazrat Khawad bin Jubair dug the grave with the corner of the bow and buried Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair. Just as Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair and his companions demonstrated complete devotion and were able to understand the true spirit of the commandments given to them, may we also understand this and demonstrate complete obedience. And may we continue to become the recipients of God Almighty’s grace. They pierced his body so many times with their spears that his intestines fell out. Hazrat Khawad bin Jubair dug the grave with the corner of the bow and buried Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair. And may we continue to become the recipients of God Almighty’s grace.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih ( ABA) said:
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih ( ABA) said: After the prayers, I shall lead a funeral prayer in absentia for Nadir Al-Husni Sahib from Canada. He passed away on 20th December at the age of 85. The deceased was a very righteous, devoted and a noble individual. He was the son of Abdul Rauf Al-Husni Sahib, who performed the Bai’at in 1938 after his brother, respected Munir Al-Husni Sahib, did the Bai’at. His financial sacrifices were also of a very high standard and he was a Musi. After the prayers, I shall lead a funeral prayer in absentia for Nadir Al-Husni Sahib from Canada. He passed away on 20th December at the age of 85 – Inna Lillah Wa Inaa Ilai Rajioon. The deceased was a very righteous, devoted and a noble individual. His financial sacrifices were also of a very high standard and he was a Musi [member of the institution of Al-Wasiyyat]. He is survived by his wife and a son, both of whom are not Ahmadi. He was the son of Abdul Rauf Al-Husni Sahib, who performed the Bai’at in 1938 after his brother, respected Munir Al-Husni Sahib, did the Bai’at. Abdul Rauf Sahib was also a very pious and righteous person, who spoke very little. When He is survived by his wife and a son, both of whom are not Ahmadi.
The deceased’s wife, Sumaiyya Sahiba, has written:
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 The deceased’s wife, Sumaiyya Sahiba, has written: May God Almighty grant Nadir Al-Husni Sahib an abode in heaven. He was a very truthful, honest, trustworthy and devoted individual for his family and the Jama’at. He would strive to always help anyone who was in need and would treat them with great compassion. The deceased’s wife, Sumaiyya Sahiba who is a non-Ahmadi, has written: “May God Almighty grant Nadir Al-Husni Sahib an abode in heaven. He was a very truthful, honest, trustworthy and devoted individual for his family and the Jama’at. He would strive to always help anyone who was in need and would treat them with great compassion. Without letting anyone know, he helped a poor non-Ahmadi woman as much as he could. Whenever we would go to visit her, Nadir Sahib would first go to the market and purchase various essential items and then go to her house and he continued this right till his demise.” Without letting anyone know, he helped a poor non-Ahmadi woman as much as he could. Whenever we would go to visit her, Nadir Sahib would first go to the market and purchase various essential items and then go to her house and he continued this right till his demise.
His nephew, Ammar Al Misqi Sahib, Said:
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 His nephew, Ammar Al Misqi Sahib, Said: He had a close bond with Hazrat Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan Sahib. The deceased translated a book of Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan Sahib into Arabic. He had a strong connection with the Jamaat. He would not tolerate any inappropriate comments towards the Promised Messiah (as) or the Khulafa. During his studies, he never let an opportunity to pass by where he could convey the message of the Promised Messiah (as). He went to the USA to study mechanical engineering. During his final year, he began to debate with a Jewish sect on matters of belief. They did not have any credible arguments, instead they went to the Principal and told him to expel the deceased from the college, otherwise, they will place such an allegation on him, that it would be impossible for him to continue his studies. The deceased changed colleges himself and left the USA for Canada. Mutazil Qazaq Sahib writes: “During my stay in Syria, I heard about Nadir Al Husni Sahib. He was a very pious natured individual who was always cheerful. Having spoken to him, I was greatly impressed by his love for Khilafat and his desire to meet with friends in the mosque.” He writes: “His regularity in prayers was an example for all of us.” His nephew, Ammar Al Misqi Sahib, who works in Tabshir and resides here in London says: “He had a close bond with Hazrat Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan Sahib. The deceased translated a book of Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan Sahib into Arabic. He had a strong connection with the Jamaat. He would not tolerate any inappropriate comments towards the Promised Messiah (as) or the Khulafa. During his studies, he never let an opportunity to pass by where he could convey the message of the Promised Messiah (as). Having completed his schooling, he went to the USA to study mechanical engineering. During his final year, he began to debate with a Jewish sect on matters of belief. They did not have any credible arguments, instead they went to the Principal and told him to expel the deceased from the college, otherwise, they will place such an allegation on him, that it would be impossible for him to continue his studies. Nonetheless, on advice of the Principal, the deceased changed colleges himself and left the USA for Canada. The centre of his focus was the books of the Promised Messiah (as) and the Khulafah. He recorded the Arabic books of the Promised Messiah (as) in his voice. The centre of his focus was the books of the Promised Messiah (as) and the Khulafah. He recorded the Arabic books of the Promised Messiah (as) in his voice.
His nephew, Ammar Al Misqi Sahib, Said:
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 His nephew, Ammar Al Misqi Sahib, Said: He wrote books in reply to allegations against Islam by opponents. One of those books – which he derived benefit from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as) – is titled: ‘The Great Prophet; Ancient Prophecies Regarding the Advent of Muhammad (sa)’. He was in the process of learning Urdu and would translate the Persian couplets of the Promised Messiah (as) into Arabic. He would exhaust all his Arabic and English language abilities in translations. He was part of the team who translated the first volume of the Five Volume Commentary into Arabic. He was in the process of learning Urdu and would translate the Persian couplets of the Promised Messiah (as) into Arabic. He would exhaust all his Arabic and English language abilities in translations. He was part of the team who translated the first volume of the Five Volume Commentary into Arabic. He wrote books in reply to allegations against Islam by opponents. One of those books – which he derived benefit from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as) – is titled: ‘The Great Prophet; Ancient Prophecies Regarding the Advent of Muhammad (sa)’. He had a large personal library which contained many books on Islam and as part of his will, he declared that after his demise, the library ought to be given to the Jamaat. He had a large personal library which contained many books on Islam and as part of his will, he declared that after his demise, the library ought to be given to the Jamaat.
Missionary Shamoor Sahib Said:
Men of Excellence December 28th 2018 Missionary Shamoor Sahib Said: After listening to the sermons of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, Nadir Al Husni Sahib would print the sermon and then read it again, after which he would store it in a file. He then says: “I stayed at his house on many occasions. Approximately one hour and a half or two hours prior to the Fajr prayers, I would hear him crying and lamenting in his Tahajjud prayers. When he would turn on the TV, he would only watch MTA or the News. On one occasion his MTA was not working. He immediately sent a message for it to be fixed, saying it would be difficult to survive without it. Shamoor Sahib has also written that during the prayers he would recite the prayer: O Allah! Enable us to derive the utmost blessings from Khilafat and whenever he recited this prayer he would begin to cry. Abdul Qadir Odeh Sahib says: “The deceased wrote many books about the Jamaat and then published them on his own expense. He was a sincere individual who had great love for Khilafat. He would highlight the importance of Chanda [obligatory contribution] for others.” Abdur Razzaq Faraz Sahib, who is a missionary and teaches in Jamia Canada says: “He was a very patient and was always grateful. During his final years, he was unable to consume food orally due to his illness. He was given food with the help of a machine directly to the stomach. Despite all this, when his condition would improve he would travel to Jamia. When the situation in Syria deteriorated and Arabs began to migrate to Canada, he would meet them great love and affection. He would advise them to remain attached to the Jamaat and would tell them that the only way to save their offspring in this country is to ensure they remain attached to the Jamaat.” Musleh-ud-Din Shamoor Sahib, a missionary serving in Canada writes: “After listening to the sermons of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, Nadir Al Husni Sahib would print the sermon and then read it again, after which he would store it in a fileHe then says: “I stayed at his house on many occasions. Approximately one hour and a half or two hours prior to the Fajr prayers, I would hear him crying and lamenting in his Tahajjud prayers. When he would turn on the TV, he would only watch MTA or the News. On one occasion his MTA was not working. He immediately sent a message for it to be fixed, saying it would be difficult to survive without it.” Shamoor Sahib has also written that during the prayers he would recite the prayer: [Arabic] meaning O Allah! Enable us to derive the utmost blessings from Khilafat and whenever he recited this prayer he would begin to cry. He said that he had witnessed this on many occasions. May God Almighty elevate the status of the deceased and may He enable his wife and children to enter into the bai’at of the Promised Messiah (as). May God accept all his supplications that he offered about them. May God Almighty elevate the status of the deceased and may He enable his wife and children to enter into the bai’at of the Promised Messiah (as). May God accept all his supplications that he offered about them.
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