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1. Aristotle democracy: – technical term people come to power – development over thousands of years – different theories about democracy.

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2 1. Aristotle democracy: – technical term people come to power – development over thousands of years – different theories about democracy

3 1. Aristotle life history: – lived more then 300 years BC – Greek philosopher

4 1. Aristotle theory of democracy realized that existing system had no future term of democracy: when people, who are poor and free, are the majority and have the power in the state and use it only for their advantage

5 1. Aristotle The four steps 1st step compares different systems of government aim of the power: public welfare (good) aim of the power: Self-interest of the monarch (bad) one monarchmonarchytyranny few monarchsaristocracyoligarchy many monarchsPolitiedemocracy

6 1. Aristotle 2nd step differences between oligarchy and democracy under following aspects: – rich or poor – free or unfree – majority or minority

7 1. Aristotle 3rd step results: – there are different kinds of systems of government (for example moderate and extreme kinds of democracy) – you need some preconditions

8 1. Aristotle 4rd step best system of government – mixture of democracy and oligarchy Politie


10 His view of the individual Free, equal, peaceful Property and civilization conflicts and control

11 Theory All free and moral citizens are part of the mutual contract Unique and valid at all times and forever Re-establishment of the liberty and equality of the people before civilization had set in

12 Theory All free and moral citizens are part of the mutual contract Unique and valid at all times and forever Re-establishment of the liberty and equality of the people before civilization had set in

13 Achievements Distinction between executive, legislative and judicial powers

14 Problems/ risks Abuse of power Who decides about what is right for the public interest?

15 Karl Marx



18 sources 4/wpid-marxism_key_terms3.jpeg arxism_anarchism.jpg

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