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What makes a story stay in our minds and hearts after we have read it?

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2 What makes a story stay in our minds and hearts after we have read it?
© Presto Plans THEME What makes a story stay in our minds and hearts after we have read it? This is often as a result of the idea on which the story was built – the theme!

3 © Presto Plans WHAT IS THEME? It is a significant idea/statement the story is making about society, human nature or the human condition. © Presto Plans

4 © Presto Plans FINDING THEME Theme is not directly stated in a reading. The reader must make inferences and draw conclusions. © Presto Plans

5 SUBJECT VS. THEME Sometimes people mix up theme with the subject.
© Presto Plans SUBJECT VS. THEME Sometimes people mix up theme with the subject. The Difference: Subject: this is simply the topic, such as “Beauty” Theme: this reveals something about the subject, such as: “Beauty is found within.” © Presto Plans

6 SUBJECT VS. THEME Some other examples: Subject Theme Dreams
© Presto Plans SUBJECT VS. THEME Some other examples: Subject Theme Dreams Dreams are necessary for a happy life. Courage Courage is not absence of fear, but the mastery of fear. © Presto Plans

7 FINDING THEME You can find themes in: Music Lyrics Poetry Novels
© Presto Plans FINDING THEME You can find themes in: Music Lyrics Poetry Novels Short Stories Movies TV Shows

8 Click the link below to listen to Taylor Swift’s song “Mean”.
© Presto Plans THEME OF A SONG Click the link below to listen to Taylor Swift’s song “Mean”. As you listen – consider what idea/statement the song is making about society, human nature or the human condition.

9 Below are some possible themes of the song “Mean” by Taylor Swift.
© Presto Plans POSSIBLE THEMES Below are some possible themes of the song “Mean” by Taylor Swift. The power of self-belief The importance of showing resilience in the face of adversity The damaging effects of bullying

10 © Presto Plans FINDING THEME When reading fiction, the theme is often revealed through the plot, characters and the conflict. It is not stated directly in the story.

11 How characters can reveal theme:
© Presto Plans CHARACTERS How characters can reveal theme: Consider how the main character changes in the reading. What do they learn?

12 How conflict can reveal theme:
© Presto Plans CONFLICT How conflict can reveal theme: Consider how the conflict is resolved in the story and what message it sends.

13 For example, good vs. evil is a universal theme
© Presto Plans UNIVERSAL THEMES Universal themes are ones which deal with basic human concerns that are found time and time again in literature. For example, good vs. evil is a universal theme

14 THEMATIC STATEMENT Writing a thematic statement:
© Presto Plans THEMATIC STATEMENT Writing a thematic statement: Connect a story’s topic with what the story reveals about the topic. Ambition in excess leads to a person’s downfall. Story Topic Revelation on the topic (theme)

15 © Presto Plans THEMATIC STATEMENT Think of a story you have read or a movie you have watched. Write a thematic statement about it. In _________, the author/filmmaker presents the thematic idea that ____ ________________________. © Presto Plans

16 Click HERE to watch The Hunger Games trailer
© Presto Plans THEMATIC STATEMENT EXIT TICKET Click HERE to watch The Hunger Games trailer Watch the clip. Then on a sticky note, write your name and complete the following sentence: In The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins presents the thematic idea of… Place your sticky note on my desk.

17 Place your Chromebook back in the cabinet.
© Presto Plans Place your Chromebook back in the cabinet.

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