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Skeletal System Chapter 6.

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1 Skeletal System Chapter 6

2 Functions of the Skeletal System
Protect internal organs Assist in all stages of respiration Store and release calcium Assist the lymphatic system and immunity Assist in digestion Necessary to locomotion

3 Functions of the Skeleton
Support the body Protects the soft body parts Produces blood cells Stores minerals and fat Along with muscles permits flexible body movement

4 Anatomy of a Long Bone Bones are classified by shape: Long Short Flat
Wide Round

5 Anatomy of a Long Bone Periosteum: tough, fibrous connective tissue covering Contains blood vessels

6 Anatomy of a Long Bone Epiphysis Diaphysis
Expanded portion at both end of a bone Diaphysis The portion between the epiphysis

7 Anatomy of a Long Bone Medullary cavity Articular cartilage
Contains yellow marrow Made of large amounts of fat Articular cartilage Outer layer of cartilage at the end of the bone Articulation Joining together of bones at joints

8 Anatomy of a Long Bone Compact Bone Dense bone Contains osteons
Lacunae- chambers that hold osteocytes Lamellae-layers of matrix Collagen, protein and mineral deposits Central canal- blood vessels and nerves

9 Anatomy of a Long Bone Spongy Bone Contains bony bars and plates
Lighter Produces red bone marrow Hematopoiesis- red blood cell formation in adults Skull, ribs, sternum, vertebrae, and ends of long bones

10 Bone Growth and Repair Osteoprogenitor cells
Unspecialized cells of compact bone

11 Bone Growth and Repair Osteoblasts Bone forming cells

12 Bone Growth and Repair Osteocytes Mature bone cells from osteoblasts

13 Bone Growth and Repair Osteoclasts Derived from white blood cells
–Break down minerals assist in depositing calcium in the blood –Performs bone resorption

14 Bone Growth and Repair Ossification: formation of bone

15 Bone Development and Growth
Bones form during embryonic development by 1. Intramembranous ossification Between connective tissue cells become osteoblast, then osteocytes

16 Bone Development and Growth
Bones form during embryonic development by 2. Endochondral ossification Hyaline cartilage breaks down and is invaded by osteoblasts forming spongy bone and some becomes compact bone Spongy bone of diaphysis is broken down by osteoclast becoming medullary cavity

17 Bone Development and Growth
Bones form during embryonic development by 3. After birth, epiphysis continues to grow Epiphyseal plate remain

18 Bone Development and Growth
Remodeling of bones Osteoclast break down old bone and redeposit minerals, osteoblasts begin to repair bone

19 Bone Development and Growth
Fractures: Complete: Bone is broken clear through Incomplete: Bone is not broken clear through Simple: Does not pierce the skin Compound: Does pierce the skin Impacted: Ends are wedged into each other Spiral: Ragged edges due to twisting

20 Bone Development and Growth
Terms: Foramen: rounded opening Fossa: flattened surface Meatus: tubelike passage Sinus: cavity in bone

21 Axial Skeleton Frontal: Forehead

22 Axial Skeleton Parietal: forms sides

23 Axial Skeleton Occipital: Base

24 Axial Skeleton Temporal: sides and base

25 Axial Skeleton Sphenoid: Holds together other cranial bones

26 Axial Skeleton Ethmoid: Floor of cranium

27 Axial Skeleton Maxillae: Upper jaw

28 Axial Skeleton Palatine: Floor and wall of nasal cavity

29 Axial Skeleton Zygomatic: Cheekbone

30 Axial Skeleton Lacrimal: Pathway for tears

31 Axial Skeleton Nasal: Bridge of the nose

32 Axial Skeleton Vomer: Nasal septum

33 Axial Skeleton Mandible: Lower jaw

34 Axial Skeleton Intervertebral Disks
Prevent the vertebrae from grinding against one another Absorb shock caused by movement Herniated disk: Ruptured disk

35 Axial Skeleton Vertebral column Cervical = 7 vertebrae
Thoracic = 12 vertebrae Lumbar = 5 vertebrae Sacral = 5 vertebrae Coccygeal = 3-5 fused vertebrae

36 Axial Skeleton Lordosis: exaggerated lumbar curvature
Kyphosis: “hunchback” Roundness of thoracic region Scoliosis: Abnormal lateral curvature

37 Axial Skeleton Vertebrae Body is anterior Arch is posterior

38 Axial Skeleton Atlas- supports and balances the head
Axis- moves head from side to side

39 Axial Skeleton Sacrum- 5 vertebrae fused together Coccyx- tailbone

40 Axial Skeleton Rib cage: protects heart and lung
Flexible to swing in and out with respirations

41 Axial Skeleton Ribs 7 pair of true ribs, connected directly to sternum
3 pair of false ribs, attached to sternum by cartilage 2 pair of floating ribs, not attached to sternum

42 Axial Skeleton Ribs

43 Axial Skeleton Sternum: breastbone Flat 3 bones fused together

44 Appendicular Skeleton
Pectoral Girdle 4 bones 2 Clavicles: slender and S-shaped, 2 Scapulae: shoulder blades

45 Appendicular Skeleton
Pectoral Girdle

46 Appendicular Skeleton
Upper limbs Humerus: long bone of upper arm Radius: Lateral side of the forearm Ulna: pinky side of your forearm Eight small carpal bones makes up the wrist 5 metacarpal make up the hand Phalanges 2 for thumb, 3 for other fingers

47 Appendicular Skeleton
Upper limbs

48 Appendicular Skeleton
Pelvic Girdle Two coxal bones, sacrum and coccyx Ilium: Largest pelvic bone with crest Ischium: Posterior portion Pubis: Anterior portion

49 Appendicular Skeleton
Pelvic Girdle

50 Appendicular Skeleton
Pelvic Girdle Sex Differences Female more flattened Female wider Female cavity shallower Female bones lighter and thinner

51 Appendicular Skeleton
Lower Limb Femur: thighbone, longest and strongest bone of the body Tibia: shinbone, thicker and bears more weight Fibula: slender lower leg bone Ankle: seven tarsal bones Instep: five metatarsal bones Phalanges: toes

52 Appendicular Skeleton
Lower Limb

53 Joints (Articulations)
Fibrous joints: Immovable Joins bone to bone Thin layer of tissue Mainly found in cranium

54 Joints (Articulations)
Fibrous joints: Coronal suture: parietal and frontal Lambdoidal suture: parietal and occipital Squamosal suture: parietal and temporal Sagittal suture: parietal bones

55 Joints (Articulations)
Cartilaginous Joints Slightly movable Bones are joined by fibrocartilage Examples : Sternum and Intervertebral disks

56 Joints (Articulations)
Synovial Joints Freely movable Bones separated by joint cavity Menisci: crest shaped piece of cartilage Bursae: fluid filled sacs

57 Joints (Articulations)
Synovial Joints Saddle joint: between carpals and metacarpals

58 Joints (Articulations)
Synovial Joints Ball and socket: shoulder or hip joints

59 Joints (Articulations)
Ball and socket joints

60 Joints (Articulations)
Synovial Joints Pivot : radius and ulna

61 Joints (Articulations)
Pivot joints

62 Joints (Articulations)
Synovial Joints Hinge joint: knee or elbow

63 Joints (Articulations)
Hinge Joints

64 Joints (Articulations)
Synovial Joints Gliding: Bones of ankles

65 Joints (Articulations)
Gliding joints:

66 Joints (Articulations)
Synovial Joints Condyloid: Joints between metacarpals and phalanges

67 Joints (Articulations)
Condyloid joint

68 Joints (Articulations)

69 Joints (Articulations)
Adduction and Abduction

70 Joints (Articulations)

71 Joints (Articulations)
Supination and Pronation

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