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GroupBuy Training New Release – Version 3.0 Release Date: 04/25/2012.

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1 GroupBuy Training New Release – Version 3.0 Release Date: 04/25/2012

2 New Feature Overview Image Sizes. Images will now be displayed in the appropriate size on the Products and Landing Pages. In most cases, the need to resize images will no longer be necessary. Layout. A few enhancements to the layout of the Pages and Products Wizards have been implemented. These changes make the layout easier to understand and complete. Performance. Steps were taken to enhance performance for all GroupBuy wizards and systems.

3 New Feature Overview Cancel Order Feature. A “Cancel” button has been added to the order approval page so the GroupBuy owner can cancel an order if necessary. View Orders Feature. A “View Orders” button has been added to the Product Wizard, so that any time during a campaign, a GroupBuy owner can view any orders created at any time in one place. View Orders is available in the Product Wizard Edit section. Also Note: If the campaign for the product is closed, you can view orders as well as their SalesForce PO #’s here.

4 New Feature Overview Blind Copy Fields for s. BCC fields for landing page and approval s has been added to the Pages and Product Wizards to allow for multiple parties to be copied on the GroupBuy invitation s as well as any order approval s. BCC for in Page Wizard: This will send the GroupBuy to the GB owner AND whoever is copied here. BCC for Approvals in Product Wizard: This will send any order approval s to the GB owner AND whoever is copied here.

5 New Feature Overview Welcome Message. A “Welcome Message” field has been added to the Pages Wizard to allow the GroupBuy owner to include a welcome message on the landing page. This message will be shown above the products on the landing page. Welcome shows up here.

6 New Feature Overview Multiple Options. The “Add Multiple Sizes” option has been changed to “Add Multiple Options”. The GroupBuy owner now has the ability to name the option (ie- size, color, logo, etc.) and make that option available to buyers. Note that the GroupBuy owner only has the ability to add one option per product. For multiple options, Mission Control will continue to assist.

7 So my GroupBuy closed… with orders… NOW WHAT?

8 This Training will show you how to:
Approve or Cancel orders View and Submit orders that were automatically created in SalesForce

9 Step One: Approve or Cancel Orders

10 When an order is placed, you will receive an email that looks like this:
Click here to approve order. You can click on the link, which will take you to the Order Approval page for the order.

11 Clicking the link brings you to the order approval page:
Click here to approve or cancel the order.

12 If you click Cancel, you will see a pop-up box confirming you want to cancel the order:
Click here to cancel the order, or click “cancel” to abort.

13 Once you approve, your client will receive an email like this:
User clicks here to go to the portal. The user can click on the link, which will take them to their portal.

14 Step Two: View Orders while GB is still Live

15 Go into the Product Wizard from the Original SalesForce Order:
Click here to view current orders. Choose the correct product and click “View Orders”

16 Which will bring you to an order dashboard:
Aggregated and General Info Data Click here to view current orders. Here you can see all orders and their approval status. Click the Name of the order to see order detail and to approve or cancel the order. NOTE: this is the same page clicking the link in the brings you to.

17 Step Three: GroupBuy Closes

18 When the GB closes, you will receive an email like this:
Master Order spreadsheet is attached. Click here to view current orders. Clicking the link will bring you to the GroupBuy On-Demand Detail page in SalesForce.

19 OR – you can view the GroupBuy On-Demand Detail page by going into the original order in SalesForce, going to the GroupBuy On-Demand section and clicking on the GroupBuy Name for the closed GroupBuy: Click here to go to the SalesForce orders. Clicking the link from the OR clicking through from the original order will take you to the GroupBuy On-Demand Detail page in SalesForce (see next slide).

20 This is a GroupBuy On-Demand page in SalesForce:
Aggregated order information is here. Master & Baby Orders can be found here. Master Order Spreadsheet is here. NOTE: This is the same spreadsheet attached in the closed GroupBuy .

21 Master Orders are used to send to the Vendor
There should be one Master Order and as many Baby Orders as there were orders on the GB. Master Orders will always begin with GB-M. Baby Orders will always begin with GB-B. In a TYPICAL scenario: Master Orders are used to send to the Vendor Baby Orders are used to invoice the Client. Click on the Order Description to drill into the actual order.

22 Step Four: Prepare Master & Baby Orders and Submit

23 Prepare Master

24 This is a Master Order in SalesForce:

25 Master Order in SalesForce – continued from previous slide
Remember – in a TYPICAL scenario, the Master is used for the VENDOR.

26 Order Details: Sell Price will always be $0.00 and Net Costs will be pulled from Product Wizard. In Hands is pulled from Product Wizard. Sales Notes indicate this is a Master and includes all Baby PO#’s for reference. Special Billing Instructions indicate this is a Master to be used for vendor purposes only and includes all Baby PO#’s for reference.

27 Contact Roles and Notes & Attachments:
Contact Roles will be the Sales Professional on the account. Since this order is not used for invoicing, this is as it should be. TWO spreadsheets are attached to the Master. The first is a Drop Ship Spreadsheet and contains information for the vendor to drop ship the goods to each location. The second is the master order spreadsheet with all information for the orders.

28 Items: Click to see the information on the item. Important since this PO is going to the vendor. Net Cost comes from Product Wizard and Sell Price will be $0.00 Aggregated QTY Item #, Supplier, Logo, Imprint, etc. – comes from the original SF Order Quote Info comes from Product Wizard

29 Shipments: Click to see the information on the shipment. This is important since this PO is going to the vendor. Ship Method always defaults to UPS Ground. In Hands Date comes over from Product Wizard Ship Date is calculated as 7 days prior to the In Hands Date. Defaults Ship To = Customer Drop Ship verbiage is included in instructions. Quote Info comes from Product Wizard

30 Special Notes about Master Items:
If you want a proof, you will need to add the line item to the Master order – for the vendor. If there are Set-Up Charges or other fees, you will need to add the line item to the Master order. Special Notes about Multi-Vendor Items (ie-wearables): Only one line item will be created for the blank goods. You will need to create the line item for the decorator (ie – embroiderer/screenprinter).

31 You will need to SUBMIT the Master Order when complete.

32 Prepare Babies

33 This is a Baby Order in SalesForce:

34 Baby Order in SalesForce – continued from previous slide
Remember – in a TYPICAL scenario, the Babies are used for INVOICING.

35 Order Details: Actual Sell Price and Net Costs will be pulled from Product Wizard. This is where commission generates from. Master Order # is indicated here. Sales Notes indicate this is a Baby Order and includes Master PO# for reference. CC info is included if paid with a CC. Special Billing Instructions indicate this is a Baby Order to be used for invoicing purposes only and includes Master PO# for reference. It will also include any special checkout field info.

36 Contact Roles & Shipments:
Contact Roles are generated based on the specific buyer for this order. Shipments are generated based on the specific buyer for this order.

37 Items: Items are generated based on the quantity on the GB order. Remember that in the TYPICAL scenario, the Baby Order is used for invoicing, so the only item info needed is what needs to be on the invoice.

38 Special Notes about Baby Items:
If there are Set-Up Charges or other fees you want to charge the client, you will need to add the line item to each Baby order. Special Notes about Multi-Vendor Items (ie-wearables): Only one line item will be created. This should suffice for the invoice. Make sure your price and net costs are reflected for both vendors and that they are accurate.

39 You will need to SUBMIT all Baby Orders when complete.


41 Have More Questions? Contact Wanza Berry in Mission Control 512-879-4558

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