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Dropout Graduation Summary Report (DGSR)

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Presentation on theme: "Dropout Graduation Summary Report (DGSR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dropout Graduation Summary Report (DGSR)
Webinar Training CSAS| Kansas State Department of Education | Landon State Office Building 900 S.W. Jackson St., Suite XXX, Topeka, KS | |

2 What is the DGSR? The Dropout Graduation Summary Report (DGSR) is the only opportunity that schools and districts have to certify their dropout and graduation data before submitting the report to KSDE. “Cleaning” the dropout and graduation data

3 What is the DGSR? 3 Data points in the DGSR
Post-Graduation Plans Unresolved Exits and Dropouts Graduates Elementary schools will only need to review the Unresolved Exits and Dropouts section. All schools need to sign off on the data in the DGSR.

4 Authenticated Application
The DGSR is an Authenticated Application Individuals who do not have access to this Authenticated Application need to register at: Detailed instructions can be found in the Kansas Graduation and Dropout Information Handbook

5 Navigating the DGSR Post-Graduation Plans
Unresolved Exits and Dropouts Historical Unresolved Exits and Dropouts yr Cohort Information yr Cohort Information Historical 4-yr Cohort Information Historical 5-yr Cohort Information Special Circumstances Remove from Cohort Report Sign-off

6 Navigating the DGSR Post-Graduation, Unresolved Exits & Dropouts, and Graduation data display the same 3 tables at the building & district level By Gender By Race/Ethnicity disaggregated by Gender By Socioeconomic Status*, Students with Disabilities, ELL, Migrant, Homeless, Virtual and Military disaggregated by gender *only group that cannot be “drilled down” into because it is federally protected student information

7 Navigating the DGSR

8 Navigating the DGSR

9 DGSR Drilldown List

10 Post-Graduation Displays Post-Graduation Plans from D29 Field
Students with a D27: EXIT/Withdrawal code of 8 (graduate) Students with a D27: EXIT/Withdrawal code of 22 (student with disabilities who met the district graduation requirements for a regular diploma, but is remaining in school to receive transition services deemed necessary by the IEP team)

11 Post-Graduation

12 Post-Graduation

13 Post-Graduation

14 Unresolved Exits/Dropouts
Displays K-12 unresolved exits and grades 7-12 dropouts during the school year Dropout calculation is based on activity only Any unresolved exit that are not correct via the KIDS system prior to the DGSR closing will become dropouts and be included in the dropout calculation

15 Unresolved Exits/Dropouts
Pre-populated by KIDS data from an ENRL or EOYA record from previous year (or both) Did NOT have an EXIT record entered last year Have NOT been submitted to KIDS this year on and ENRL or ASGT record

16 Unresolved Exits/Dropouts
D27 EXIT code of… 14 – discontinued schooling 16 – moved within US, not known to be continuing 17 – unknown 19 – transfer to GED completion program 20 – transfer to a juvenile or adult correction facility where educational services are not provided Any Unresolved Exits in grades 7-12 are counted as dropouts in the dropout rate calculation

17 Unresolved Exits/Dropouts
Dropouts = number with a “dropout” EXIT code Unresolved Exits = no exit code District/Building Total = Dropouts with no Exit record

18 Unresolved Exits/Dropouts

19 “Cleaning” Unresolved Exits/Dropouts
Print out a list of unresolved exits and dropouts as early in October as possible Have administrators, counselors, secretaries, registrars, special education directors, and KIDS coordinators look at list to identify possible errors Corrections can NOT be made within the DGSR. Data uploaded from your SIS to KIDS is used to populate (and correct) the DGSR.

20 Correcting Data Incorrect EXIT record submitted
Submit an EXIT record in KIDS with same Student ID, School, Exit Date with the correct information Incorrect EXIT date (Field D26) Submit an EXIT record 99 in the D27 field in KIDS to “undo” the record Submit another EXIT record with the correct D26 Exit/Withdrawal date Forgot to submit an EXIT record Submit the EXIT record in KIDS with the Exit date as the last day the student attended in the D26 field

21 Correcting Data YOU CAN ONLY CORRECT EXIT RECORDS WITH EXIT/WITHDRAWAL DATES FROM 10/1/2017 – 9/30/2018 You cannot correct historical unresolved exits/dropouts All data must be submitted through the KIDS system prior to “signing off” on the DGSR Once you send the updated EXIT record to KIDS it will not reflect in the DGSR until the next day… KIDS and the DGSR “talk” to each other over night If you inadvertently submit your building/district data you may contact John Girodat via at or

22 Graduates: 2015-2018 4-yr Cohort
yr. Adjusted Graduation Rate

23 yr Cohort Info

24 Drilldown – Non-Graduates

25 Drilldown – Click on Percentage

26 Breakdown by Ethnicity/Race

27 Breakdown by Subgroup

28 Correcting Data Incorrect EXIT record submitted
Submit an EXIT record in KIDS with same Student ID, School, Exit Date with the correct information Incorrect EXIT date (Field D26) Submit an EXIT record 99 in the D27 field in KIDS to “undo” the record Submit another EXIT record with the correct D26 Exit/Withdrawal date Forgot to submit an EXIT record Submit the EXIT record in KIDS with the Exit date as the last day the student attended in the D26 field

29 Correcting Data YOU CAN ONLY CORRECT EXIT RECORDS WITH EXIT/WITHDRAWAL DATES FROM 10/1/2017 – 9/30/2018 You cannot correct historical unresolved exits/dropouts All data must be submitted through the KIDS system prior to “signing off” on the DGSR Once you send the updated EXIT record to KIDS it will not reflect in the DGSR until the next day… KIDS and the DGSR “talk” to each other over night If you inadvertently submit your building/district data you may contact John Girodat via at or

30 Graduates: 2014-2018 5-yr Cohort
yr. Adjusted Graduation Rate Students in the 5-yr. cohort are not eligible to be removed from the cohort

31 Historical 4-yr & 5-yr Cohort Info
Historical data is just that… historical Static data that cannot be changed, amended or “fixed”

32 Special Circumstances Remove From Cohort
Under special circumstances, buildings can remove a student from the yr cohort Students in the yr cohort are NOT eligible to be removed from their cohorts These are unique situations that are unlikely to apply to the majority of students

33 Special Circumstances Remove From Cohort

34 Special Circumstances Remove From Cohort
Is the student included in the list of students below? YES, continue to Step 2 NO, student may be a graduate or a transfer out and does not negatively impact your graduation rate Was the student exited in KIDS w/ a D26 Exit/Withdrawal date prior to 10/1/2017? YES, continue to Step 3 NO, you are still able to submit updated EXIT records in KIDS for students with EXIT/Withdrawal dates between 10/1/2017 & 9/30/2018

35 Special Circumstances Remove From Cohort
Do one of the following situations apply to the student? Student was a homeschool student who attended classes at the public school part-time Student was a non-accredited private school student who attended classes at the public school part-time Student died after he/she was exited from school Student transferred to a school in another state after he/she exited from the school Student moved out of the country after he/she exited from the school Student was a foreign exchange student Student is an adult whose four and five year cohort has already graduated

36 Special Circumstances Remove From Cohort
Did the removal reason indicated above occur prior to the 4-yr adjusted cohort graduation deadline (September 30, 2018)? YES, step 5 NO, student is not eligible Does the building have documentation to prove the removal reason occurred? YES, Step 6 This student is eligible to be removed from the cohort!

37 Special Circumstances Remove From Cohort
Please be DETAILED. What documentation, specific dates, etc. Sample Explanations for Remove from Cohort

38 Special Circumstances Remove From Cohort
Special Circumstances Remove from Cohort are evaluated by KSDE. The more detailed your documentation, the better your chances of having a student removed Please check back to see if additional information is required… may be an automatic feature this year?

39 Report Sign-off ALL buildings should review the data & sign off on the report for their building. Superintendent will then sign off at the district level and submit it to KSDE. **If you inadvertently submit your building/district data you may contact John Girodat via at or

40 Tips for Success Don’t wait to review the data. Open the DGSR the first week and pull your list of non-graduates, unresolved exits and dropouts. Share this list with your secretary, registrar, counselor, directors of special education programs and KIDS data coordinator to make sure you can account for as many students as possible. This Webinar and PowerPoint will be archived on the Graduation homepage at

41 Submission Window The submission window will open Monday, October 3
The submission window will close at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, October 31. Any information in the DGSR at that point will be considered accurate and final.

42 John Girodat, Education Program Consultant
Kansas State Department of Education 900 SW Jackson St. Suite 653 The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:  KSDE General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, KSDE, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, Suite 102, Topeka, KS 66612, (785)  

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