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Physical Science: Chapter 1 Section 1.

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1 Physical Science: Chapter 1 Section 1

2 Physical Science: Chapter 1 Section 1- The Nature of Science
__________ •Knowledge from ________ events and conditions to discover facts and form laws or principles that can be ________and ________.

3 Physical Science: Chapter 1
Scientists: 1). __________________ 2). ___________________ 3). ____________________ __________________. 4). _____________________ ________________.

4 Physical Science: Chapter 1
Scientists may conduct experiments to: 1). ________________________ 2). ________________________ 3). ________________________ 4). _________________________

5 Physical Science: Chapter 1
SCIENCE is divided into: ____________________ The study of everything in the physical universe. Biology, Physical Science and Earth (& Space) Science ___________________ Sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc.

6 Physical Science: Chapter 1
_____________________ (Life Sciences) -Botany (Plants) -Zoology (Animals) -Ecology (Ecosystems) -Others

7 Physical Science: Chapter 1
_________________ ______________ -Studies ___________as well its changes and properties ___________ -Studies _______and ________

8 Physical Science: Chapter 1
_____________________ -Geology (Rocks & Earth’s Structure) -Meteorology (Weather) -Astronomy -Others

9 Questions for Science Science ________answer all questions in life (even though news reports often make the average citizen think that it can). It cannot answer questions that are _____ _________________ or ___________ (verifiable). It cannot answer questions that are a _________________________.

10 Example questions Can science answer:
Is a rose prettier than a tulip? _________ Do you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? ____________ Which metal has the greatest heat conductance among silver, gold, and lead? ________ Is the density of copper temperature dependent? _____________ What is the meaning of life? ___________

11 Physical Science: Chapter 1
__________________ Applying science for ____________________. Science and technology often ______________ ____________.

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