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Burnaby Girls Soccer Club A Place for Every Girl to Play

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Presentation on theme: "Burnaby Girls Soccer Club A Place for Every Girl to Play"— Presentation transcript:

1 Burnaby Girls Soccer Club A Place for Every Girl to Play

2 Agenda Introductions Success In The News Coaching Info Fields
Equipment & Keys Pre-game Information Game Day Referees Scheduling BGSC Events Technical Program Questions

3 Introductions Position Person Burnaby District Zeljko Cecic Registrar
Tom Berry (acting) Secretary Rishma Vallani Treasurer Shannon Kaustinen Vice President Greg Burkett President Tom Berry Club Manager Lynne Schweitzer Referee Coordinator Risk Manager

4 Coaching – Criminal Check
Please complete criminal record checks and return them to your Age Group Coordinator. BGSC requires all volunteers to get a Police Criminal Check every 2nd year. BC Soccer every 3 years. Online CRC system in place. Please reach out to Club Manager to obtain log in and password info. Types ok risks

5 Coaching – Communication and Resources
The Club Manager will you a document with all your players contact information Get to know the BGSC Website – it has valuable information to help you: Club Contacts on the Website – provides you access to Executive members including field and referee coordinators and team contacts Please review all policies

6 Coaching - Player/Coach Cards
Required for U11 Select to U18 teams, players and all team officials (Coach, Asst Coach, Manager, Team Mom) Up to 4 coaching team officials permitted per team Players can upload their own photo in their profile on the BGSC website Cards are brought to each game to show to game officials. Players are not permitted to play without a card.

7 Practice Fields Most turf practice fields have 4 teams per field – must rotate every week to share the goal posts Call Park Patrol, if there is a problem (other non BGSC groups, safety issue) City issued keys are handed out for lights and posts at the turf fields (C-OVAL) All Weather lights are the F.L. key

8 Home Game Fields Each week the team must check the BGSC Home Game Schedule posted on our website under ‘Schedules’ This is the official version of all of our home games that we use to book officials. If your league issued schedule is different from what is posted on the BGSC website please reach out to the Club Manager asap to correct/clarify. Games are often moved, particularly with weather issues in winter so this is an essential duty of each home team each week. If you are moved please ensure you have the necessary keys for the field you are playing at prior to the weekend.

9 Equipment & Keys Keys – Combination lock opens BGSC boxes at Byrne and Central with nets and corner flags, same combo at both turf fields. C-OVAL – turf posts and turf lights F.L. – Lights at all Weather fields FRN – storage room at Riverway FBH – storage room at Heights

10 Pre-Game Information Check your regularly as well as the club website For home games, call your opposing coach no later the Wednesday night and ensure they have the correct game time and location Field closures announced Friday afternoon – or check the City’s website City’s website is NOT updated on the weekend – check the phone line only

11 Pre-Game Information Home Game Schedule is produced and posted by Monday of each week This lists all the home games played each week Please note who is playing before and after you All referees are assigned according to this schedule

12 Game Day – BGSC Equipment
If you’re the first game of the day, your team (home team) is responsible for putting up both nets and lining the field (if on grass). If you play the last BGSC game of the day please take down the equipment and lock away in storage container. If you take equipment away from the field please let the Club Manager know. Please let the Club Manger know if equipment is in disrepair or missing.

13 Game Day - Playing Policy
BGSC Playing Policy for Teams is: U11-U18 (Divisional and Select teams)– At least half the game U6-U12 (House teams)– Equal playing time Playing time can be restricted due to: Player failing to attend practices during the week without notifying the coach in advance Player arrives late to practices and games without notifying the coach in advance Player behaves poorly during weekly practices Full policy is on the website

14 Referees We cannot have games without officials
All BGSC Volunteers are expected to treat the game officials with courtesy especially the new, young refs! Referee abuse will not be tolerated Infractions are addressed by our club and the Burnaby District Youth Soccer Discipline Committee Discipline will result in suspensions from soccer Coaches are responsible for the conduct of themselves, their players and their parents/fans

15 Referees - Filing a Complaint
Please do not confront the referee at the field Wait 24 hours then our Referee Coordinator Tom Berry–

16 Scheduling Burnaby District
Royal City, Cliff Ave & Burnaby Girls U8 Play in league with New West - 5 Aside (4 plus keeper) U9 and U10 in Burnaby District league– 7v7 (6 plus keeper) U11 and U12 House in Vancouver league – Super 8 U12 Select teams play in Div 1 and Div 2 of BCCSL U13-U18 in Div 1, 2 and 3 of BCCSL

17 Scheduling – BCCSL Levels of Play
Gold, Silver, Bronze are no longer being used! Three divisions of play – Div 1, 2 and 3 No standings kept for U11 and U12. (scores are recorded by the league to help with re-tiering but not posted) U13 and older Div 1 and Div 2 play in Provincial B-Cup U13 and older Div 3 play in Burnaby Cup

18 Scheduling – BCCSL Levels of Play
BGSC enters teams into the league in mid-June. Club makes recommendations as to starting level of play of each team (i.e. Div 1, Div 3 etc…) This is a guess (albeit an educated one) based on team roster as of early June. Afetr 5 weeks of play all teams are subject to re-tiering to correct/adjust any mistakes made in initial placement.

19 Events - Remembrance Day Tournament
November 12, 2018 Burnaby Lake West, all 5 fields U8 – U15 7 Aside U16 – U18 6 Aside Across the field We need volunteers! Biggest one-day tournament in Burnaby Tournament Coordinator – Lynne Schweitzer

20 Events Photo Days – Saturday October 27th and Tuesday November 6th (details to follow by to all teams)

21 Have a great season! Thank you very much for the time you give our club A Place for Every Girl to Play

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