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Monday How did the plague spread from Asia to Europe ? emphatic

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1 Monday How did the plague spread from Asia to Europe ? emphatic
I will trace the spread of the bubonic plague from Asia to Europe and understand what happened to people if they contracted the disease by completing a flow map and answering focus questions. Monday 3/9/ , RH 5, WHST How did the plague spread from Asia to Europe ? 1959 – Barbie makes her debut emphatic

2 Bell Work The plague spread from Asia to Europe ________________________ ______________________________.

3 emphatic adjective Forceful; insistent; using emphasis

4 For this assignment, you will tell the story of the Black Death in pictures. The words are already provided, you provide the illustrations. Let’s go to Europe! Europe

5 Let’s go to Europe! Europe


7 What should be in your Week #26 Packet
History Log (T, Th, and M) T – C10 L3 RSG (3 ?’s) T– Paragraph Shrinking W – C10 L3 Vocabulary (w/ sub) Th – Spread of the Plague Map Activity F – “Joan of Arc: Maid of Orleans” M – “The Black Death Story”

8 Changes in Government and Economics
Week #27 Changes in Government and Economics

9 “Changes in Government and Economics”
Last Name, First Name 3/ / ? 27 “Changes in Government and Economics” This week in class I will about changes in government and economy that greatly changed European society.

10 Tuesday From last week, how did the plague spread from Asia to Europe?
I will understand and be able to explain the conflict between King John and the nobles that ultimately led to the creation of the Magna Carta by reading the Reading Study Guide and answering related questions. Tuesday 3/10/ , RH 2, WHST /3 From last week, how did the plague spread from Asia to Europe? 1876 – Speech transmitted by telephone heretic

11 Bell Work The plague spread from Asia to Europe by _______________________________ _________________________________.

12 heretic noun Anyone who does not believe or conform to the doctrines or beliefs of a church.

13 Remove Page 91


15 QUESTIONS 1 and A New legal practices developed
in England when “common law” was created and citizens were treated more evenly. The conflict between the king and the nobles happened because the king raised taxes and failed to recognize the rights of the nobles.


17 QUESTIONS 2 and B Parliament limited the power of the king by….
Parliament is…..


19 QUESTIONS 3 and C

20 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
King sent judges to all parts of country Nobles revolted when taxes were raised King signed Magna Carta Section 2 Section 3


22 Wednesday What was the Magna Carta? wince
I will understand and be able to correctly use this week’s vocabulary terms about important changes to European government and economy by creating modified circle maps for each term. Wednesday 3/11/ , RH 4, WHST What was the Magna Carta? 1997 – Paul McCartney is knighted wince

23 BELL WORK The Magna Carta was_______________ _________________________________. 23

24 WINCE VERB To draw back or tense the body. As from pain or from a blow; flinch 24

25 Mr. Zoller: King John and the Magna Carta

26 4 Vocabulary Terms this week! LET’S PREPARE OUR PAPERS!
4 circle maps on the front

27 Vocabulary terms for this week are:
parliament habeas corpus Magna Carta King John

28 Magna Carta TERM #1 – “Magna Carta” Constitution 2. Bill of Rights
Definition in your own words: 3 Related words: A document created by the nobles and signed by the king that listed all the rights people had. Constitution 2. Bill of Rights 3. King John Word and Part of Speech Magna Carta “Make A Question”: Visual: Noun In England, what rights did the Magna Carta give people?

29 King John habeas corpus parliament
AFTER DOING THE FIRST WORD TOGETHER, IT IS NOW YOUR TURN! ONLY 3 MORE TERMS TO GO! King John habeas corpus parliament Definition in your own words 3 Related Words Term Part of Speech “Make a Question” Visual

30 PRACTICE TIME! …..then switch Partner A Partner B Partner A Partner B
Using your circle maps, quiz your partner on the meanings of 2 of the terms. Put your circle map face down. Try to explain the meaning of the 2 terms asked by your partner without looking at your paper. …..then switch Partner A Partner B Put your circle map face down. Try to explain the meaning of the 2 terms asked by your partner without looking at your paper. Using your circle maps, quiz your partner on the meanings of the last 2 terms.


32 Thursday What is parliament? vice versa
I will define who King John is and identify his role in the creation of the Magna Carta by reading an article called “Who Was King John?” and creating a circle map detailing key information. Thursday 3/12/ , RH 1, WHST What is parliament? 1930 – Gandhi leads civil disobedience vice versa

33 BELL WORK Parliament is…. 33

34 VICE VERSA In reverse order from that stated
noun In reverse order from that stated Example: She dislikes me, and vice versa. 34

35 Magna Carta: Our Freedoms, Our Rights

36 Who was King John?

37 King John


39 King John often cared only about money and power and not about what was right or wrong.


41 King John often cared only about money and power and not about what was right or wrong.
King John seized the monastery after the archbishop died. The pope wanted Langton appointed archbishop and the king did nothing. King John

42 After reading each paragraph, underline 1 or 2 important facts from it!

43 Include these 1 or 2 facts per paragraph on your circle map
King John often cared only about money and power and not about what was right or wrong. King John seized the monastery after the archbishop died. The pope wanted Langton appointed archbishop and the king did nothing. King John Include these 1 or 2 facts per paragraph on your circle map



46 Friday What rights did the Magna Carta give people? flabbergast
I will trace changes in England’s legal system in the 12th and 13th centuries by reading portions of the textbook and creating a flow map (timeline) detailing my key findings. Friday 3/13/ , RH 1, WHST What rights did the Magna Carta give people? 1942 – US Army launches K-9 Corps flabbergast

47 BELL WORK The Magna Carta gave people the right to
have a trial by jury and to be considered innocent until proven guilty. 47

48 FLABBERGAST To overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound VERB

49 * Note: Video clip accessed on Discovery Learning
WHAT IS HABEAS CORPUS? * Note: Video clip accessed on Discovery Learning

50 Changes in Government Flow Map
1265 1295 1199 1100 1310 Early 1100’s 1215 1264 1307

51 Page 341 Changes in Government Flow Map 1100 1310 1265 1295 1199
Early 1100’s 1215 1264 1307


53 Pages 342 – 343 Locate w/ your partner Changes in Government Flow Map
1265 1295 1199 1100 1310 Pages 342 – 343 Locate w/ your partner Early 1100’s 1215 1264 1307 Court decisions were based on local customs and previous rulings. This is common law.

54 On the back of your paper, answer these questions:
The Magna Carta was signed in What rights did it give people? If you were King of England at this time, would you have signed the Magna Carta? Why or why not? What is “parliament”? 54

55 What goes in this week’s packet?
T – RSG + addendum W – Vocabulary Th – “Who Was King John” Circle Map (4 ?’s) F – Changes in Government Flow Map (3 ?’s)

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