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Analysis of L1 WaveMon S2 veto triggers

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1 Analysis of L1 WaveMon S2 veto triggers
2/15/2019 Analysis of L1 WaveMon S2 veto triggers Ken Yoshiki Franzen University of Florida LSC November 2003 KYF LIGO-G Z

2 Outline: Introduction Data processing status Produced veto triggers
Veto of Waveburst triggers Summary and plans LSC November 2003 KYF

3 WaveMon: Time frequency analysis in the wavelet domain
for documentation Producing off-line veto triggers from 65 channels (control, ACC, MIC, MAG, V, RADIO, QPD, WFS, AS_DC, SEIS, OPLEV) LSC November 2003 KYF

4 Using LLO machine alvar (2 x 1 GHz PC)
So far 50 % of L1 S2 locked segments (~two weeks) Should be finished before December Need more computing resources on site to run off-time DMT jobs!!! LSC November 2003 KYF

5 LSC November 2003 KYF

6 50 % of L1 S2 data: (*): AS_I included SNR Number of triggers
2/15/2019 50 % of L1 S2 data: SNR Number of triggers Dead time fraction (%) 4 (432452) 0.9 (5.0) 5 97004 (231588) 0.6 (3.0) 6 68576 (118867) 0.5 (1.5) (*): AS_I included LSC November 2003 KYF LIGO-G Z

7 L1 time shifted relative H1H2
Studying veto efficiency on triple coincidence off-time WaveBurst triggers L1 time shifted relative H1H2 Gap: time between each WaveBurst trigger and the nearest in time existing WaveMon trigger Negative gap: Veto! LSC November 2003 KYF

8 WaveBurst trigger to nearest WaveMon veto gap distribution:
(all 65 channels except AS_I) LSC November 2003 KYF

9 Veto efficiency vs. dead time fraction (with and without AS_I)
LSC November 2003 KYF

10 Frequency limit on WB triggers:
LSC November 2003 KYF

11 Confidence limit on WB triggers:
LSC November 2003 KYF

12 Triple coincident (3 IFOs) off-time WaveBurst triggers vetoed
by L1 WaveMon triggers (50 % of S2, red all WB, blue vetoed WB): Veto SNR 4.0, e=14.1 % LSC November 2003 KYF

13 Summary Plans Dead time fraction 0.5-1.0 % without AS_I
2/15/2019 Summary Dead time fraction % without AS_I L1 veto efficiency % Plans Run WaveMon on H1, H2 data Apply glitchMon data to WaveBurst triggers LSC November 2003 KYF LIGO-G Z

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