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Microbial Nutrition Nutrition: Essential nutrient: Macronutrients:

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1 Microbial Nutrition Nutrition: Essential nutrient: Macronutrients:
Nutrients are acquired from the environment and used for cellular activities Essential nutrient: Any substance, whether in elemental or molecular form, that must be provided to an organism Macronutrients: Required in relatively large quantities Play principal roles in cell structure and metabolism Micronutrients (trace elements): Present in smaller amounts Involved in enzyme function and maintenance of protein structure

2 Inorganic versus Organic Nutrients
Inorganic nutrients: Atom or simple molecule that contains a combination of atoms other than carbon and hydrogen Organic nutrients: Contain carbon and hydrogen atoms Usually the product of living things

3 Principal Inorganic Reservoirs of Elements
Carbon— CO 2 in air; CO 3 2− in rocks and sediments Oxygen— O 2 in air, certain oxides, water Nitrogen— N 2 in air; NO 3 − , NO 2 − , NH 4 + in soil and water Hydrogen—Water, H 2 gas, mineral deposits Phosphorus—Mineral deposits ( PO 4 3− , H 3 PO 4 ) Sulfur—Mineral deposits, volcanic sediments ( SO 4 2− , H 2 S) Potassium—Mineral deposits, the ocean (KCL, K 3 PO 4 ) Sodium—Mineral deposits, the ocean (NaCl, NaSi) Calcium—Mineral deposits, the ocean ( CaCO 3 , CaCl 2 ) Magnesium—Mineral deposits, geologic sediments ( MgSO 4 ) Chloride—The ocean (NaCl, NH 4 Cl) Iron—Mineral deposits, geologic sediments ( FeSO 4 ) Manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, zinc, copper, other micronutrients— various geologic sediments

4 Analysis of the Chemical Composition of an Escherichia coli Cell
Element % Dry Weight Carbon (C) 50 Oxygen (O) 20 Nitrogen (N) 14 Hydrogen (H) 8 Phosphorus (P) 3 Sulfur (S) 1 Potassium (K) Sodium (Na) Calcium (Ca) 0.5 Magnesium (Mg) Chlorine (Cl) Iron (Fe) 0.2 Trace metals 0.3 Organic Compounds % Total Weight % Dry Weight Proteins 15 50 RNA 6 20 DNA 1 3 Carbohydrates 10 Lipids 2 Miscellaneous 4 Inorganic Compounds % Total Weight % Dry Weight Water 70 - All others 1 3

5 Carbon Sources: Heterotroph
An organism that must obtain its carbon in organic form Dependent on other life forms Most carbon sources exist in a form that is simple enough for absorption Larger molecules must be digested by the cell before absorption

6 Carbon Sources: Autotroph
“Self-feeder” Organism that uses inorganic CO 2 as its carbon source Have the capacity to convert CO 2 into carbon compounds Not nutritionally dependent on other living things

7 Nitrogen Sources Main reservoir is nitrogen gas ( N 2 ), 79% of atmosphere indispensable to structure of proteins, DNA, RNA, and ATP Primary nitrogen sources for heterotrophs Must be degraded into basic building blocks in order to be utilized Some bacteria and algae utilize inorganic nitrogenous nutrients ( NO 3 − , NO 2 − , or NH 3 ) Regardless of the source, nitrogen must be converted to NH 3 before it enters the cell This is the only form that can be directly combined with carbon to synthesize amino acids and other compounds

8 Oxygen Sources Oxygen plays an important role in the structural and enzymatic functions of the cell Major component of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins Common component of inorganic salts O 2 makes up 20% of atmosphere

9 Hydrogen Sources Overlapping roles in the biochemistry of cells:
Maintaining pH Forming hydrogen bonds between molecules Serving as the source of free energy in oxidation–reduction reactions of respiration

10 Phosphorus (Phosphate) Sources
Main inorganic source is phosphate ( PO 4 3− ) Derived from phosphoric acid ( H 3 PO 4 ) Found in rocks and oceanic mineral deposits Key component of nucleic acids Essential to genetics of cells and viruses Found in ATP, important energy molecule in cells

11 Sulfur Sources Widely distributed throughout the environment in rocks and sediments Essential component of some vitamins (vitamin B 1 ) and amino acids methionine and cysteine Form disulfide bonds that help determine the shape and structural stability of proteins

12 Essential Organic Nutrients
Growth factor: An organic compound such as an amino acid, nitrogenous base, or vitamin that cannot be synthesized by an organism Example: essential amino acids Must be provided by the environment

13 Nutritional Categories of Microbes by Energy and Carbon Source
Category/Carbon Source Energy Source Example Autotroph/ 𝐂𝐎 𝟐 Nonliving Environment 1. Photoautotroph Sunlight Photosynthetic organisms, such as algae, plants, cyanobacteria 2. Chemoautotroph Simple inorganic chemicals Only certain bacteria or archaea, such as methanogens, deep-sea vent bacteria Category/Carbon Source Energy Source Example Heterotroph/Organic Other Organisms or Sunlight 1. Photoheterotroph Sunlight Purple and green photosynthetic bacteria 2a. Chemoheterotroph: Parasite Utilizing the tissues, fluids of a live host Various parasites and pathogens; can be bacteria, fungi, protozoa, animals 2b. Chemoheterotroph: Saprobe Metabolizing the organic matter of dead organisms Fungi, bacteria

14 Aerobic Respiration Principal energy-yielding pathway in animals, protozoa, fungi, and aerobic bacteria Complementary to photosynthesis Glucose and oxygen are reactants, and carbon dioxide is given off Earth’s balance of energy and metabolic gases is dependent on this reaction

15 Saprobic Microorganisms
Decomposers of plant litter, animal matter, and dead microbes Important in recycling nutrients held in organic materials Most saprobes have a rigid cell wall and cannot engulf large particles of food Bacteria and fungi Release enzymes into the environment to digest food into smaller particles that can be transported into the cell

16 How Microbes Feed: Nutrient Absorption
Necessary nutrients must be taken into the cell and waste materials must be transported out of the cell Transport occurs across the cell membrane Structure specialized for transport Cell wall is too nonselective to screen the entrance or exit of molecules

17 Diffusion The movement of molecules in a gradient from an area of higher density or concentration to an area of lower density or concentration Diffusion across a cell membrane is determined by the concentration gradient and the permeability of the substance Jump to long description

18 The Movement of Water: Osmosis
Osmosis: The movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane The membrane is selectively or differentially permeable: has passageways that allow the passage of water but not other dissolved molecules

19 Environmental Factors That Influence Microbes
Heat Cold Gases Acid Radiation Osmotic pressure Hydrostatic pressure Other microbes

20 Cardinal Temperatures
Cardinal temperatures: range of temperatures for the growth of a given microbial species Minimum temperature Maximum temperature Optimum temperature

21 Minimum and Maximum Temperatures
Minimum temperature: The lowest temperature that permits a microbe’s continued growth and metabolism Below this temperature, its activities are limited Maximum temperature: Highest temperature at which growth and metabolism can proceed If the temperature rises slightly above maximum, growth will stop If the temperature continues to rise, enzymes and nucleic acids will become denatured, or permanently inactivated

22 Optimum Temperature Optimum temperature:
Intermediate temperature range between minimum and maximum Promotes the fastest rate of growth and metabolism Small chemical differences in bacterial membranes which affect their fluidity allow them to thrive at different temperatures

23 (a) © Francois Gohier/Science Source; (b) Courtesy Nozomu Takeuchi
Psychrophiles Organisms that have an optimum temperature below 15°C Capable of growth at 0°C Cannot grow above 20°C Psychrotrophs: grow slowly in the cold, but have an optimum temperature between 15°C and 30°C (a) © Francois Gohier/Science Source; (b) Courtesy Nozomu Takeuchi Jump to long description

24 Mesophiles Majority of medically significant organisms
Individual species can grow from 10°C to 50°C Optimum growth temperature: 20°C to 40°C Most human pathogens: 30°C to 40°C Thermoduric microbes survive short exposure to high temperatures; common contaminants of heated or pasteurized foods

25 Thermophiles Grow optimally at temperatures above 45°C
Live in soil and water associated with volcanic activity, compost piles, habitats directly exposed to the sun General range of growth: 45°C to 80°C Extreme thermophiles grow between 80°C and 121°C

26 Gases Oxygen has the greatest impact on microbial growth
Microbes fall into one of the three categories: Those that use oxygen and can detoxify it Those that can neither use oxygen nor detoxify it Those that do not use oxygen but can detoxify it

27 Oxygen Requirements Aerobe (aerobic organism): Facultative anaerobe:
Can use gaseous oxygen in its metabolism Possesses the enzymes needed to process toxic oxygen products Obligate aerobe: an organism that cannot grow without oxygen Facultative anaerobe: An aerobe that does not require oxygen for its metabolism Capable of growth in the absence of oxygen Metabolizes by aerobic respiration when oxygen is present Adopts anaerobic metabolism (fermentation) when oxygen is absent

28 Oxygen Requirements Microaerophile:
Does not grow at normal atmospheric concentrations of oxygen Requires a small amount of oxygen in its metabolism Usually live in a habitat that provides a small amount of oxygen but is not directly exposed to the atmosphere Anaerobe (anaerobic microorganism): Lacks the metabolic enzyme systems for using oxygen in respiration Strict or obligate anaerobes cannot tolerate free oxygen and will die in its presence Live in highly reduced habitats such as lakes, oceans, and soil

29 Culturing Techniques for Anaerobes
Jump to long description (a) © Hank Morgan/Science Source

30 Oxygen Requirements Aerotolerant anaerobes: Do not utilize oxygen
Can survive and grow to a limited extent in its presence Not harmed by oxygen because they possess alternative mechanisms for breaking down peroxides and superoxide

31 Carbon Dioxide Requirements
Capnophiles: Grow best at a higher CO 2 tension than is normally present in the atmosphere Important in the isolation of some pathogens Incubation is carried out in a CO 2 incubator that provides 3 to 10% CO 2

32 pH pH: the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution expressed on a scale from 0 to 14 Pure water is neutral at pH 7.0 As the pH value decreases toward 0, acidity increases As the pH value increases toward 14, alkalinity increases Obligate acidophiles: Require an acidic environment for growth Molds and yeasts tolerate acid and are common spoilage agents of pickled foods Alkalinophiles: Live in hot pools and soils that contain high levels of basic minerals Bacteria that decompose urine create alkaline conditions

33 Symbiosis Symbiosis: a general term used to denote a situation in which two organisms live together in a close partnership Mutualism: exists when organisms live in an obligatory but mutually beneficial relationship © Corbis RF Jump to long description

34 Symbiosis Commensalism: relationship benefits one member and not the other Commensal: receives benefits Coinhabitant: neither harmed nor benefitted Parasitism: Host: provides the parasitic microbe with nutrients and a habitat Parasite: multiplication of the parasite usually harms the host to some extent

35 Nonsymbiotic Associations
Antagonism: Arises when members of a community compete One microbe secretes chemical substances into the surrounding environment that inhibit or destroy other microbes Synergism: An interrelationship between two or more free-living organisms that benefits both but is not necessary for their survival Antibiosis is a form of antagonism: The production of inhibitory compounds, such as antibiotics

36 Biofilms: The Epitome of Synergy
Biofilms are mixed communities of different kinds of bacteria and other microbes: Pioneer colonizer initially attaches to a surface Other microbes attach to the pioneer or to the polymeric or protein substance secreted by the pioneer Quorum sensing: cells are stimulated to release chemicals as the population grows to monitor its size

37 Biofilms Jump to long description
(a) Courtesy Ellen Swogger and Garth James, Center for Biofilm Engineering, Montana State University Jump to long description

38 The Basis of Population Growth: Binary Fission
Parent cell enlarges Chromosomes are duplicated Cell envelope pulls together in the center of the cell to form a septum Cell divides into two daughter cells Jump to long description

39 The Rate of Population Growth
Generation time or doubling time: The time required for a complete fission cycle Each new fission cycle doubles the population As long as the environment remains favorable, the doubling effect can continue at a constant rate The length of the generation time is a measure of the growth rate of an organism Jump to long description

40 The Rate of Population Growth
Exponential growth: The growth pattern of microbes Useful to express the populations of microbes as exponents or logarithms Plotting data from a growing bacterial population: Number of cells as a function of time Can be represented logarithmically or arithmetically Jump to long description

41 Growth Curve in a Bacterial Culture
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42 Stages in the Normal Growth Curve
Lag phase: Flat period on the graph when the population appears not to be growing Newly inoculated cells require a period of adjustment, enlargement, and synthesis Cells are not yet multiplying at their maximum rate Population of cells is so sparse that the sampling misses them Exponential growth or log phase: Period during which the growth curve increases geometrically Phase will continue as long as cells have adequate nutrients and the environment is favorable

43 Stages in the Normal Growth Curve
Stationary growth phase: Population enters survival mode Cells stop growing or grow slowly Death phase: Limiting factors intensify and cells begin to die at an exponential rate Curve dips downward

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