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ONE shot learning for recognition
Keren Ofek
Today’s Agenda Similarity and how to measure it? Embedding
One-Shot learning Challenges Siamese Network DeepNet Triplets FaceNet
What is one shot learning?
One-shot learning aims to learn information about object categories from few training examples. The idea is to understand the similarity between the detected object to an known object. Image Source: Google
Similarity 1 3 2 Image Source: Google
How can we measure similarity?
We will find a function that quantifies a “distance” between every pair of elements in a set Non-negativity: f(x, y) ≥ 0 Identity of Discernible: f(x, y) = 0 <=> x = y Symmetry: f(x, y) = f(y, x) Triangle Inequality: f(x, z) ≤ f(x, y) + f(y, z)
Which Distance Metric to choose?
Pre-defined Metrics Metrics which are fully specified without the knowledge of data. E.g. Euclidian Distance: f( 𝒙 , 𝒚 )= 𝒊 𝒙 𝒊 − 𝒚 𝒊 𝟐 Learned Metrics Metrics which can only be defined with the knowledge of the data: Un-Supervised Learning Or Supervised Learning Based on slide from: February-16 Lecture
Un-supervised distance metric: : Mahalanobis Distance : f(x, y) = (x - y) T∑-1(x - y) where ∑ is the mean-subtracted covariance matrix of all data points From: Gene expression data clustering and visualization based on a binary hierarchical clustering framework
Un-supervised distance metric:
2-step procedure: Apply some supervised domain transform: Then use one of the un-supervised metrics for performing the mapping. Bellet, A., Habrard, A. and Sebban, A survey on metric learning for feature vectors and structured data, 2013
Embedding Process The inputs are mapped to vectors in a low-dimensional space low-dimensional space is called Target Space / Taken Space In the taken Space, there is insensitivity intra category changes, but sensitivity to inter category changes
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
LDA based upon the concept of searching for a linear combination of variables that best separates two classes: Minimizes variance within the class Maximizes variance between classes Fisher Ratio LDA is an example to understand the motivation of embedding = שיטות ישנות נוספות: הפיכת תמונה להיסטוגרמה של צבעים שימוש בL1 הבעיה בשימוש בשיטות הישנות היא שמראש אנחנו קובעים מהו הembedding ומהי פונקציית המרחק. לא תמיד יש התאמה בין המטרה שלנו (זיהוי תמונה) לבין הדרך הזו. למשל זיהוי אותו עצם על רקע שונה לגמרי / היפוך של התמונה יניב היסטוגרמה שונה לחלוטין.
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
The One-Shot learning challenge
There are lots of categories The Number of categories is not always known The number of samples in each category is small One shot learning is super relevant in the field of computer vision: recognize objects in images from a single example. Linear Models are not relevant in this field. נבצע את האמבדינג ובחירת המטריקה יחד, כחלק מ CNN בניגוד לשיטות הישנות כמו היסטוגרמה של צבעים ומרחק אוקלידי.
Face Recognition challenges
Verification Recognition Clustering
The Method - Using CNN: The Idea is to learn a function that maps input patterns to target space. non-linear mapping that can map any input vector to its corresponding low-dimensional version. The distance in the target space approximates the “semantic” distance in the input space. A discriminative training method - extract information about the problem from the available data, without requiring specific information about the categories. The training will be on pairs of samples. The model does not learn the classification categories
Energy-based models (EBM)
EBM capture dependencies between variables by associating a scalar energy to each configuration of the variables. No requirement for proper normalization Provide considerably more flexibility in the design of architectures and training criteria than probabilistic approaches LeCun, Chopra, Hadsell, Ranzato, Huang, A Tutorial on Energy-Based Learning, 2006
Siamese Network Architecture
Koch, Zemel, Salakhutdinov, Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition, 2015
- Different Categories
Similarity Metric We seek to find a value of the parameter W such that: - Same Category Genuine Pair Minimizes - Different Categories Impostor Pair Maximizes : The energy and the loss can be made zero by simply making Gw(x1) a constant function. Therefore our loss function needs a contrastive term to ensure not only that the energy for a pair of inputs from the same category is low, but also that the energy for a pair from different categories is large. This problem does not occur with properly normalized probabilistic models because making the probability of a particular pair high automatically makes the probability of other pairs low. Contrastive term is needed to ensure: not only that the energy for a pair of inputs from the same category is low, but also that the energy for a pair from different categories is large.
Siamese Neural Networks
Siamese Neural Networks One-shot Image Recognition P is a logistic function Koch, Zemel, Salakhutdinov, Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition, 2015
Siamese Neural Networks One-shot Image Recognition
Koch, Zemel, Salakhutdinov, Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition, 2015
Hinge Loss: Positive pair
Embedding Space Hinge Loss: Positive pair L(xp, xq) = ||xp – xq||2 CNN Query Loss Euclidian Loss Bell, S. and Bala, K., Learning visual similarity for product design with convolutional neural networks. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(4), p.98. Positive CNN
Hinge Loss Negative Pair
Embedding Space Hinge Loss Negative Pair L(xp, xq) = max(0, m2 - || xp – xq || 2 ) Margin (m) CNN Query Loss = 0 Bell, S. and Bala, K., Learning visual similarity for product design with convolutional neural networks. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(4), p.98. Neg CNN
Hinge Loss Negative Pair
Embedding Space Hinge Loss Negative Pair L(xp, xq) = max(0, m2 - || xp – xq || 2 ) Margin (m) Loss CNN Query Bell, S. and Bala, K., Learning visual similarity for product design with convolutional neural networks. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(4), p.98. Neg CNN
Visualization of Learned Features
Positive Pair Negative Pair Ahmed, Jones, Marks, An improved deep learning architecture for person re-identification, 2015
Example: Omniglot dataset
Omniglot contains examples from 50 alphabets: well-established international languages (Latin and Korean) lesser known local dialects. Koch, Zemel, Salakhutdinov, Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition, 2015
Omniglot dataset: classification task
Classes: Input: Results: 20-way one-shot classification task Koch, Zemel, Salakhutdinov, Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition, 2015
Omniglot dataset: Verification task
Training on 3 data set sizes with 30,000, 90,000, and 150,000 Sampling random same and different pairs. Generating 8 random affine distortions for each category Results: Koch, Zemel, Salakhutdinov, Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition, 2015
DeepFace (Facebook, 2014) The conventional pipeline:
Detect ⇒ align ⇒ represent ⇒ classify Face alignment: Transform a face to be in a canonical pose Face representation: Find a representation of a face which is suitable for follow-up tasks (small size, computationally cheap to compare, invariant to irrelevant changes) 3D face modeling A nine-layer deep neural network More than 120 million parameters Taigman; Yang; Ranzato, Wolf, DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification, 2014
The alignment process - 'Frontalization'
* Taigman; Yang; Ranzato, Wolf, DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification, 2014
The alignment process - 'Frontalization'
2D Alignment - detecting 6 fiducial points inside the detection crop, centered at the center of the eyes, tip of the nose and mouth locations 2D Alignment - aligned crop: composing the final 2D transformation Taigman; Yang; Ranzato, Wolf, DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification, 2014
The alignment process - 'Frontalization'
(c) 2D Alignment - localizing additional 67 fiducial points (d) 3D Alignment - The reference 3D shape transformed to the 2D- aligned crop image-plane. Taigman; Yang; Ranzato, Wolf, DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification, 2014
The alignment process - 'Frontalization '
(e) 2D-3D Alignment - Triangle visibility w.r.t. to the fitted 3D-2D camera; darker triangles are less visible. (f) 3D Alignment - The 67 fiducial points induced by the 3D model that are used to direct the piece-wise affine wrapping. (g) 2D Alignment - The final frontalized crop (h) 3D Alignment - A new view generated by the 3D model (not used in DeepFace). Taigman; Yang; Ranzato, Wolf, DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification, 2014
The DeepFace architecture
C1, M2, C3 : Extract low-level features (simple edges and texture) L4, L5, L6: Locally connected Layers L7, L8: Fully connected Layers They use locally connected layers for the next three layers. This is like a convolutional layer but with each part of the image learning a different filter bank, which makes sense because the face has been normalized and the filters relevant for one part of the face probably is not for another. Areas between the eyes and the eyebrows exhibit very different appearance and have much higher discrimination ability compared to areas between the nose and the mouth. The use of local layers does not affect the computational burden of feature extraction, but does affect the number of parameters subject to training. Only because we have a large labeled dataset, we can afford three large locally connected layers. Taigman; Yang; Ranzato, Wolf, DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification, 2014
The training process We use cross-entropy as the loss function:
(K is the index of the true label for a given input) The loss is minimized over the parameters by computing the gradient of L with respect to the parameters and by updating the parameters using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). The gradients are computed by standard backpropagation of the error.
Face verification In order to tell whether two images of faces show the same person they try three different methods. Each of these relies on the vector extracted by the first fully connected layer in the network (4096d). Let these vectors be f1 (image 1) and f2 (image 2). The methods are then: Inner product Weighted X^2 (chi-squared) distance Siamese network. Let these vectors be f1 (image 1) and f2 (image 2). The methods are then: Inner product between f1 and f2. The classification (same person/not same person) is then done by a simple threshold. Weighted X^2 (chi-squared) distance. Equation, per vector component i: weight_i (f1[i] - f2[i])^2 / (f1[i] + f2[i]). The vector is then fed into an SVM. Siamese network. Means here simply that the absolute distance between f1 and f2 is calculated (|f1-f2|), each component is weighted by a learned weight and then the sum of the components is calculated. If the result is above a threshold, the faces are considered to show the same person.
Results LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild): 13,323 web photos of 5,749 celebrities Human Performance : 97.5% accuracy The DeepFace Performance: 97.35% accuracy YTF (YouTube Faces): 3425 YouTube videos of 1,595 subjects The DeepFace Performance: 92.5% accuracy (reduces the previous error by more than 50%!) YTF : We employ the DeepFace-single representation directly by creating, for every pair of training videos, 50 pairs of frames, one from each video, and label these as same or not-same in accordance with the video training pair. Then a weighted χ 2 model is learned as in Sec Given a test-pair, we sample 100 random pairs of frames, one from each video, and use the mean value of the learned weighed similarity. The comparison with recent methods is shown in Table 4 and Fig. 4. We report an accuracy of 91.4% which reduces the error of the previous best methods by more than 50%. Note that there are about 100 wrong labels for video pairs, recently updated to the YTF webpage. After these are corrected, DeepFace-single actually reaches 92.5%. This experiment verifies again that the DeepFace method easily generalizes to a new target domain.
Triplets Network The Triplet Loss minimizes the distance between an anchor and a positive, both of which have the same identity, and maximizes the distance between the anchor and a negative of a different identity. where N is a possible set of all triplets in the dataset; f (x) - embedding, that translates image x into Euclidean space; x a j - ”anchor” image; x p j - ”positive” image, which should be close to an anchor image; x n j - ”negative” image; γ - margin between positive and negative images.
Triplet Network 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑥 𝑞 −𝑁𝑒𝑡( 𝑥 𝑝 ) 2 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑥 𝑞 −𝑁𝑒𝑡( 𝑥 𝑛 ) 2 Comparator
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑥 𝑞 −𝑁𝑒𝑡( 𝑥 𝑛 ) 2 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑥 𝑞 −𝑁𝑒𝑡( 𝑥 𝑝 ) 2 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑥 𝑛 𝑥 𝑞 𝑥 𝑝 Hoffer, Ailon, DEEP METRIC LEARNING USING TRIPLET NETWORK , 2015
FaceNet (Google, 2015) FaceNet approach is that they use Euclidean embedding space to find the similarity or difference between faces. The method uses a deep convolutional network trained to directly optimize the embedding itself, rather than an intermediate bottleneck layer as in previous deep learning approaches. They used large-scale dataset
The training process The network consists of a batch input layer and a deep CNN followed by L2 normalization, which results in the face embedding. This is followed by the triplet loss during training. Schroff, Kalenichenko, Philbin, FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering, 2015
The training process We learn an embedding f(x), from an image x into a feature space R d , such that the squared distance between all faces of the same identity is small, whereas the squared distance between a pair of face images from different identities is large. Loss Function: 𝑓 - the embedding function 𝐿= 𝑖 𝑁 𝑓 𝑥 𝑞,𝑖 −𝑓( 𝑥 𝑝,𝑖 ) 2 2 − 𝑓 𝑥 𝑞,𝑖 −𝑓 𝑥 𝑛,𝑖 𝛼 + α is a margin that is enforced between positive and negative pairs. Superscript a, p, n denote the anchor, positive and negative, respectively
Triplets Selection 𝑥 𝑛,𝑖 such that
In order to ensure fast convergence it is crucial to select triplets that violate the triplet constraint in We could select ( 𝑥 𝑝,𝑖 ) and 𝑥 𝑛,𝑖 : (1) hard positive- argmax ( 𝑥 𝑝,𝑖 ) 𝑓 𝑥 𝑞,𝑖 −𝑓( 𝑥 𝑝,𝑖 ) 2 2 (2) hard negative- argmin ( 𝑥 𝑝,𝑖 ) 𝑓 𝑥 𝑞,𝑖 −𝑓( 𝑥 𝑛,𝑖 ) 2 2 But, Choose all anchor-positive pairs in a mini-batch while selecting only hard- negatives gave better results. To avoid local minima, we use ”semi-hard” exemplars: 𝑥 𝑛,𝑖 such that 𝑓 𝑥 𝑞,𝑖 −𝑓( 𝑥 𝑝,𝑖 ) 𝛼< 𝑓 𝑥 𝑞,𝑖 −𝑓 2 2 α is a margin that is enforced between positive and negative pairs. Superscript a, p, n denote the anchor, positive and negative, respectively 𝑓 𝑥 𝑞,𝑖 −𝑓( 𝑥 𝑝,𝑖 ) 2 2 < 𝑓 𝑥 𝑞,𝑖 −𝑓 2 2
Embedding location of anchor
Triplets Hard Negative Hard Positive Embedding location of anchor Negative Space Positive Space
The Model structure (after the training)
The FaceNet architecture (NN1)
Schroff, Kalenichenko, Philbin, FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering, 2015
The FaceNet architecture (NN2)
Schroff, Kalenichenko, Philbin, FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering, 2015
The results – New records!
Performance on Youtube Faces DB: 95.12% accuracy Performance on Labeled Faces in the Wild DB: 99.63% accuracy Sensitivity to Image Quality: (The CNN was trained on 220x220 input images) # Pixels Val-Rate 1,600 37.8% 6,400 79.5% 14,400 84.5% 25,600 85.7% 65,539 86.4% Schroff, Kalenichenko, Philbin, FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering, 2015
FaceNet – Image clustering
Schroff, Kalenichenko, Philbin, FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering, 2015
Summary The subjects we covered: Embedding - Similarity in taken space
One-Shot learning Challenges Network principles: Siamese Network and Triplets Network in used: DeepNet and FaceNet
References Chopra, Hadsell, LeCun, Learning a Similarity Metric Discriminatively, with Application to Face Verification , 2005 Taigman; Yang; Ranzato, Wolf, DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification, 2014 Schroff, Kalenichenko, Philbin, FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering, 2015 Koch, Zemel, Salakhutdinov, Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition, 2015 Hermans, Beyer, Leibe, In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification, 2017 LeCun, Chopra, Hadsell, Ranzato, Huang, A Tutorial on Energy-Based Learning, 2006 Bell, Bala, Learning visual similarity for product design with convolutional neural networks, Ahmed, Jones, Marks, An improved de ep learning architecture for person re-identification, Nando de Freias, Max-margin learning, transfer and memory networks, 2015 Jagannatha Rao, Wang, Cottrell, A Deep Siamese Neural Network Learns the Human-Perceived Similarity Structure of Facial Expressions Without Explicit Categories, 2011 Hoffer, Ailon, DEEP METRIC LEARNING USING TRIPLET NETWORK , 2015 Bellet, Habrard, Sebban, A survey on metric learning for feature vectors and structured data,
Thanks! Keren Ofek
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