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Traveling back in time back to the Romans

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1 Traveling back in time back to the Romans
Do you want to know more about the romans and what they gave us.

2 Roman Baths Click on the roman bath to find out more.
Washing and keeping clean was an important part of the daily routine for the Romans. Roman public bath houses were common in Roman towns all across the Roman Empire and many rich Romans also had baths in their own villas For Romans, bathing was not a private activity, and it wasn’t just about keeping clean. Public Roman bath houses (thermae) were more like today’s health spas, and they allowed the Romans to socialise, exercise and bathe. Most Roman men and women would visit the bath houses daily. Women usually went early in the day (when the men were at work) and the men usually went after work. The Romans tended to follow a set routine when they went to a bath house. First they would get changed and oil their bodies. Male bathers would then go and do some exercise (such as weight-lifting, running, wrestling, ball games or swimming). After exercise, the dirt and oil would be scraped off their bodies using a tool called strigil, and the bathing would begin. The Romans often started in the tepidarium (a warm room), then moved onto the caldarium (a very hot pool), before finishing in the frigidarium (the cold room). After bathing, the Romans often went for a walk in the bath house gardens, enjoyed some food from the snack bar, or read a book in the on-site library. Click on the roman bath to find out more.

3 What they gave us straight roads
central heating • Click on the picture to find out more about what they gave us concrete aqueducts (bridges for water) The Census Laws and a legal system The Calendar Language Coins •Towns •Cabbages •Peas •Public libraries •Public noticeboards •Firemen •Police

4 Roman solders Roman soldiers had a spear, armour, helmet and a shield.
Experts aren’t sure who originally owned the mysterious Lion Armour made around 1550 and housed at the Royal Armouries in Leeds, England. Embellished with lion heads on the helmet, chest, shoulders, arms, and legs, and covered with intricate designs and gold details, the armour is spectacular in appearance. There are multiple sword marks on the helmet, showing that it was put to use in a tournament, a duel, or perhaps in battle. Click on the armour or spear to find out more about the armour.

5 Roman Clothes Rich women wore long tunics made from expensive cotton or silk. They also wore lots of jewellery and make-up, strong scent and elaborate hairstyles. They had specially trained slaves to help them dress. arrange their hair and put make up on their faces.   Boys wore a tunic down to their knees and a cloak if it was cold. Rich boy's wore a toga which had a purple border. Girls wore a tunic with a woollen belt tied around their waists. Children wore a special charm around their neck called a bulla. It was given to them when they were a few days old.

6 How the Romans Lived Life for women in Roman times was often hard. Mother was less important than father in the family. Father had the power of life or death over everyone. When a new baby was born it would be laid at its father's feet - if the father picked the baby up it would live, but if he ignored the baby it would be taken away to die. Women were expected to run the home, cook meals, and raise children. If they were wealthy, women were lucky; they had slaves to do the work. Many girls were married at the age of 14. Marriages were often arranged between families. A man could divorce his wife if she did not give birth to a son. Many women died young (in their 30s), because childbirth could be dangerous, and diseases were common.

7 Quiz Did the Romans all go to the toilet together?
According to tradition, when was Rome founded? 27 BC AD 476 753 BC Who founded Rome? Horatius Romulus and Remus Spartacus Who was the first Roman Emperor? Julius Caesar Augustus Tiberius

8 Oops They actually go to the toilet together!
It was 753bc. Traditionally, Romulus and Remus are said to have founded Rome. Spartacus led a slave revolt. Augustus was the first Roman Emperor. Julius Caesar was not emperor, but was appointed 'perpetual dictator' and was assassinated in the Senate by people trying to stop him from becoming emperor. Click the arrow to go back to the quiz

9 You are correct They do all go to the toilet together!
According to tradition, Rome was founded in 753 BC. Traditionally, Romulus and Remus are said to have founded Rome. Spartacus led a slave revolt Augustus was the first Roman Emperor. Julius Caesar was not emperor, but was appointed 'perpetual dictator' and was assassinated in the Senate by people trying to stop him from becoming emperor. Click the arrow to go back to the quiz

10 Year 4 Roman Chester trip
We got to try on some heavy Armour! We got to look at the different artefacts which had been there since the Romans.

11 Thanks for watching

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