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The Gift of Jericho Joshua 6:2.

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1 The Gift of Jericho Joshua 6:2

2 It was a gift from God We are told twice Jericho was a gift (Joshua 6:2, 16) While there were instructions Israel was to follow, it was still a gift Our salvation is a gift from God – Ephesians 2:4-9 John 3:16, Romans 6:23

3 Gifts can come with conditions
Consider Jericho (Joshua 6:3-19) Instructions were given and expected to be followed God can place conditions on receiving His gifts

4 Gifts can come with conditions
Our salvation is a gift, Romans 5:6-10 But it has conditions John 3:16 – whoever believes Ephesians 2:8-9 – through faith John 1:11-12 – as many as received, GAVE right to become children of God – who believe

5 Gifts can come with conditions
Our salvation - What conditions? NOTE: When we obey God, we still have not EARNED our salvation, nor do we deserve it Consider one drowning and is cast a life vest Consider the winner of a contest with conditions Consider one helping you with debts, and requiring you do something

6 Faith and God’s gift Hebrews 11:30 – by faith the walls of Jericho fell down. Hebrews 11:1, faith is complete trust in God. We do what He says, even if we don’t fully understand it Jericho, while instructions were not logical (to men), God have proven Himself. They believed and obeyed

7 Faith and God’s gift Will we trust God, even when we don’t understand? Hebrews 11:6 Our part in salvation is associated with faith. Everything we are told to do is meaningless without faith 1 Peter 3:21 – baptism, is the answer of a good conscience…

8 We need to obey Him exactly
Israel was given very specific instructions to receive the city And as they entered the city – Joshua 6:16-19 Achan, coveted and took some consecrated things – Joshua 7:1 There were consequences – Joshua 7:5, 25-26

9 We need to obey Him exactly
God has ALWAYS been specific and expected obedience Cain, Noah, Sabbath and dietary laws, Nadab & Abihu Often He has something in mind with His instructions Today is no different. When He specifies, we must accept it. Yet how many today reject His instructions? 2 Peter 3:16, Jude 4

10 God’s ways are not men’s ways
Again, the plan for Jericho was illogical. But when followed, it worked God’s ways are not our ways – Isaiah 55:8-9, Romans 11:33 How many today reject Him because they don’t understand it (or like it, or it’s not popular)? We cannot question God – Ezekiel 18:29, Romans 9:20-21 Whether we like it or not; Whether we understand it or not: It’s still God’s way and must be followed

11 God is able He delivered Jericho to Canaan His way
God is all powerful and all seeing Jeremiah 32:27, Romans 8:31 2 Peter 2:9 He knows how to deliver us In examples like Jericho, we see the great power of God

12 God has made a gift available to us! Will we accept it?

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