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#JustAdulting Quiz Show

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1 #JustAdulting Quiz Show


3 When do you become an adult in Florida?
QUESTION: When do you become an adult in Florida?

4 Answer: You become a legal adult on your 18th birthday.
Return to the game board. Answer: You become a legal adult on your 18th birthday. In Florida, for most purposes, you become a legal adult on your 18th birthday. See generally § 1.01(13), Fla. Stat. This is often referred to as the age of majority. § 1.01(13), Fla. Stat.

5 True or False? The Florida Lemon Law covers used vehicles as well as new and demonstration motor vehicles.

6 Return to the game board.
Answer: FALSE The Florida Lemon Law only applies to new or demonstration motor vehicles. (§ , Fla. Stat.). The law applies to any major problem reported to the manufacturer or its authorized service agent during the first 18 months or 24,000 miles of operation, whichever occurs first. At the time of purchase or lease of a new or demonstration motor vehicle (does not apply to used motor vehicles), the manufacturer must provide to the consumer a booklet prepared by the Office of the Attorney General entitled “Preserving Your Rights Under “The Florida Lemon Law.” Motor Vehicle Warrant Enforcement Act

7 A contract must always be in writing.
True or False? A contract must always be in writing.

8 ANSWER: FALSE When does a contract need to be in writing?
Return to the game board. ANSWER: FALSE A contract does not always have to be in writing. When does a contract need to be in writing? If a contract is for payment of another person’s debt. (§ & § , Fla. Sta.) If a contract deals with issues concerning real estate. (§689.01, Fla. Sta.) If a contract lasts more than a year. (Chapter , Fla. Stat.) If a contract transfers property after death (i.e. a will) (§ , Fla. Sta.) May also want to provide examples when a contract in writing is not needed.

9 True or False? Content posted on social media may be subject to lawful requests for review made by governmental and judicial authorities.

10 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: True All content posted on social media may be subject to lawful requests made by governmental and judicial authorities. As a general rule, social media is not private. All comments and postings by a user may be subject to Florida’s broad public records laws and any comment, image, photograph or video posted by a user could be redistributed or copied.

11 Possession of a forged or fake ID is a felony.
True or False? Possession of a forged or fake ID is a felony.

12 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: TRUE § , Fla. Stat. makes possession of a forged or stolen ID a third degree felony. This can include penalties up to arrest, a maximum of 5 years prison and/or probation, and a $5,000 fine. Penalties include up to: an arrest, a maximum of 5 years prison and/or probation, and a $5, fine (§ , Fla. Stat.) Additionally, if you present another’s true ID with their permission as your own, you risk a second degree misdemeanor. Penalties include up to: an arrest, a maximum jail sentence of up to 60 days and/or 6 months’ probation, and a $ fine (§ , Fla. Stat.).

13 What is the legal drinking age in Florida?
QUESTION: What is the legal drinking age in Florida?

14 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: 21 Possession of an alcoholic beverage if you are under the age of 21 can result in 60 days in jail or a $500 fine. Penalties can be more severe for repeat offenses. § , Fla. Stat. (§ , Fla. Stat.).

15 What can happen if you fail to provide proof of car insurance?
QUESTION: What can happen if you fail to provide proof of car insurance?

16 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: Failure to provide proof of insurance may result in a suspension of your driving privilege, including your vehicle tag and registration. According to Florida law, if you own a motor vehicle with four or more wheels you must carry at least $10,000 of personal injury protection insurance (PIP) also known as no-fault insurance. A minimum of $10,000 of property damage liability insurance is also mandatory (§ , Fla. Stat.). § , Fla. Stat.

17 QUESTION: In Florida, employees are presumed to be employed “at-will”. Under what circumstances may an at-will employee be terminated (fired) from his/her job?

18 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: At-will employees may generally be terminated for any reason, so long as it is not illegal. §§ , , Fla. Stat. Additional information… Generally, Florida employers are prohibited from refusing to hire, firing, or otherwise taking adverse action against employees because of discrimination based on your race, sex, age, religion, national origin, handicap, disability, marital status, pregnancy, jury service, or possessing the sickle cell trait.  (§§ , , ; and , Fla. Stat., and Ch. 760, Fla. Stat.).  In addition, Florida also has laws prohibiting retaliation against certain whistleblowers by both public and private employers.  (§§ , , Fla. Stat.)

19 Question Tax returns must be postmarked or transmitted for e-filing by what date?

20 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: Generally, April 15th* *If you are not able to file your federal individual income tax return by the due date, you may be able to get an automatic 6-month extension of time to file. To do so, you must file Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return by the due date for filing your calendar year return (usually April 15) or fiscal year return. Visit for more information about filing your tax return.

21 What are the qualifications for serving on a jury in Florida?
Question: What are the qualifications for serving on a jury in Florida?

22 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: You must : Be at least 18, A citizen of the United States, A resident of Florida, And you must have a valid driver license (§ 40.01, Fla. Stat.), or identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles or an executed affidavit Failure to appear for jury duty may result in a fine not to exceed $ and may be considered contempt of court. § 40.23, Fla. Stat.

23 A landlord must have permission to enter a tenant’s residence.
True or False? A landlord must have permission to enter a tenant’s residence.

24 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: FALSE A landlord does not always need permission to enter a tenant’s residence. § Florida Statutes states that “the landlord may enter the dwelling unit at any time for the protection or preservation of the premises”. However, “The landlord shall not abuse the right of access nor use it to harass the tenant.” The landlord may enter the dwelling unit upon reasonable notice to the tenant and at a reasonable time for the purpose of repair of the premises. “Reasonable notice” for the purpose of repair is notice given at least 12 hours prior to the entry, and reasonable time for the purpose of repair shall be between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

25 QUESTION: How old does a person have to be to get married in the State of Florida?

26 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: A person 18 can marry without parental consent. However, if under 18 but at least 16, parental consent is needed. 18 - (§ , Fla. Stat.) 16- (§ , Fla. Stat.) 18 - (§ , Fla. Stat.) 16- (§ , Fla. Stat.)

27 Question All male U.S. Citizens must register for the Selective Service System within _____ days of turning 18.

28 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: Virtually all male U.S. citizens must register for the Selective Service System within 30 days of turning 18. Military Selective Service Act Male immigrants, whether documented or undocumented, residing in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 25 must also register.

29 Question: Can you be charged with a crime for posting a sexually explicit image of someone online?

30 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: Yes. You may be charged with a first- degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and $1,000 fine for the first offense. Florida Statutes   Florida Statutes   Read specific language; consent…

31 Florida law does not permit texting while driving.
TRUE OR FALSE? Florida law does not permit texting while driving.

32 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: TRUE Law enforcement officers can issue citations as a secondary offense to people who are texting while driving. § , Fla. Stat. § , Fla. Stat.

33 District Courts of Appeal
QUESTION: County Courts District Courts of Appeal Florida Supreme Court ? What level of Florida’s courts is missing from the diagram?

34 Return to the game board.
Answer: County Courts District Courts of Appeal Florida Supreme Court Circuit Courts (20 Circuits) Trials are held in Florida’s county and circuit courts. The District Courts of Appeal and the Florida Supreme Court hear issues on appeal from the lower courts. To learn more about Florida’s Courts, visit Article V, Constitution of the State of Florida

35 Can the police search my car without a search warrant?
QUESTION: Can the police search my car without a search warrant?

36 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: YES Yes under certain circumstances. If law enforcement has probable cause to believe that there is evidence of a crime or contraband in your car, police may be allowed to conduct a search of your vehicle without a warrant. Discuss reasons - lower expectation of privacy in your car because you operate it on public roads; easier to get rid of evidence if you have to wait to get a warrant, etc. The scope of a warrantless search of an automobile is defined by the object of the search and the places in which there is probable cause to believe that it may be found. Florida Constitution, Article I, Section 12 – Searches and Seizures 933.19 Searches and seizures of vehicles carrying contraband or illegal intoxicating liquors or merchandise. Carroll v. United States (1925) Search without a warrant of an automobile, and seizure therein of liquor subject to seizure and destruction under the Prohibition Act, do not violate the Amendment, if made upon probable cause, i.e., upon a belief, reasonably arising out of circumstances known to the officer, that the vehicle contains such contraband liquor. P. 267 U. S. 149.

37 QUESTION: Will you be able to vote if you are not in your voting district on Election Day?

38 Return to the game board.
ANSWER: Yes. If you are already registered, you may make a request to the Supervisor of Elections to provide you with a Vote-by-Mail ballot. (§ , Fla. Stats.)  When you receive your ballot, follow the ballot instructions carefully to ensure that your ballot is properly completed, returned timely, and counted. An absentee ballot must be received by the Supervisor of Elections for the county in which you are registered no later than 7 p.m. on election day.  (§§ and , Fla. Stat.) You may also vote early in some cases. § , Fla. Stats.

39 QUESTION: Is it unlawful for a passenger in a motor vehicle to possess an open container of alcohol?

40 Return to the game board.
Answer: YES It is unlawful for any person to possess an open container of an alcoholic beverage while operating a vehicle or while a passenger in or on a vehicle being operated. A passenger in violation of the open container law is guilty of a noncriminal, nonmoving violation and can be fined. (§ , Fla. Stat.) It is unlawful for any person to possess an open container of an alcoholic beverage while operating a vehicle or while a passenger in or on a vehicle being operated. Any operator of a vehicle who violates this law is guilty of a noncriminal moving traffic violation and will be fined. A passenger of a vehicle who violates this law is also guilty of a noncriminal nonmoving traffic violation and will also be fined (§ , Fla. Stat.). It is unlawful and punishable as provided in this section for any person to possess an open container of an alcoholic beverage or consume an alcoholic beverage while seated in or on a motor vehicle that is parked or stopped within a road as defined in this section. “Road” means a way open to travel by the public, including, but not limited to, a street, highway, or alley. The term includes associated sidewalks, the roadbed, the right-of-way, and all culverts, drains, sluices, ditches, water storage areas, embankments, slopes, retaining walls, bridges, tunnels, and viaducts necessary for the maintenance of travel and all ferries used in connection therewith “Open container” means any container of alcoholic beverage which is immediately capable of being consumed from, or the seal of which has been broken

41 Congratulations! You did a GREAT JOB!

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