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Subcontract Manager
The Subcontract Manager
Introduction: The Subcontract Manager is used to define and maintain subcontract bills, register subcontractors and assign them to specific subcontracts. Subcontractor progress quantities are controlled through the subcontract bills together with other subcontractor costs, claims, charges, materials on site and VO’s, culminating in Subcontractor valuations and certificates. It is integrated with the Candy main BOQ, the Subcontract Adjudicator and Subcontract Liability reporting system.
The Subcontract Manager
Creating Subcontracts: Subcontracts already setup and priced in the Subcontract Adjudication system can be brought directly into the Subcontract Manager including rates from a chosen subcontractor. New subcontracts can be entered in the Subcontract Manager and the bills populated by dragging items from the main BOQ. Once a new subcontract and its bill are established, it is awarded to a Subcontractor and his rates are entered into the subcontract bill. Information about the Subcontractor in the Subcontract Database can be used to populate the appropriate fields required about a Subcontractor.
The Subcontract Manager
Progress valuations: The Subcontractor’s monthly quantities can be entered to record progress and to handle the Subcontractor’s certificate. Additional cost items such as extras, contras, materials on site, etc. can be recorded to complete the monthly certification process. The Subcontractor submits his progress as “Invoice quantity”, you evaluate his actual progress as “Due quantity” and authorise the “Pay quantity” for the certificate. These terms are used to avoid confusion with the main contract. The Due quantity represents the Actual quantity in your BOQ, and the difference between the Due and Pay quantities is the Liability quantity.
The Subcontract Manager
Other: Multiple subcontracts can be entered against BOQ items, each subcontract having its own “awarded quantities” with subcontractor specific rates. Labour-only or supply-only subcontracts can be handled as well, where only a part of a BOQ item is covered by the subcontract. Different descriptions, units and factored quantities can be accommodated on these subcontract bills to suit the subcontractor’s more narrow view of the BOQ item.
The Subcontract Manager
Stages of the process: There are several stages in the use of the Subcontract Manager and these are discussed in the following slides: Getting there Create Subcontracts Subcontract bill Subcontract bill and the BOQ Many Subcontracts to BOQ items Progressing a subcontract Subcontractors Making Certificate Templates Subcontract liability Subcontracts summary VO’s
Getting there…
SCM is only available in Valuations (1)
Subcontract Manager 1 Getting there Select the Subcontract Manager from the menubar1 and then use the S/C icon2. These display the Subcontract Manager selector. You will find icon to download tutorial3 and a help dialogue4 in the top-right of all documents. When you go into the Subcontract Manager the first time there is only the heading and a blank subcontract as shown here5. 3 2 4 5 SCM is only available in Valuations (1) Use the Subcontract menu to access (2) ….or use the S/C icon (3) Help available
We’re going to discuss the subcontracts first ----------o0o----------
Subcontract Manager The Selector A typical Subcontract Manager selector will look something like this. On a new job it will be empty and you need to register the subcontracts as discussed in the next slides. The panel on the left is a list of the subcontracts1 and the panel on the right holds information about the subcontractor who was awarded each subcontract2. We’ll focus on the subcontracts first and return to the subcontractors later. 1 2 Subcontract ‘awarded’ to this subcontractor The SCM selector is on the left, - it shows the SUBCONTRACTS within headings and sub-headings The subcontractOR for each entry is on the right – we’ll talk about this later We’re going to discuss the subcontracts first o0o List of Subcontracts
Creating a Subcontract
The NEW button displays the dialog…. 3 options A. Use S/C Adjudicator
Subcontract Manager Re-naming the Subcontract Manager Heading The first step is to re-name the Subcontract Manager Heading and create a sub-heading for the subcontract group you are going to deal with. Use your mouse and <Right-Click> on the name Subcontract Manager Heading or alternatively you can hit the function key F2 and re-name. Choose the Rename Heading in the dialogue box option1 and enter the name of the Subcontract Manager Heading – ‘Subcontracts Area 1’ in this example2. 1 2 The NEW button displays the dialog…. 3 options A. Use S/C Adjudicator B. Use the Package list C. Invent a new S/C code If you have subcontracts in the Adjudicator then use A (3) Clicking OK >>>>>>>>>>>produces a list of the packages and their subbies
The NEW button displays the dialog…. 3 options A. Use S/C Adjudicator
Subcontract Manager Making a sub-heading The New button is used to make subcontracts, headings and sub-headings. Clicking on the button is for making a subcontract, but clicking on the up arrow on the button displays the wider choices shown here1. Choose the New Sub-heading option2 and enter the name of the subcontract group – ‘Earthworks’ in this example3. Headings are purely cosmetic but they help to organise the subcontracts. Now lets create a subcontract…. 3 The NEW button displays the dialog…. 3 options A. Use S/C Adjudicator B. Use the Package list C. Invent a new S/C code If you have subcontracts in the Adjudicator then use A (3) Clicking OK >>>>>>>>>>>produces a list of the packages and their subbies 2 1
The NEW button displays the dialog…. 3 options A. Use S/C Adjudicator
Subcontract Manager Making a subcontract The New button1 displays this dialog2 where there are three ways to make a subcontract: Choose a subcontract from the Subcontract Adjudicator. Select a Package code from the list of your standard Subcontract Packages. Enter a code and description. Choice A3 is the best method if you have packages in the Subcontract Adjudicator - it copies the package bill and rates directly into a subcontract. We will use this method for now…. 3 2 The NEW button displays the dialog…. 3 options A. Use S/C Adjudicator B. Use the Package list C. Invent a new S/C code If you have subcontracts in the Adjudicator then use A (3) Clicking OK >>>>>>>>>>>produces a list of the packages and their subbies 1
Choose the subbie you want
Subcontract Manager Subcontract from a Package The packages in the Subcontract Adjudicator are displayed with a list of the subcontractors in each package. For example, if you select the package EARTH1 and then OK, EARTH will be installed in the Subcontract Manager and the package bill will be copied as the bill for subcontract EARTH. However, selecting a subcontractor2 from the list for EARTH, installs the package bill and the rates for that subcontractor. 1 2 Clicking OK >>>>>>> produces a list of the packages and their subbies (1) and (2) Note the “used” status Choose the subbie you want Clicking OK >>>>>>> enters the PACKAGE you chose in the SCM selector - End of section -
…and the chosen subbie is “awarded” the contract.
Subcontract Manager Subcontract from a Package (cont) Because we elected to create the Subcontract from the Subcontract Adjudicator and we selected GBD Excavations, a new subcontract called EARTH1 has been registered in the Subcontract Manager selector with the subcontract rates for GBD Excavations who has been ‘awarded’ the job. Double-clicking on EARTH (or Enter) displays the bill for this subcontract. We will discuss the completion of this screen and the other tabs for subcontractor GBD Excavations later. 1 Clicking OK >>>>>>> enters the PACKAGE you chose into the SCM selector …and the chosen subbie is “awarded” the contract. We’ll come back to the subbie side later, for now we’ll focus on the S/C bill. o0o - End of section -
The Subcontract bill
Note the name in the header (2)
Subcontract Manager The Subcontract bill This is the bill created from package EARTH in the Subcontract Adjudicator, including the rates for subcontractor GBD Excavations1. The subcontract name and certificate number are shown in the heading of the document2. Bill items can be added at any stage by dragging and dropping from the main BOQ or deleted from the subcontract bill with <Ctrl+Delete>. Note – only items on the main BOQ can be used on a subcontract bill and their order is determined by the BOQ. Relevant headings are automatically included in the subcontract bills. 2 1 The bill was defined in the Subcontract Adjudicator and has been transferred to the subcontract bill for EARTH. The rates that were in the Adjudicator are brought in as the subcontractor’s rates (1) Note the name in the header (2) Only items that exist in the main BOQ can be used in a subcontract. - End of section -
Subcontract Manager 4 Subcontract bill layouts There are a large number of columns available for the S/C bill. The column picker is used for changing columns on the bill. The menu item Add/Remove columns1 on the View menu or Ctrl+F1 displays it. Using the Toolbar ‘open book’ icon2 you can swap the current document with another from the S/C Document Manager. View menu > Swap documents3does the same thing. The S/C Document Manager4 enables you to select other layouts or make your own. 2 3 1 You can always change the layout of a subcontract bill by adding new columns. Ctrl+F1 takes you to the picklist where there are a large number of columns from which to choose. Or you can use jump to another layout using the “Select another layout” menu item, or you could use the open book icon to do this. o0o
The Subcontract Bill & the Main BOQ
Subcontract Manager The main BOQ 2 1 3
BOQ documents with subcontract columns are found in the Valuation and Subcontract Manager’s document managers. The subcontract codes are shown against the BOQ items1 and the Final quantity of each item is ‘awarded’2 to the subcontract. Changing the Awarded quantity of the second item to 6,000 immediately shows 4,800 in the S/C Over/Under column3. If another subcontract were to use item B as well, it would be awarded the quantity in the S/C Over/Under column as shown in subsequent slides. 2 1 3 - End of section -
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o----------
Allocating from the main BOQ Items on the main BOQ can be allocated to a subcontract at any time. In this example, item E was originally omitted from the package. It is easy to add it in now: Right-click in the Subcontract code column1 , choose Allocate to S/C2 and select from the list of subcontracts3. There’s only one subcontract in our list so far and choosing it will put this BOQ item onto the subcontract bill and award it the Final quantity. Note: Final quantities are red when they reflect the Bill quantities. 1 o0o 3 - End of section - 2
Many subcontracts to items in the main BOQ
Subcontract Manager Making another subcontract 3 2 1
More than one subcontract can be allocated to a BOQ item – to illustrate this we need to make another subcontract. Use the New button to display the dialog for making a new subcontract1. Use method C this time and enter the code for a second earthworks subcontract2. This makes the entry for the new subcontract EARTH23. Double clicking on EARTH2 displays its subcontract bill… 3 2 1
Subcontract Manager Populating the subcontract bill 3 2 1
EARTH2 had a blank bill - it was not made from a Subcontract Adjudicator package and therefore had no pre-existing bill. Getting BOQ items onto a subcontract bill is easy. From any BOQ document drag items from the main BOQ to EARTH21. The quantities in the S/C Over/Under column on the BOQ were awarded to the subcontract items as they were dropped onto the Subcontract bill2. Relevant headings are automatically brought over from the BOQ3. 3 2 1 Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop selected BOQ items onto the subcontract bill
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o----------
The BOQ view of subcontracts On the BOQ, multiple subcontracts against items are shown as a list of codes1. Here we can see both EARTH and EARTH2 against some BOQ items, each with its own quantities and rates. The quantities ‘awarded’ should add up to the Final quantity2. Any ‘un-allocated’ quantity of a BOQ item is shown in the S/C Over/Under column3, this should be corrected and if the main contractor intends handling some of the work, an internal item must be made. 2 3 1 o0o
Progressing a Subcontract
Subcontract Manager 1 Subcontract progress 2 2
On the Subcontract Manager selector, select the Document Manager1 and choose document 1.3 to handle subcontract progress2. Question: which bill document is displayed when you double click on a subcontract? The last bill document you chose becomes the ‘default’ bill until you choose a different S/C bill, which takes over as the default. To make a new bill document, come back to the S/C Document Manager shown here. Choose document 1.3 now and it becomes the default Subcontract Bill. 2 2
Subcontract Manager Entering Subcontract progress 1
The quantity columns shown here are used for recording progress1: Invoice quantity: the subcontractor’s claimed quantity – say 1,000. Due quantity: your measured quantity of his actual progress – say 800. Pay quantity: the quantity you approve for payment – say 700. The Due quantity should be your Actual quantity on the BOQ, while the Pay quantity is used to calculate your cost for this item. The difference between Due and Pay is the Liability quantity. The terms Invoice, Due and Pay are used to avoid confusion with Actual, Claim and Paid in the main contract. 1
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o---------- Subcontractors on the BOQ
If you prefer to work from the main BOQ, you can enter progress, adjust rates, introduce new items on a subcontract, etc. Any changes made to a subcontract from the BOQ will immediately be registered on the subcontract bill. When there are multiple subbies against a BOQ item, the total of all the subcontracts quantities are also available – eg: the Total Due quantity column shown here1. 1 o0o
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o---------- 1
Subcontractors on the BOQ You can make new BOQ documents or customise existing documents showing the columns you wish displayed in the main Valuations Document Manager on the Toolbar1. Use <Ctrl+F1> for the column picker or select Customise to make adjustments to your current document2. There are a large number of columns available for displaying subcontract information against BOQ items3. 3 o0o 2
The Subcontractor
Subcontract Manager 2 The Subcontractor 1
We now have the two subcontracts, EARTH and EARTH2 established1. We created EARTH using the package from the Subcontract Adjudicator and chose GBD Excavations as the Subcontractor. We now need to complete the Details tab2 for GBD Excavations and then deal with the other tabs for this subcontractor. 2 1
Subcontract Manager 1 The Details tab1 2
The Details tab holds information about the subcontractor. If you have data in the Subcontractor Database, clicking on the S/C code field2 displays a list of subcontractors from your database. In this example, choosing GBD Excavations from our list populates the fields of this tab with the database information. 1 2
Subcontract Manager 1 The Details tab1 (cont) 2
The information in these fields can be used on certificates or printed reports for the subcontractor. The Cost code2 is mandatory and must be entered for each subcontract. 1 2
Subcontract Manager 1 The Contract tab1 4 2 5 3
The information in the Contract tab is not mandatory and is used to record information about the subcontract. Contract document:2 A copy of the contract documentation can be stored in the S/C External Documents folder – click on this button to go to it. Guarantee:3 The type of guarantee and details about it are entered here. Subcontract status:4 Choose the status of the subcontract from a list. Hyperlinks:5 You may hyperlink to the subcontract web-site or link to files on your computer. 1 4 2 5 3
Subcontract Manager The Extras tab1 1 7 2 3 4 5 6 Extras:2
Any additional work the subcontractor does outside of his bill should be recorded here by selecting New3, and entering detail in the dialogue box4. These are “internal VO’s”. Charges to Others:5 Charges from one subcontractor to another should be recorded here by selecting New6, and entering detail in the dialogue box in the same way as extras above. A reciprocal charge will be shown on the Charges tab of the other subcontractor7. 1 7 2 3 4 5 6
Subcontract Manager 1 The Charges tab1 2 3 4
Contra charges:2 Charges from the main contractor to the subcontractor should be recorded here by selecting New3, and entering detail in the dialogue box as described before. Charges from Subcontractors:4 All charges for repairs from other sub- contractors will appear here. 1 2 3 4
Subcontract Manager The Materials on Site tab1 1 2 3
The subcontractor’s materials on site are recorded here2 by selecting New3, and entering detail in the dialogue box. When the next certificate is setup (in the Summary tab), last month’s MOS entries are frozen and become the previous month’s MOS on the certificate. The previous month’s MOS is subtracted from the certificate and the current month’s MOS is added. 1 2 3
Subcontract Manager The Certificate tab1 1 2 4 3
The previous and current certificates are listed here2. The current certificate data can be sent to Excel. You create your own Excel templates and specify which template each subcontract must use. Go to settings tab3 to define your subcontract templates, a default CCS template is provided (see next slide). The Close & Next certificate4 button writes the current certificate to the template (excel) which must be stored in the folder specified. 1 2 4 3
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o---------- The Certificate1 1 3 4 5 2
The certificate template name3 and folder where certificates are stored4 need to be defined by going to the Settings tab2, this procedure needs to be executed on each subcontract package prior to updating the first certificate5. 1 3 4 o0o 5 2
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o----------
The Certificate spreadsheet1 Once you have executed Update certificate2 and then Show certificate3 the Excel opens up and the certificate is displayed on the screen which must be stored in the folder with all previous certificates. If you make changes and Update certificate again, the currently stored certificate will be overwritten – ie you can only have one current certificate. When the Close & Next certificate4 button is used, the current certificate becomes the previous month’s certificate. All previous month’s certificate spread- sheets are preserved and cannot be changed. 1 o0o 3 2 4
Making Certificate Templates
Subcontract Manager Creating Certificate templates 1 3 2
The certificate data is written to a copy of an Excel template certificate that you nominate. A CCS template is always available and you can modify it or use any other Excel certificate. To make a template, use the Definitions & Settings Hammer1 and go to 7.4 Template definitions2. From this menu you may import, edit, delete, export or set as default3. Next you need to specify the cells where the certificate data is to be written on the spreadsheet….. 1 3 2
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o---------- Editing a Template1 2 3 4
On this document you must specify the folder2 where the template is kept, the cells where the Candy data will be placed in the spread- sheet3 and the source and destination range where previous amounts are to be copied4. Once the template is ready it can be specified for use on the certificate tab of a subcontract as described in the previous slides. 2 3 4 o0o 1
Other tips and issues Variation Orders Comparison rates
Subcontractor’s view Reflecting rates
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o---------- 1. Variation Orders (VO’s)
In this example, a Variation Order was issued by the client – “Construct drainage sump” and this is registered in the Variation Order definitions as VO11. The new bill item was entered in the BOQ and marked as VO12. The new BOQ item can then be allocated to the appropriate subcontract bill3. ‘Internal’ VO’s that are not main contract VO’s should be entered on the Subcontractor Extra tab, or create an Internal item on the main BOQ which can then be allocated to a subcontract. 1 o0o 2 3
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o---------- 2. Comparison rates 1 2 3
Right click in the column header menu1 and import the net rates into the Comparison rate column1 to compare against the subcontractor’s rates2. The difference between the Compari-son3 and Awarded4 rates multiplied by the Awarded quantity produces the Comparison Variance5. Note: The Comparison rate is not updated when rates in the BOQ change – you have to explicitly re-import the rates if there are changes. 1 2 3 4 5 o0o
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o----------
2. Comparison rates - example This example shows a comparison rate that consists of the labour portion of the BOQ rate. The BOQ has concrete net rates which include labour and material1. The subcontract bill has comparison rates which only reflect the labour component of the BOQ rate2 - see the selection used when setting up the component rates3. This gives you the correct rate to compare against the labour-only brickwork subcontractors rates. 2 3 o0o 1
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o----------
3. The Subcontractor’s View In some situations the bill items need to be expressed in terms and units familiar to the subcontractor1. Use View and choose columns from the pick list to create an appropriate document2. The Factor3 is the key to this process and controls the relationship between the BOQ units and the units of the subcontractor’s view. Changing either the Awarded rate4 or the Subcontractor’s rate5 calculates the other using the Factor. Note the subcontractor’s description and unit6 - using terms familiar to him. 2 1 4 3 5 6 o0o 2
Subcontract Manager ----------o0o---------- 4. Reflecting quantities 1
Enter a quantity in a field and that number is stored and displayed1 - as you would expect! However…. If the Pay quantity is blank then it reflects the Due quantity - displayed in a red font2. If Due is blank it reflects Invoiced and Pay reflects Due, as above3. If you don’t want quantities to reflect, enter a zero and that is the value that will be used4. In other words, zero is regarded as a value, and blank is nothing – and reflects. 1 3 o0o 2 4
Subcontract Manager - The End -
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