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Progress Report Chester Liu 2013/12/27.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Report Chester Liu 2013/12/27."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Report Chester Liu 2013/12/27

2 Demonstration Schedule
First version QCIF (176 x 144) Only H264-intra encoder Run JM to decode bit stream Expect to be done by 12/20 Platform ready (but with minor problem) Second version Add WZ encoder Expect to be done by 1/3

3 Demonstration Platform
Hardware FPGA board (DE2-115) Camera module (MT9V125) Wi-Fi module (RS9110) Software UDP packet receiver (using C) Append SPS & PPS to the bit stream of one frame and store them in a file Invoke JM to decode, the decoded frame is then stored in another file Real-time video player (using Qt) Periodically read the decoded file and display the frame on screen

4 Demonstration Platform
Video viewer Camera module Wi-Fi module

5 DVC System Architecture
I’ll revisit this topic when it’s finalized

6 Current Progress Specification Limitation Problems To do
QCIF with YUV420, about 30 frames per second Limitation Need re-synthesis for different Wi-Fi setting (IP, password, etc.) Problems System hang after a period of operation debugging Probably UDP connection problem To do Hardware Add WZ encoder Refine system design Software Combine packet receiver and video viewer to reduce communication overhead

7 Conference Experience Sharing
Use FPGA to play the board game Blokus, 25 teams in total 16 hardware design 9 high-level synthesis

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