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Skeletal System By: Parker Metz.

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1 Skeletal System By: Parker Metz

2 Diseases/Injuries Broken bones Fractured bones
Osteoporosis: This is a disease in which the bones become fragile and fracture much more easily. Leukemia: This is the cancer of the white blood cells. Osteopenia, osteitis deformans, and osteomalacia: Similar to osteoporosis, these are other types of bone loss. Paralysation: Often caused when the spine is permanently damaged or broken. Diseases/Injuries

3 facts At birth humans have approximately 270 bones.
Once humans reach maturity many of their bones fuse together to become a total of around 206 bones. The typical human femur can take up to around 4000 Newtons of pressure before it breaks, easy ways to break one though is to be in a car crash or to fall out of a tall tree. There are 24 ribs in the human body which are divided into 2 racks of 12 ribs. Humans have 32 teeth and they are the strongest part of your body. Bones produce red and white blood cells. facts

4 Bones are made mostly of collagen, bone is living, growing tissue
Bones are made mostly of collagen, bone is living, growing tissue. Collagen is a protein that provides a soft framework, and calcium phosphate is a mineral that adds strength and hardens the framework. This combination of collagen and calcium makes bone strong and it keeps you from squishing to easy. 99% of calcium is stored in the bones. The inside of a bone is actually not solid, bones are hollow and spongy on the inside. Our bone marrow produces blood cells, called red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells. Inside the marrow, blood cells start off as young, immature cells called stem cells. Once they develop they join the ranks as adult blood cells, blood cells do not live for a long time inside our bodies. There are veins running through our bones. This happens so that nutrients can be delivered to our bones. What are bones made of

5 Bones: Support the body and protect vital organs (this includes the spine)
Ligaments and Joints: The ligaments are made of fibrous collagen tissue that attaches one bone to another bone. Cartilage: Is a substance that is softer than bone but in sometimes turns to bone in a process called ossification. Organs

6 Google search Wikipedia Some other site I don’t remember Sources

7 Thee end

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