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Swartz Creek Middle School

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1 Swartz Creek Middle School
Project GREEN Presentation By: Swartz Creek Middle School 8th Grade Friday, May 20, 2016

2 Introduction to GREEN Mrs. Forbes’ 7th year
160 8th grade students at SCMS tested a water sample in the classroom. A select group of 12 students were chosen to test at the site.

3 Global Concerns Human Impact on Our Environment Reducing Pollution
Cleaning Up Pollution From the Past Approximately 150 world leaders pose for a family picture during the COP21, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris on Nov. 30, The U.N. called it the biggest gathering of world leaders in history. In 2015 COP21, also known as the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, for the first time in over 20 years of UN negotiations, aim to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C.

4 Local Concerns GM Industry waste combined with water and/or air pollution concerns from the past. Pesticides and fertilizers used on local golf courses, farms and sports fields. Proximity of bus garage to the creek. Old cars leaking oil (and other fluids) in the High School parking lot then draining into the storm drains that lead to the creek.

5 Local Concerns Human Impact on Our Environment Reducing Pollution
Cleaning Up Pollution From the Past Region 5 Superfund National Priority List #12 Berlin and Farro Liquid Incineration, Inc., illegally dumped “industrial wastes into the lagoons [and] apparently continued after 1975.” Located at 8322 Morrish Road between Grand Blanc and Cook Roads.

6 Golf Course in our Community
Local Concerns

7 Bus Garage Local Concerns


9 Local Studies We Are Here

10 Local Studies Site: West Branch of the Swartz Creek East of the bridge at SCMS May 6, 2016, 12:30 – 1:30 PM 66 F (19 C) Sunny and Beautiful o o

11 Local Results D.O. – 11.8 mg/L & 100% Sat = 16.66
Fecal Coliform – 0 Colonies/100mL = 15.68 pH – 8.0 Units = 9.35 B.O.D. – 2.5 difference = 8.8 Temp. – 7.9 C with 1 degree change up to 6.9 C = 9.0 Total Phosphate – 0.02 mg/L = 9.8 Nitrates – 8.8 mg/L = 5.3 Turbidity – > 10 JTU’s = 6.08 Total Solids – 640 mg/L = 1.4 WQI = = Good o o

12 Local Average Results 2008 WQI = 73.14 2009 Data missing
2011 WQI = (large amount of rain/flooding) 2012 Did not participate 2013 WQI = 77.51 2014 WQI = 77.18 2015 WQI = (without the BOD) 2016 WQI = 82.07 Good = 70-90

13 Conclusion/Suggestions
Routine cleaning up of litter Inform our community by presenting at board meetings & teach others Use less fertilizers and pesticides, as well as finding ecofriendly ways to keep the baseball, softball, and soccer fields green. Conserve water Plant native flowers and trees Let the grass grow longer near waterways to help water soak into the ground Rain gardens could be used instead of runoff going directly into the storm drain

14 Thank You Sponsors: GM, FRWC (Jamie Welsh) and all the donors that make this all possible Teachers: Mrs. Forbes Volunteers: Our GM Mentor Marv Asbury and LeeAnn Slosar Students in 8th Grade at SCMS!!

15 Credits Bogdan Beslac Lydia Danks Hailey Feudale Ashley Fitzpatrick Lily Majestic Delaney Hildebrand Gavin Lawrence Isabella Mellish Rachel Scofield Je’Naiya Tims Jacob Winter Christina Zerka

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