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ISASP: Coordinator Overview Training

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1 ISASP: Coordinator Overview Training
Image placeholder ISASP: Coordinator Overview Training Good afternoon and welcome to the ISASP Coordinator Overview Training for the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress or ISASP. Introduction Pearson’s purpose for this trainings is to describe the functionality of the systems. Open to ITP. December 2018 Illustration by Lucy Vigrass

2 Agenda Why Am I Here? ISASP Portal (Non-Secure Page)
Image placeholder Agenda Why Am I Here? ISASP Portal (Non-Secure Page) Overview of Pearson Systems PearsonAccessnext (Secure Page) TestNav Here’s a high-level agenda for our training today. I think it’s important to first review why you are here, so we’ll first talk review the purpose and goal of today’s training. We will then go over the ISASP portal, where all information for the ISASP is available, and walk though the site. Then I’ll provide an overview of our systems, PearsonAccess next and TestNav, who uses which, and then get into some details on the two systems. At the end, we’ll then talk about next steps Illustration by Kanae Sato

3 Why Am I Here? AUDIENCE: For District Assessment Coordinators (DAC) and School Assessment Coordinators (SAC) – those responsible for the overall coordination of test administration PURPOSE: Learn about the Pearson systems you, your staff, and students will be using for the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP). Not an end-to-end training High-level overview  glimpse into what is available Demonstrations of tasks you can do now/soon So you may be asking yourself, why am I here? We’ve geared this training for district or school assessment coordinators who are responsible for the overall coordination of the ISASP administration. The goal today is for you to learn about the two Pearson systems you will use for the ISASP. We’ll review specific tasks you are responsible for soon and also provide demonstrations in the system on these. Other trainings modules will also be rolled out as available. We’ll also provide a glimpse into other tasks that you will need to perform in the next few weeks-month. At the end, we’ll also go through a checklist for next steps so you know what you can do now and in the future. Information with links to specific resources are also available in the ISASP Test Administrator Manual (ISASP Portal > Manuals & Training > Manuals).

4 Training Opportunities
All resources for the ISASP, including trainings and manuals, will be posted to the ISASP portal. As resources are added, you will also receive an noting what new resources are available. Technology staff training webinar January DAC/SAC training webinars in January/February on end-to-end functionality of PearsonAccessnext, TestNav (including navigation, tools, and accessibility features) Other training modules: Test Security, Accessibility, and Test Overview (January/February), Score Reports (August) I’ll walk though the ISASP portal here in a minute, but in general everything that we offer, including trainings and manuals, is or will be available on the ISASP Portal. As I mentioned, this is not an end-to-end training today. Because of this, there will be future trainings available. For the technology folks, we’ll have a technology webinar option to follow-up on the Mini Infrastructure Trials that were held in October. Discuss any FAQs, pain points, etc. ITP provided a technology distribution list to us, those users will receive any tech updates and information on future webinars. In January/February, we will have webinars for you covering end-to-end tasks, details on the tasks you will be responsible for completing, similar to this training with demonstrations, but on things you can do at that time. Once you have a PearsonAccess next account, you’ll get ed of any future trainings, resources posted, etc. We’ll then also have a couple training modules available as well.

5 1 | ISASP Portal (Non-Secure Page)
First we are going to go over the ISASP Portal, where all information will be available for the ISASP.

6 ISASP Portal
The ISASP portal is available at This portal will provide all information/resources available for the ISASP. ISASP Portal PearsonAccess Next 6

7 Demonstration ISASP portal
I’m going to jump out of the PPT and walk through the portal, how it’s organized, and the resources available. Questions? Demo: Home page- provides general information/overall of the new assessment Buttons on home page will take you to the same place as the tabs at the top Bottom customer support and quick links available at bottom of all pages PAN page- access PAN login page Technology Setup page- geared towards technology staff, information and tools to prepare for online testing, graphic timeline, and technology specific resources, including all the materials provided at the October technology readiness training Manuals & Training dropdown- Manuals page-Test Administrator Manual (TAM), Accessibility and Accommodation Manual, and the scripted directions for proctors will be posted when available Training page-webinars, training modules, corresponding PPTs, recordings Test Preparation page- TestNav tutorial, practice tests by subject Reporting Resources dropdown- nothing yet available at this time Bulletins page- provides news and updates, notifications will typically also be sent when new bulletins are posted Support page- phone, webform

8 2 | Overview of Pearson Systems
Let’s now review the Pearson’s systems you’ll use for the ISASP.

9 Next Generation, Cloud-Based Solutions
A successful testing experience for each student, depends on test delivery technology that is dependable, scalable, and secure. PearsonAccessnext and TestNav are hosted in a virtual private cloud and provide additional security and protections against attacks. When it comes to a successful testing experience, the technology behind it must be dependable, scalable, and secure. Pearson has 2 main platforms for testing, PearsonAccess next and TestNav. Both are cloud-based and provide security to our users.

10 Who Uses Which System? Administrative Site
The administrative site, PearsonAccess next, is for DACs, SACs, proctors, teachers. Students will NOT use this site. TestNav is Pearson’s online testing engine, which students will use to take their actual test. PearsonAccess next will be used for such things as registering students to test, entering which accommodations students may need, getting login information for students to test online, and ordering additional paper test materials. Administrative Site Student Online Testing Application

11 Technology Information
Make sure your technology staff refers to the Technology Setup page on the ISASP Portal. The PearsonAccessnext Training site is used to test our your school’s infrastructure for online testing. The Technology Readiness Training materials (webinar recording, PowerPoint, Checklist, and Training Exercise) from the trainings offered in October are located on the Technology Setup page. In addition to our technology training, we also have a Technology Office Hours available if staff need one-on-one with our field engineering team. I’m not going to cover more of the technology setup information today, but it is important to note that we have a Technology setup page on the portal –which includes resources for your technology staff. We offered in-person technology trainings in October, encouraged districts to complete a mini infrastructure trial, and also recommend another infrastructure trial in January to confirm readiness for online testing. Depending on the size of your district, you may be the tech staff, you may have your own, or share with other districts, so it is important to stay connected to be prepared for online testing. PearsonAccess Next

12 3 | PearsonAccessnext (Secure Page)
Let’s now dive into what PearsonAccess next looks like and what tasks you will need to complete in it.

13 Sign In to PearsonAccessnext
Go to the ISASP portal at and select the PearsonAccessnext tab. Select PearsonAccessnext. Enter your username and password and select Sign In. As mentioned, PearsonAccess next is for administrative staff only. To access PearsonAccess next, go to the ISASP portal and select the PearsonAccess next tab, then select PearsonAccess next. You’ll then enter your username and password and select Login. PearsonAccess Next

14 How do I get a PearsonAccessnext User Account?
ITP created the initial District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) user accounts; these accounts are Coordinator accounts at the district-level. If you need a DAC user account, contact ITP. Additional DAC roles will require district superintendent approval. When new accounts are created you will receive a “New Account” with a link to set up your password. So if you are saying to yourself, “well signing in looks easy, but how do I get an account or I think I got one, but now I can’t find it, now what?” ITP created accounts for DACs at the district-level in PearsonAccess next; these users were given the Coordinator role, the highest level role a district user can receive in IA. Only DACs were created, and they were District Assistant Master Users from the ITP Online Tools system. When these accounts were created you should have received an to setup your password. So, if you don’t have an account or think you may but don’t remember your password or never set it up, select “Forgot Password” on the Login page. Enter your username and . The accounts we set up use your as the username. You will then get an automated to reset your password. Or you can select “Forgot Username” on the login page as well. It’s IMPORTANT to know that as the Coordinator in PearsonAccess next, YOU are responsible for creating all other user accounts in your district. You know your staff and we will not create accounts at your district without your permission. Yes, we can help you if you have troubles creating, but we will not create accounts at the risk of improperly identifying permitted users. SACs may have the same permission, but when creating you’ll select the specific school they should have access to. SAC’s and proctors are the responsibility of the DAC to create (reason:  more turnover at this level, and they are better situated locally to know who should be performing in those roles). IMPORTANT! Staff with the Coordinator role in PearsonAccessnext are responsible for creating all other user accounts in their district.

15 User Account Information
The PearsonAccessnext User Role Matrix provides the roles and permissions available to all Iowa users. It is available in Appendix B of the Test Administrator Manual on the Manuals page as well as the PearsonAccessnext page. Details about user accounts, including creating, editing, resetting passwords, etc. are available on the Manage Users page of the PearsonAccessnext Online Support page (ISASP Portal > PearsonAccessnext (Quick Links at bottom) > Manage Users). Since your responsible for creating other user accounts, I’ll demonstrate how to create/edit accounts shortly, but first I wanted to let you know that there is a PearsonAccess next User Role Matrix available in Appendix B of the TAM and also posted separately to the portal on the PearsonAccess next page. This matrix provides the 3 user roles available for IA (Coordinator, Proctor, and Tech Staff) and the permissions a user will have with that role. As the Coordinator, you do NOT need any other role. The Coordinator role is the highest level role for IA. Other important info about user accounts: Accounts are locked after 5 unsuccessful login attempts, contact Pearson if your account is locked. Other staff should contact you to enable a locked account. As a security feature, passwords are valid for 180 days. Automated notification s are sent to users with instructions to reset: Password expiration notification sent 7 days prior to password expiring. Password has expired when it has expired as well. You can reset your password at any time. User accounts are disabled after 240 days of inactivity and deleted after 390 days of inactivity. You can contact Pearson if you need your account enabled/restored. Other staff should contact you. This information is provided on the Manage Users support page as well.

16 PearsonAccessnext Training Site
Used for: Technology readiness preparation Mirror image of PearsonAccessnext except: Uses sample students (you will be able to generate sample students quickly), no live data Contains practice test (Grade 5 Math), no live tests No option to place an order for paper test materials or reporting Otherwise, provides an end-to-end simulation of a live testing environment Uses the same username/password as PearsonAccessnext as long as accounts are created in both places with the same username ITP may also be granting users access to our Training site. Technology staff already have access if they attended our October tech training or participated in the mini infrastructure trial. This site is used for technology preparation, it’s where infrastructure trials are performed, and also includes a Grade 5 Math Practice Test. You can simulate an end-to-end online testing environment, instead of accessing operational tests, you’ll be provided the practice test.

17 Navigating PearsonAccessnext
1. 3. 2. Once signed in, all users will see a home page similar to this. Let’s look at the 3 main sections. The black bar: since this is the first year of the ISASP, you’ll only see one administration, ISASP. At the far right, you’ll likely see your district. With this you can view all data in PearsonAccess next at your district-level OR you can change to a specific school. What you see here depends on how your account was set up. If a user only has access to a school, they will only see that school. It is possible to have access to multiple districts or more likely, multiple schools, so it’s important to check which you are at when signing in. #2 and 3 are the main sections and for the most part mirror each other. If I select Setup in the gray bar or Setup in the blue section, I’ll get the same options. Quick links are provided at the bottom right along with contact information if needed. Once you have signed in, all users will see the secure home page. At the top of the page is a black bar with several important functions: the test administration, your organization, and the user icon. The gray bar above the blue section mirrors the main sections and tasks, with the addition of a Home button. If selected, options are the same as if you selected from the blue section. The large blue section is where you access information and tasks for Setup, Testing, and Reports.

18 Verify Your Organization
If you have district-level access, you will see your district name at the right in the top black bar. At the district-level you can access your district or change to a specific school within your district. If you have school-level access, you will only see that school. It is possible to have access to multiple districts/schools  always confirm you are viewing the one you want to view data for. Once you change your organization, it will remain until you change it again. I mentioned it’s important to confirm your district/school in the top black bar, so let’s look at that a little closer. If you are at a district and only want to see information for a specific school, select the district and then select the school. Example: If you have access to 2 schools, School A and B, and School A is selected/in the black bar, when you go to complete tasks in PearsonAccess next you will only see/create info for School A. I believe this functionality is different from your Online Tools, so it’s important to always confirm which organization you are at. Demonstration

19 Setup The first tasks we’ll be focusing on are tasks under the Setup dropdown menu. These are tasks Coordinators can take action on now: Import/Export Data, Students, Organizations, and Users. Setup is the first section on the home page, we are going to go over tasks you can take action on now. The 4 options are: Import/Export Data, Students, Organizations, and Users. PearsonAccess Next

20 Enter Your District-Designated Testing Window Setup > Organizations
State-Designated Testing Window: March 4  May 31, 2019 Enter your district-designated testing window (must be within the state window) into PearsonAccessnext by January 18, 2019. Confirm you are at the district-level in the black bar in the top right. From Setup > Organizations, under Find Organization, enter your district name. Select the checkbox next to your district name. From the Select Tasks list, select the checkbox next to Manage Participation and select Start. Enter your district’s Test Start Date and Test End Date and select Save. One of the first things you need to do is enter your district-designated testing window. The state-designated testing window is March 4 though May 31, so you can designate your district testing anytime within this window. Again, I’m going to demonstrate this shortly, but wanted you to have the instructions available as a resource as well. To do this, first confirm you are at your district-level in the black bar, then under Setup, select Organizations. Enter your district name, select the checkbox next to it and select Manage Participation, and Start. Then enter your testing start and end date and select Save. Demonstration

21 Enter Your District-Designated Testing Window Setup > Organizations
The dates you enter will determine when you will receive your initial shipment of paper test materials –if you are testing paper. All accommodated paper test materials (Braille, large print, and Spanish test books) will NOT be included in the initial shipments and are available to order via Additional Orders in in PearsonAccessnext. If your district-designated testing window is: Your materials will arrive: March 4 – 29, 2019 Feb. 19 – 20, 2019 April 1 – 26, 2019 March 11 – 13, 2019 April 29 – May 31, 2019 April 8 – 10, 2019 You may be asking yourself, what does entering the dates here do. The start date you enter will determine when we will ship your initial shipment of paper test materials, if you are testing paper/pencil for any test. If your start date is March 4-29, you’ll receive your materials February 19th or 20th, etc. Materials will be packed by school and shipped to your district. All accommodated paper test materials will NOT be included in this shipment. You will need to place an additional or in PearsonAccess next for these materials. You won’t be able to place an order until February 25, so I’m not going to cover that task today, we’ll cover that in a training early next year, but wanted to mention that you will have the ability to order those materials as well. So “how does Pearson know if my district is testing online or paper or a combination?” Let’s cover that now. Demonstration

22 Verify Student Registration Information
PearsonAccessnext has been initially populated with your district’s student data, obtained from the Iowa Department of Education’s SRI system. This is the student data you uploaded for the Fall Certified Enrollment process. Coordinators are responsible for verifying that the information is correct and updating student testing information, as needed. The initial student load will assign all students to the applicable tests for their grade (i.e. a grade 3 student is assigned the Grade 3 Reading, Language/Writing, and Math tests; a grade 5 student is assigned the Grade 5 Reading, Language/Writing, Math, and Science tests. All students are loaded/indicated as testing PAPER. For districts testing paper, update student information, as needed. For districts testing online, update student information, as needed, AND indicate/change the student as testing online. PearsonAccessnext has been initially populated with your district’s student data, obtained from the Iowa Department of Education’s SRI system. This is the student data you uploaded for the Fall Certified Enrollment process. Coordinators are responsible for verifying that the information is correct and updating student testing information, as needed. The initial student load will assign all students to the applicable tests for their grade (i.e. a grade 3 student is assigned the Grade 3 Reading, Language/Writing, and Math tests; a grade 5 student is assigned the Grade 5 Reading, Language/Writing, Math, and Science tests. All students are loaded/indicated as testing PAPER. For districts testing paper, update student information, as needed. For districts testing online, update student information, as needed, AND indicate/change the student as testing online. Whatever data is in January 18, 2019 will be used to determine: If you receive an initial shipment of paper test materials and What is included your initial shipment of paper test materials It is possible to test a student on paper for one test and online for another. This is a district decision. You will indicate the student by test if they are taking online or paper. Whatever data is in PearsonAccessnext January 18, 2019 will be used to determine: If you receive an initial shipment of paper test materials and What is included your initial shipment of paper test materials PearsonAccess Next

23 Verify Student Registration Information (cont.)
For districts testing paper: Your district will receive the paper materials for any students indicated as testing paper based on the district-designated testing window you entered in PearsonAccessnext. You will have the ability to place an additional order of paper test materials, if needed, in February entered in PearsonAccessnext. For districts testing online: You need to indicate students as online by 1/18/19 so that you do not receive paper materials. You can update other student information/accommodations, such as text-to-speech, up until the student will test. Accommodated paper test materials: For any students needing paper accommodated test materials (large print or Braille) you’ll work with the Iowa School of the Blind to get the materials. These materials will NOT be included in your initial shipment. For any student needing Spanish paper testbooks, you will be able to place an additional order in PearsonAccessnext in February. For districts testing paper: Your district will receive the paper materials for any students indicated as testing paper based on the district-designated testing window you entered in PearsonAccessnext. You will have the ability to place an additional order of paper test materials, if needed, in February entered in PearsonAccessnext. For districts testing online: You need to indicate students as online by 1/18/19 so that you do not receive paper materials. You can update other student information/accommodations, such as text-to-speech, up until the student will test. Accommodated paper test materials: For any students needing paper accommodated test materials (large print or Braille) you’ll work with the Iowa School of the Blind to get the materials. These materials will NOT be included in your initial shipment. For any student needing Spanish paper testbooks, you will be able to place an additional order in PearsonAccessnext in February. PearsonAccess Next

24 Verify Student Registration Information (cont
Verify Student Registration Information (cont.) Setup > Import/Export Data, Setup > Students You can make student test changes in 1 of 2 ways: Import/export data files, which is commonly done for additions or changes that involve multiple students. From the Home page, under Setup, select Import/Export Data. Manually into PearsonAccessnext. From the Home page, under Setup, select Students. There are two ways to register a student to test: You can export a Student Registration File from PearsonAccess next, update it (adding such things as if testing online/paper or online accommodations), and then import it back into PearsonAccess next OR You can view/update the student registration information manually in PearsonAccess next. The recommended route to complete the task really just depends on how many students you have to update. It’s likely you will want to use the file option initially, but then later, again depending on the amount of changes you have, you may want to stay with that route, or if you just have 1-2 students to update, manually complete in PearsonAccess next. I’ll do a demo of both options in PearsonAccess next shortly, but just wanted to give you a visual of where it will be located in PearsonAccess next. Details can also be found in the Test Administrator Manual. Demonstration of Student Registration Information both ways See the Manage Students page (ISASP Portal > PearsonAccessnext Online Support page (under Quick Links) > Manage Students) for step-by-step instructions. PearsonAccess Next

25 Work With Your Vendors The IDOE is working with your vendors to make the Student Registration Information (SRI) import easier for districts. Vendors are working to make the SRI file layout available, so you can pull the data from your system (JMC, PowerSchool, Infinite Campus) in the file layout needed and then import it into PearsonAccessnext. JMC should be available in December. However, for PowerSchool and Infinite Campus, these will likely not be available until end of January. With this, you won’t be able to use this option for the initial changes that need to be made by 1/18/19, but you could for any future changes needed. This process will only be needed for changes to students or new students. Further details and communication around then this will be available will be shared by ITP/IDOE as soon as it’s available. The DOE is working with your vendors to make the Student Registration Information (SRI) import easier for districts, requiring less manual manipulation of data. Vendors are working to make the SRI file layout available, so you can pull the data from your system (JMC, PowerSchool, Infinite Campus) in the file layout needed and then import it into PearsonAccessnext. So instead of exporting from PearsonAccessnext, changing data, then importing back in, you’ll be able to get form your vendor and import. This process will only be needed for changes to students or new students. Further details and communication around then this will be available will be shared as soon as it’s available.

26 Create Users Setup > Users
You can complete this tasks in 1 of 2 ways: Import/export data files, which is commonly done for additions or changes that involve multiple users. From the Home page, under Setup, select Import/Export Data. Manually into PearsonAccessnext. From the Home page, under Setup, select Users. Note: There are 3 user roles for IA-- Coordinator, Tech Staff, or Proctor. Permissions associated with each role are available in the PearsonAccessnext User Role Matrix previously mentioned. I mentioned a little earlier that as the Coordinator in PearsonAccess next, you are responsible for creating all other PearsonAccess next accounts in your district/for your staff. Similar to registering students, there are 2 ways to create/edit users in PearsonAccess next. You’ll find this same concept throughout PearsonAccess next. The first route is through an export/import or manually in PearsonAccess next. Again, I’ll do a demo of all this shortly, but wanted to provide some context prior to the demo. Details can be found in the Test Administrator Manual. Demonstration See the Manage Users page (ISASP Portal > PearsonAccessnext Online User Guide (under Quick Links) > Manage Users) for step-by-step instructions. PearsonAccess Next

27 Testing I’m not going to go over anything under Testing or Reporting in today’s training, but just wanted to mention that you will use these other options when it is closer to testing time and we’ll cover these in our end-to-end trainings next year. PearsonAccess Next

28 Test Session Setup (Online Testing Only)
Print Student Testing Tickets Prepare the Test Session Start the Test Session Add Students to the Test Session (via student registration file import or manually) Create a Test Session (via student registration file import or manually) Starting Dec. 10, 2018 and throughout the testing window Print Session Student Rosters (Optional) However, so you have an idea of what’s to come---as we get closer to the test administration this spring, here is a high-level visual of the tasks that will need to be completed for online testing. All students will need to be put into a test session. A test session is just a virtual group of students testing online for the same test (i.e. Grade 3 Mathematics). You’ll have the option to create test sessions and add students to them through the same student registration file import process or create/add manually. Once students are added to a test session (once for each test), you’ll have the ability to print student testing tickets and rosters. The testing tickets provide the information students need to login into TestNav to take their test. Rosters are just an optional resource for staff, they include the test session information for all student in the test session. You’ll need to “prepare” your test sessions and start them prior to students testing. These are literal “Prepare” and “Start” buttons that hook-up PearsonAccess next and TestNav and then open the test up for students. Feb. 18, and throughout the testing window First day of testing and throughout the testing window PearsonAccess Next

29 Demonstration Sign in to PAN Verify organization Enter testing window
Manage Users Manage Students Let’s now walk through all the tasks we just reviewed in PearsonAccess next. Feel free to log in PearsonAccess next and follow along as applicable, if desired. Questions?

30 4 | TestNav OK. Let’s move to the student online testing application, TestNav.

31 What is TestNav? Pearson’s online test delivery engine
Students can access TestNav from a desktop, laptop, tablet, or Chromebook Student devices are secured and locked down, no other applications are accessible during testing Test content is encrypted before transferred across the Internet Features and functionality Accessibility tools and accommodations. Text-to-speech, magnifying and zoom capabilities, color contrast, etc. make online testing accessible to more students. Industry-standard calculators. Embedded calculators provide consistency with what students use in the classroom. Embedded Text-to-speech feature. High-quality voice feature included within the test engine, eliminates the need for schools to download special software. TestNav is what students will use to access their online tests. TestNav is our online test delivery engine. It’s an app available through many devices. It’s a locked down, secure application, and test content is encrypted while responses are sent from the student to Pearson. There are online and accessibility tools and accommodations within TestNav such as text-to-speech, color contrast, etc. Calculators, when applicable, are also available. PearsonAccess Next

32 Accessing TestNav Installable TestNav app
iPads, Android tablets, Chromebooks Download the app for each device from the App Store for the device Desktops and Laptops (TestNav Desktop) Download the app from the TestNav 8 Online Support page and install on desktop I’m not going to go into the details, but it’s important to work with district or school technology staff to make sure TestNav is installed and online readiness has been confirmed. The details of downloading, installing, etc. was provided to tech staff in the October Tech Trainings. PearsonAccess Next

33 Student Login Information
Students sign into TestNav using the username and password on their testing ticket. Sample student testing ticket printed from PearsonAccessnext Students will need a username and password to sign into TestNav. This information is provided through PearsonAccess next. In PearsonAccess next you can print Student Testing Tickets---these tickets provide the information students need to access TestNav, which is a username and password. Every student will need a ticket to log into their test. Tickets are specific to the grade and subject for the test session. So this slide simply shows a sample of a student testing ticket and the TestNav sign in page. TestNav sign in screen PearsonAccess Next

34 ISASP 2019 Forms Tests Grade Levels Formats Reading 311
Online, Online with Text-to-Speech, Paper, Large Print, Braille Language and Writing Mathematics Online, Online with Text-to-Speech, Spanish Online, Spanish Online with Text-to-Speech, Paper, Spanish Paper, Large Print, Braille Science 5, 8 and 10 I won’t read from the slide, but just wanted to provide the tests, grade levels, and formats that ISASP will be available in.

35 TestNav Sample Item and Tools
Features and Tools: Answer Eliminator Bookmark Desmos Calculator Four Function G3-6 Math/Science Scientific G7-11 Math/Science Exhibits -- Formula Sheets for G6-11 Math Highlighter Line Reader Mask Notepad Zoom Answer Masking Color Contrast Text-to-Speech This is just a sample item in TestNav, tools and features available within the application. Run through of features and tools on screen. All of these features and tools will be available in the tutorial and practice tests so that students can become familiar with them. We’ll provide end-to-end demonstrations of TestNav in January/February, so the tutorials and/or practice tests are a good place to start if you want to get a sneak peak—when those are available. [Demonstration (if time permits)—of not will be available in resources/end-to-end training in January.]

36 Practice Using TestNav
TestNav Tutorial – familiarize students with navigation, tools, etc. Both the tutorials and practice tests will be posted to the portal on the Test Preparation page. These 2 resources are provided to get familiar with TestNav, tools, navigation, etc. A tutorial and practice tests will be available 12/12. The tutorial will be built in TestNav and walk through navigation, tools, etc. It’s used familiarize staff and students the system. Practice Tests will be available to get familiar with item types and tools. These are also built in TestNav, and are very similar to live assessments, however, no student login or PearsonAccess Next setup is required. Both resources will be posted to the Test Preparation page of the portal next week. Practice Tests – familiarize students with item types and tools

37 Important Dates for the ISASP
Event Date Initial student registration data from DOE loaded to PearsonAccessnext by ITP Dec. 3 – 7, 3018 Enter your district-designated testing window in PearsonAccessnext Now – Jan. 18, 2019 Update student registration data in PearsonAccessnext (used for indicating students testing paper or online and/or for the initial shipment of paper test materials) Dec. 10, 2018 – Jan. 18, 2019 Create PearsonAccessnext user accounts for your district staff Now – as needed Here are the dates for which you can complete the tasks we covered today. Run through of tasks on screen. As a reminder, contact ITP at if you need a Coordinator account created. Contact Pearson if you need assistance in creating other accounts at your district.

38 Next Steps - Checklist Within 12 weeks:
Get familiar with the ISASP portal and available resources View the Overview of Training Resources module, as needed View the Test Administrator Manual View other training modules, as desired Get a PearsonAccessnext account Verify your organization Create other accounts for your staff, as needed Enter your district-designated testing window in PearsonAccessnext Hopefully you have a good grasp of your next steps, but I think it’s always helpful to have some type of checklist of next steps documented as well. These are all things we’ve mentioned today, but in a quick checklist format as a quick reminder of your next steps. Within 3-4 weeks: View students loaded in PearsonAccessnext Export student registration file, update, and import Have staff and students get familiar with TestNav using the tutorial and/or practice tests

39 Technology Update Pearson Field Engineers have provided:
Readiness survey (receiving approximately 360 total responses, representing approximately 365, 250 students) Technology trainings at AEAs in October Recording, PPT, Checklist, etc. all available on the Technology Setup page Office hour support Outbound calls supporting the mini infrastructure trial efforts Full infrastructure trial end of January As I mentioned we’ll provide further training to coordinators in the next couple of months, but we wanted you all to also be aware of what technology staff have been involved in in preparation for the ISASP. Pearson field engineers have sent out a readiness survey, provided technology readiness trainings around the AEAs in October—the webinar recording and all documentation from that is available on the portal. There is a Technology Readiness Checklist and how to avoid common pitfalls document that may be helpful to reference. In addition, we have specific office hours for tech staff to reach out about specific tech questions. As we gear up for a full infrastructure trial in January, we’ll also be providing another tech webinar then. So it’s important to work closely with your tech staff. Completing an infrastructure trial in January will greatly increase your odds of having a successful online testing experience!

40 ITP:
Questions? Monday – Friday, 6:00am – 7:30 p.m. (CT) Submit a Pearson customer support request. ITP: David Henkhaus: Questions?


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