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Friday April 14th, 2017 Learning Target;

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1 Friday April 14th, 2017 Learning Target;
I can explain how the differences between the US and Russia led to the Cold War. Agenda Genocide Readings Genocide Discussion Cold War Notes Things to Remember; Vocab 1 Due 4/18

2 Research Groups Armenians- Turks (1915-1916)
Pol Pot – Cambodia ( ) Kurds in Iraq ( ) Bosnia ( ) Rwanda-Burundi (1994) Darfur, Sudan (2003-?)

3 Reading Questions What happened? Write a brief paragraph explanation of what happened. Is it Genocide? Was the killing intentional? Was it systematically organized? Were victims chosen because of their identity?

4 Same Reading Groups Get in a group of all the people that read the same article, discuss the questions.

5 Reading Questions What happened? Write a brief paragraph explanation of what happened. Is it Genocide? Was the killing intentional? Was it systematically organized? Were victims chosen because of their identity?

6 Number Groups Get in a group of all the people that read different articles, discuss the questions.

7 Reading Questions What happened? Write a brief paragraph explanation of what happened. Is it Genocide? Was the killing intentional? Was it systematically organized? Were victims chosen because of their identity?

8 8 Stages of Genocide 1) Classification 2) Symbolization
3) Dehumanization 4) Organization 5) Polarization 1933 – 1/8 considered Jewish 1935 Nuremberg Race Laws – couldn’t be in army – citizen, vote, use hospitals 6) Preparation 7) Extermination 8) Denial

9 Turks and Armenians

10 Khmer Rouge – Pol Pot Cambodia

11 Kurdish population in Iraq

12 Ethnic Cleansing Bosnia

13 Rwanda

14 Darfur - Sudan

15 Silent Conversation Who is to blame?
Why? Who is to blame? How can knowing this history be used to help us prevent future atrocities? Message to victims… Message to perpetrators… What does it mean to be a responsible student of history? What do we take away from the study of genocide?

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