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This One Time At English Camp…

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1 This One Time At English Camp…

2 Objectives To expose English use across the other subjects.
To engage students via various unique activities catered towards the other subjects. To enhance student’s confidence in using English (ie. Using English without even knowing it)

3 The Schedule Day 1 Opening Day 2 How do you play? (Math) Day 3
How far did it travel? (Physics) Day 4 What are you making? (History/ Chemistry) 1st period (45 mins) Introduction Ice breakers Name Tags Probability Blueprints Terminology. 2nd period Pokemon Theme Create Games Blueprints and labels. *Trading 3rd period Team Names Team Flags *Carnival Building and testing. Terminology 4th period (45 mins) *Flip Cup and English pong! Monty Hall *Race! Popsicle Sticks PB+J Sandwiches Day 5 How strong is it? (Engineering) Day 6T What are the rules? (Sports/Art) Day 7 Closing 1st period (45 mins) Terminology Blueprints Examples Brainstorm The Battle! 2nd period Bridge Building Make Website Pokemon Movie 3rd period Pizza Party, Finish movie. 4th period (45 mins) *Bridge Test *Presentation Voted best Online games Closing, including slideshow.

4 Materials Day 1 Topic Introduction Vocab Phrases
Topic Introduction Vocab Phrases Diagnostic day to gauge where the student’s levels are at. Hook Materials Pokemon cards, large pieces of paper for flags, disposable cups, ping pongs, Period 1 Introduction – ice breaker activities - name tages and seating plan Team building: using jenga blocks – build the tallest tower M and M candy cannister questions two truths and a lie Period 2 Over arching pokemon theme. They earn special cards with each activity their team wins during camp. The battle will take place on the last day . Period 3 Design their own flag and team name. Period 4 First challenge: Have students perform their cheer then we move into English Flip Cup and English pong. Both games will happen simultaneously. English pong involves shooting a ball across the table to the opposing teams cup and the opposing team has to read the sentence or word in the cup and remove the cup. First team to force the opposing team to move all their cups win. Flip cup is exactly as it sounds. Two teams line up alongside a table and with a domino effect, the first player has to read the sentence and flip the cup so it lands rightside up before the next player on their team can go.

5 Incentive We will start the camp with 4 groups of 5. Each group will start with the 5 Pokemon cards (seen on the next slide). With each activity, the winning group gets a “special card” (examples on slide 3). Slide 4 represents a sample battleground that they will be battling on during the last day. They are to choose 5 of their Pokemon and place them face down to battle. Both teams simultaneously reveal their first Pokemon and they simply play rock-paper-scissors to see who goes first. First player ‘attacks’ by simply subtracting your attack power from their HP. The players take turns doing this until one Pokemon reaches an HP of zero and that Pokemon is deemed dead. On your turn, you are allowed to use any of the special cards to help boost your power or reduce your opponents. First team to have all 5 of their Pokemon killed loses.

6 Sample Special Cards (there will be up to 30)
Intial Pokemon Cards Attack: 20 Weakness: Rock Attack: 30 Weakness: Grass Attack: 30 Weakness: Lightning Attack: 10 Weakness: Fire Attack: 30 Weakness: Water Sample Special Cards (there will be up to 30) Allows one Pokemon to gain 20 HP Choose one Pokemon to EVOLVE! Increase your attack by 20! Attack: 50 Weakness: Water

7 Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down
Special Card Zone Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down Place Pokemon face down Special Card Zone

8 Introduction Materials Day 2 Topic Mathematics Vocab Phrases
Topic Mathematics Vocab Phrases How do you play? “In order to play this game, you need to….” ….”spin, throw” etc Hook Introduction Materials Stationary stuff, boxes etc , Period 1 Introduce the idea of fractions and probability. Period 2 Introduce to them the carnival theme, allow them to brainstorm ideas. They must get their blueprint approved by teachers before they can start building. Period 3 Here is their chance to build their game. Once they are finished, we will move all desks to the side and give each group won to spend and they can play their peers games. The group with the most money left over will win a special card. Period 4 Address the Monty hall problem and place a dice roll game. Each group gets a dice and they are to roll and sum it all up. They get two minutes to roll as many times as possible and they can choose to stay at a sum or keep going. The trick is that if they roll a 1, all of their points are gone.

9 Introduction Materials Day 3 Topic Physics Vocab Phrases
Topic Physics Vocab Phrases “How far did it travel?” “Our vehicle travelled ____ meters” Hook Introduction Materials Disposable CDs, elastic bands, popsicle sticks, glue guns and glue sticks, paper clips, misc office objects, large pieces of paper for blueprints Period 1 Introduce terms they will need to build an elastic band car. (sample pictures attached) Show them videos of past elastic band cars. Briefly show them Hooke’s law. Period 2 They will draw blueprints for their cars using the terminology they have learned. They are to label their blueprint with the appropriate names. Period 3 They will get to build their car and test it. Period 4 We will race the elastic band cars, If time, they will make a video about their cars. .


11 Introduction Materials Day 4 Topic History and Chemistry Vocab Phrases
Topic History and Chemistry Vocab Phrases I will trade you _____ for ______. Hook Introduction Materials Camping objects, scenarios, scavenger hunt material scattered throughout the school, Period 1 Introduce the idea that money didn’t always exist. Let them know each group has a specific resource. They can earn such resources by doing specific activities. For example, group 1 may be in charge of sand, and at every 10 minute mark, one person from each group must come up and do say 10 pushups per resource. They must also create a poster promoting their resource so other teams will want to come trade with them. Ultimately teams will need some of reach resource. Period 2 I will put up prizes at the front and each prize requires certain resources. They must come up and see what resources they need for certain prizes. Period 3 Chemistry so they will be cooking making popsicle sticks and pb and J sandwhiches. They need to read the recipe and ask us for any words they don’t know. This does two things: they are using english by reading it and asking us and to gain confidence in asking us questions. Period 4 Continue with the pb and j and popsicle sticks.

12 “It is strong enough to support….”
Day 5 Topic Engineers Vocab Phrases “How strong is it?” “It is strong enough to support….” Hook Introduction Materials Period 1 Discuss design and engineering. Show them model bridges. Period 2 Each group is to build two bridges, from one table to the next. Period 3 Bridge competition to see which bridge is the strongest. Period 4

13 Introduction Materials Day 6 Topic Computer tech Vocab Phrases
Topic Computer tech Vocab Phrases Tell us about your company. Our company sells/promotes Hook Introduction Materials Computers Period 1 Show them examples of websites of other companies, have them to think about what their group wants to promote. Period 2 Have students create an address and teach them weebly. Tell students that each student is to work on a separate page on their website. Period 3 Finish website. Period 4 Presentsations

14 Introduction Materials Day 5 Topic Closing Vocab Phrases
Topic Closing Vocab Phrases Sports names, dodge, duck, throw etc Hook Introduction Materials Board games, Pokemon movie, slideshow, Period 1 Board game rotation day to claim any special cards left. Remind them the battle is today. Period 2 The Battle, using all the special cards they’ve collected. Semis, finals, winner. Start Pokemon Movie. Period 3 Finish Pokemon movie with a pizza party. Period 4 Closing /including a slideshow

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