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wrıtıng skılls ıV WEEK 6:FEEDBACK NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ © İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi
I. Writing Process: Descriptive Paragraph
Suppose that your writing prompt is: Describe a good friend you know. If you don’t want to write about a specific friend of yours, you may write about the characteristics all good friends should have. The first thing you need to have is a sentence that addresses the topic—also known as a topic sentence. The sentence, “My friend has many likeable qualities.” works as a topic sentence because it tells the reader what you are going to write about. Usually the topic sentence in a single paragraph is near the beginning of the paragraph. Notice in the outline below that the topic sentence is followed by details that help describe your good friend and explain why you like him or her. There should also be a concluding comment that repeats your points in different words. It’s always a good idea to take a few minutes to write an outline before starting to write. Here’s a good way to outline a response to the question, “What makes a good friend?” NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
I.Writing Process: Descriptive Paragraph
Topic Sentence: My friend has many likable qualities. Detail #1: He is kind hearted. A.(Example sentences of his kindheartedness.) He is very thoughtful and friendly to everyone. He never puts people down and cares about others before himself. Detail #2 He is funny. A.(Example sentences of how he is funny and how he helps me laugh at myself) Because he is smart, he knows how to use humor to get his point across without hurting anyone’s feelings. He is also familiar with how to use humor to motivate people and how to get people to agree with him. Detail #3 He is trustworthy and honest. (Example sentences) (The third detail is usually the most important and is saved for last because it will be the one the reader reads last and remembers most.) NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
I. Writing Process: Descriptive Paragraph
The most important thing I like about my friend is that I know that he would never turn his back on me or my family. He won’t lie to me. I feel very lucky to have someone like my friend because I can count on him in many ways. If your car broke down far away from home in the middle of the night, my friend is the kind of person who would get out of bed to pick you up. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
I. Writing Process: Descriptive Paragraph
Concluding Comment: (This is a restatement of your topic in different words that includes the details and words that support your topic.) I feel very lucky to have someone like my friend because I can count on him in many ways. I have learned how to treat other people better through watching him, and he has shown me what it means to be honest and trustworthy. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
I.Writing Process: Descriptive Paragraph
So, when we put the topic sentence, the details, and concluding comment together, the rough draft of the paragraph looks like this: My friend has many likable qualities. He is kind hearted. He is very thoughtful and friendly to everyone. He never puts people down and cares about others before himself. He is funny and helps me laugh at myself. Because he is smart, he knows how to use humor to get his point across without hurting anyone’s feelings. He is also familiar with how to use humor to motivate people and how to get people to agree with him. He is trustworthy and honest. The most important thing I like about my friend is that I know that he would never turn his back on me or my family. He won’t lie to me. I feel very lucky to have someone like my friend because I can count on him in many ways. If your car broke down far away from home in the middle of the night, my friend is the kind of person who would get out of bed to pick you up. I feel very lucky to have someone like my friend because I can count on him in many ways. I have learned how to treat other people better through watching him, and he has shown me what it means to be honest and trustworthy. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Writing Task I. Describe your favorite place. Before you write, fill out the outline below. Some of it has been done for you. You may change the details if you feel you have better ones. Writing Prompt: Describe Your Favorite Place Topic Sentence: I like my neighborhood park for several reasons. Detail #1: It is beautiful. (Example sentences of its beauty.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________. Detail #2 _______________________________________________________. (Example sentences of _____________________________) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________. Detail #3 (Usually the most important detail) It is a great place to exercise. (Example sentences of the different kinds of exercise that can be done there.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Writing Task Concluding Comment: (This is a restatement of your topic in different words that includes the details and words that support your topic.) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Writing Task II. Put the topic sentence, details and their supporting sentences down in paragraph form on a separate sheet of paper. Use the skills you have practiced so far to rewrite your second draft. After you finish writing your second draft, share your work with a partner and talk about what you like and what you think could be improved in your partner’s paragraph. Just like with your paper, check your partner’s paper for content, format, form and organization. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Content – Form - Organization
Content refers to the ideas. The format refers to how the paper looks regarding layout (title, indentation, use of margins, etc.). Form refers to grammar, spelling and punctuation. Organization refers to including the correct parts of a paragraph in order. (Topic Sentence, Details, Concluding Comments) NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
II. Writing Process: Narrative Paragraph
Narrative paragraphs are often used to describe what a person does over a period of time. Exercise I: Read this example narrative paragraph, underline the sequencing words like 'later' that are used to connect what happens. Yesterday evening, I got home from work at 6 o'clock. My wife had prepared a delicious dinner which we ate immediately. After I had cleaned up the kitchen, we watched a TV show which had been recommended by my friend. While we were watching the show, our friends, Jane and Ed, called to say they were going to visit us soon. They arrived at about 9 o'clock and we chatted for a while. Later, we decided to visit a local jazz club and listen to some jazz for a while. The musicians’ performance was unbelievable. We really enjoyed ourselves and stayed late. We left after the band had played their final audacious set. To sum up, it was certainly an evening to remember. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Tips on Tenses Simple Past for succession of events: Narrate with the simple past tense when events follow each other. In Exercise I, underline the verbs in Simple Past form. She _________ (arrive) in Dallas, _________ (take) a cab, and checked in to her hotel. Next, she had some dinner in a restaurant. Finally, she visited a colleague before she went to bed. Past Continuous for interrupted actions: To express that an action is interrupted, use the past continuous to describe what was happening when there was an interruption. Use the past simple with the action that interrupts what was happening. In Exercise I, underline the verbs in Past Continuous form. Finally, as we _________ (discuss) the issue, the teacher _________ (walk) into the classroom. Obviously, we _________ (stop) talking immediately. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Tips on Tenses Past Perfect for previous actions: To express something that was finished before another event in the past, use the past perfect. This is especially useful when providing an explanation for what happened. Example: I was very tired yesterday evening because I had worked hard all day. In Exercise I, underline the verbs in Past Perfect form. We _________ (decide) to go out and celebrate because we had just finished the project. Janet _________ (not join) us for dinner as she _____ already _____(eat). NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Tips on Tenses Linking Language Starting sentences with a time expression Start sentences with linking phrases such as 'Then,' 'Next,' 'Finally,' 'Before that', etc. to connect sentences and show time relationships in your narrative writing. In Exercise I, underline the time words. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the sequencing words in the box. Finally Next First Before that After 1. _________, we flew to New York on our great adventure. _________ New York, we moved on to Philadelphia. _________, we went to Florida for some scuba diving. _________, we returned home, tired but happy. 2. _________ breakfast, I spent a few hours reading the newspaper. _________, I helped my son with his homework. _________, I went out to meet my friends. Use time clauses to show relationships in time. Use 'before', 'after', 'as soon as', etc. to introduce a time clause. Pay special attention to the use of tenses with time clauses. Begin a sentence with a time clause, but use a comma before the main clause. OR Begin with the main clause and end with the time clause using no comma. After we _________ (finish) our homework, we _________ (watch) a funny movie. They _________ (attend) a meeting as soon as they _________ (arrive) in Chicago. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Descriptive Language When writing a narrative, it's a good idea to include descriptive language to help readers get a feeling for what happened. Here are some suggestions on how to make your writing more descriptive. Use adjectives to modify nouns. Nothing is more boring than a sentenced such as “We went to a store.” It's easy to modify the store to be more precise as well as descriptive. We went to a big box electronics store is much more interesting. Exercise 3: Add adjectives to modify the nouns in the following sentences. 1. They bought a car. - They bought a __________________________________________car. 2. She planted a tree. - She planted a _______________________________________ tree. 3 She has a sister. - She has a _____________________________________________sister. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Descriptive Language Use prepositional phrases such as in the corner and across from the bank to give an idea of where something happens, as well as the relationships between objects. After we arrived, we were shown to our table at the back of the restaurant. The car was parked around the corner on the other side of the street. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Descriptive Language Exercise 4: Add a suitable prepositional phrase from the box to complete the sentences. 1. The hiker placed a flag _____________________________. 2. I love to drive my jeep _____________________________. 3. Put the fresh flowers ______________________________. 3. The balloon drifted ________________________________. 4. The tiger crept slowly ______________________________. 5. Despite warnings, she tried to ski ______________________. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Use relative clauses to further describe and provide information about important details in your narrative. After that, we enjoyed a tasty glass of wine which was grown locally. Next, we took the car which we had rented in Los Angeles and drove to San Francisco. Exercise 5: Complete the following sentences with a suitable relative clause from the box. who robbed the bank that we watched last night when I feel so lonely who lives next door who is standing there which everyone wants to have which you told me about where I was born where I have dinner NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Writing Task I. Describe your hometown. Before you write, fill out the outline below. Some of it has been done for you. You should include: where it is located what it is known for what languages are spoken there what are the main industries in your hometown what are the advantages of living there what you like about your hometown Topic Sentence: _____ is ___________. It is located _______________________________. It is well known for _________________________________________________________________. The main language is ________________________________________________________________. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Writing Task Detail #1: The main industries are _____________________________________________________. A.(Example sentences/explanation about the industries.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________Detail #2 The main advantages of living in the city are ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________. A.(Example sentences of advantages_____________________________) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________. Detail #3 (What you like about your hometown.) A.(Example sentences for things you like about the town.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Writing Task Concluding Comment: (This is a restatement of your topic in different words that includes the details and words that support your topic.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
Writing Task II. Put the topic sentence, details and their supporting sentences down in paragraph form on a separate sheet of paper. Use the skills you have practiced so far to rewrite your second draft. After you finish writing your second draft, share your work with a partner and talk about what you like and what you think could be improved in your partner’s paragraph. Just like with your paper, check your partner’s paper for content, format, form and organization. Content refers to the ideas. The format refers to how the paper looks regarding layout (title, indentation, use of margins, etc.). Form refers to grammar, spelling and punctuation. Organization refers to including the correct parts of a paragraph in order (Topic sentence, Details, Concluding comment). NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©
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