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11/29 Bellringer +5 sentences

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1 11/29 Bellringer +5 sentences
What is “nationalism”? What are some impacts (positive and negative) of a country with a strong sense of nationalism?

2 Geopolitical Forces Influencing Today’s Map
The Cold War – A period of diplomatic, political and military rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union No direct fighting between US and SU – instead there were “proxy wars” Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan Both countries wanted to influence newly independent countries

3 Geopolitical Forces Influencing Today’s Map
The Cold War – Frontline was in Europe Eastern European countries were liberated and occupied by the Soviet Union during WWII – most became communist countries – “satellite states” Germany was divided – three sections were under US, British and French control while one section was under Soviet control – West Germany (democratic) and East Germany (Communist) – the Berlin Wall became a visual symbol of the line between communism and democracy

4 Geopolitical Forces Influencing Today’s Map
The Cold War – Collapse of Communism 1980s – new leadership in the Soviet Union began to relax control over satellite states 1989 – the Berlin wall was taken down and East and West Germany voted to reunite in 1991 1993 – “the Velvet Divorce” – Czechoslovakia smoothly divided into the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovakia 1991 – Yugoslavia did not divide easily – 15+ ethnic groups fought for territory and power Ethnic cleansing – the forced removal of a minority ethnic group from a territory

5 Geopolitical Forces Influencing Today’s Map
The Cold War – Changes in the Balance of Power The balance of economic, polit and military power tilted toward Western Europe and the United States The shift frightened Russia – they intervened militarily to support pro-Russian groups in Georgia (2008) and Ukraine (2014)

6 Concepts of Political Power and Territoriality
Geopolitics – the study of the effects of geography on politics and relations among states A key concept is territoriality (a willingness by one person or a group of people to defend space they claim)

7 Concepts of Political Power and Territoriality
There are three theories to explain the distribution of power in the world: Organic Theory Friedrick Ratzel ( ) Studied why some states grow powerful while others are weak Based on Darwin’s natural selection and survival of the fittest ideas States are born and they need nourishment and living space to survive They gain living space by annexing territory from weaker states A state either has to grow or it will cease to exist

8 Concepts of Political Power and Territoriality
There are three theories to explain the distribution of power in the world: Heartland Theory Sir Halford Mackinder ( ) Controlling the “heartland” was essential in achieving global domination The heartland (Eastern Europe/Central Asia) has large coal deposits and a wealth of other resources The heartland is mostly landlocked, so it is protected from naval attack Control of the heartland would lead to control of Europe, Asia and Africa (“the world island”)

9 Concepts of Political Power and Territoriality
There are three theories to explain the distribution of power in the world: Rimland Theory Nicholas Spykman ( ) Power is derived from controlling strategic maritime areas of the world These areas were more crucial to world wide power because they had more and more varied resources than the heartland This theory influenced the creation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and US Cold War policies on containment

10 Chapter 5, 6, 7, &8 Or Asia Map

11 International and Internal Boundaries
Boundaries exist to add clarity

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