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Georgia’s Early People

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1 Georgia’s Early People
Prehistoric Cultures of the Southeast

2 What is Prehistory? Hunting a mastodon
Archeologists use artifacts to help answer questions about the culture of a particular group of people. Prehistory is the period of time before recorded history. Prehistoric time ends at different points depending on the civilization. New researchers disagree with this idea.

3 Prehistoric Georgia Mammoth: Glyptodon:

4 Some Perspective…

5 Some Perspective Cont’d…
Human Mammoth African Elephant

6 An Aside… Some scientists believe extinct species can be revived. But, is it a good idea?

7 An Aside Part II In Siberia, finding just one mammoth tusk can feed a family of eight for months.

8 The Paleo-Indians 11,000-8,000 B.C. Nomadic-lived in groups of 20-50
Hunter-gatherers Identified by Clovis Points End of the last Ice Age, but Georgia was ice-free

9 Paleo-Indians Not much is known about Paleo culture.
There are no large Paleo sites in Georgia. The only reason we know they were here is because of the (around 200) Clovis Points found in the state. Note the crudeness of the Clovis vs. the Folsom

10 Window Notes Today you will synthesize and react to the new information about Paleo-Indians using the Window Notes strategy, the textbook, and an article from the New Georgia Encyclopedia. Step One: Divide a new blank right side into four quadrants. You may use the entire page.

11 Window Notes Facts: -The Paleo Indians were in GA about 13,000 years ago (consider culture, food, weapons, and shelter) My Reactions/Feelings: -It’s amazing that archeologists are able to put an approximate date on their existence. Questions: -If there are only a few Paleo artifacts in GA, how do we really know they were here? Ideas: -The pictures in the book make it seem like we know a lot more about Paleo life (I think…/I don’t think…)

12 The End of the Paleos When the last global ice age ended, the area now known as Georgia grew very hot and dry. The climate was significantly warmer than it is today. Changes in environment lead to changes in…

13 The Archaic Indians Smaller game such as deer, bear, and antelope.
Evidence of fishing villages along rivers and streams Some evidence of more permanent villages Hunter-gatherers of people Some evidence that different clans met for trading. First to develop pottery.

14 Later Archaics… People began to travel and trade more. How would archeologists know this? Weapons and tools were more sophisticated-atlatl (spear thrower), and stone drill. How did environmental changes affect tools and weapons?

15 Later Archaics As people stayed in one place for longer, dwellings became sturdier First evidence of cremation, burial, and mound construction Significant advances in cooking technology (soapstone slabs and bowls, and pottery)

16 End of the Archaic Age As Georgia filled with people, its inhabitants had to develop social systems to maintain order and manage interaction. Much of the culture of later civilizations can be traced back to the Archaic Age. Were in Georgia 8,000-3,000 years ago.

17 Archaic Wrap-up Highlight/Underline/Star:
The Archaics were the first to use pottery Stallings Island is an important Archaic find in Georgia. The Archaics hunted smaller game due to the end of the ice age. Archaics used the atlatl and more precise points for hunting.

18 Culminating Project Suggestions
Flow chart analyzing the advancement of weapons. Image “scrapbook” visually presenting the cultures (images of food, weapons, terrain, etc.)

19 Woodland Notes Check Do you have… Circular houses?
More permanent settlements? A system for defense (palisades and ditches)? Use of the bow and arrow? Horticulture? (different from agriculture) Mounds (Rock Eagle/Rock Hawk and Kolomoki)? Better tools such as digging sticks? Anything else?

20 Let’s Talk About Values…

21 More values…

22 Mississippian Culture
Most advanced and complex Continued to develop horticulture-squash, corn, and beans Men hunted Women still gathered berries, nuts, etc. Villages had centers where people could come together. Rectangular houses mainly used for storage and shelter against bad weather.

23 Advancements…


25 Mississippian Life Society had ranks Chiefs, priests were at the top
Paramount Chiefdoms- organization of smaller tribes “Temple Mound Builders”-mounds connected to chiefs and religion.

26 Mississippian Life, cont’d
Games were very popular Chunky (or chunkey) was a game played by rolling a stone and the players would throw a spear to the spot where they thought the stone would come to rest. Jewelry, artwork Use of copper Interested in appearance

27 European Arrival The prehistoric Mississippian culture ends with the arrival of the Europeans, particularly that of Hernando deSoto, the first European to trek through what is now Georgia. From this point on, life would never be the same for Georgia’s native people.


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