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Biosafety in Research Laboratories
Definitions Biohazard
An agent of biological origin that has the capacity to produce negative effects on humans, plants or animals. Biosafety The application of: lab practices and procedures, specific lab facilities and safety equipment to protect against exposure to potentially infectious material
What is Biohazardous Material?
Bacteria Viruses Parasites Fungi Human and Non-Human Primate Material Recombinant DNA Animals Biological Toxins
How Can You Be Exposed? Inhalation -80% of lab acquired infections (LAI) Perform experiments in biological safety cabinets Use respiratory protection Remaining 20% LAI are a combination of: Percutaneous Avoid sharps when possible, use plastic pipettes and disposable glassware Mucous Membrane (eyes, nose and mouth) Wash hands often, avoid touching face Ingestion Wash hands often, No eating, drinking, smoking or applying cosmetics All exposures must be reported to the PI, Occ. Health, Biosafety
How Can You Protect Yourself?
Administrative Controls Use attenuated or non-virulent strains, require restraint during animal injection, avoid sharps and glassware, require decontamination, Standard Operating Procedures, training Engineering Controls Biosafety Cabinets, Sealed Rotors/Safety Cups, Pipette Aids, Safety Enclosures for Cell Sorters Personal Protective Equipment Lab Coat / gown, gloves, goggles, facial protection Close toed shoes
Guidelines and Regulations
Guidelines and Regulations Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (CDC) NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (NIH) OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (OSHA) Committee on Microbiological Safety (COMS)
Why Biosafety Guidelines?
Protection Self, Co-workers, Lab support personnel Emergency Responders Experiment and Materials Environment Compliance with NIH, CDC, OSHA, City of Boston, and Town of Belmont
Safety Equipment (Primary Barriers)
Biosafety cabinets (BSCs) Safety centrifuge cups and rotors Pipetting Devices Vacuum line HEPA Filters Personal protective clothing Gloves (remember the one glove rule) Gowns/Lab coats (should remain inside the lab) Eye and face protection Close toed shoes Graphics Ideas: Back of BMBL has line drawings (p ) of BSC Picture or drawing of Eye Protection Centrifuge Cups JYR: For the intro, since these are additive, highlight gloves, gowns and pipetting devices. (I omitted >> Safety centrifuge cups and rotors << due to space limitations. Could add if necessary.)
Biological Safety Cabinets
Must be Certified Annually Air Systems Technologies (508) BSC Provide: Product Protection Personnel Protection Environmental Protection Use biosafety cabinets (class II) for work with infectious agents involving: Aerosols and splashes Large volumes, High concentrations BL2 materials
Biological Safety Cabinets
Protection against particulates only No gas or vapor protection Air flow is easily disrupted Don’t cover the grill Move arms slowly in and out of cabinet Walk slowly 70% return 30% exhausted
Centrifuges Safety Cups and Rotors
Load and unload safety cups inside the BSC
Vacuum Line HEPA Filter Protection
Placed in between the vacuum system and the aspiration flasks
Biosafety Levels BSL-1: agents not known to cause disease (in healthy adults) BSL-2: agents associated with disease BSL-3: indigenous/exotic agents associated with human disease and with potential for aerosol transmission BSL-4: dangerous/exotic agents of life threatening nature
Biosafety Levels BSL-2S (with Stipulation)
Harvard classification not recognized nationally Work can be done inside a BL2 structural facility while practicing certain BL3 practices and procedures disposable sleeve covers or gowns,..... Stipulated by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (COMS)
Biosafety Level 1 Immunocompromised workers are at risk
Standard Operating Procedures Minimize splashes and aerosols PPE Decontaminate work surfaces daily Decontaminate wastes Maintain insect & rodent control program Examples: Adeno associated virus Murine leukemia virus Non pathogenic E. coli Animal tissue and cells (other than NHP) Biosafety Level 1
Biosafety Level 1 Laboratory Facilities (Secondary Barriers)
Biosafety Level 2 • Infectious dose will vary based on:
Agent Exposure time Exposure route • Immunization or antibiotic treatment may be available Extreme precaution with contaminated needles or sharp instruments • Examples: Hepatitis B Virus Influenza Salmonella
Biosafety Level 2 Biosafety Level 2 Signs
Policies and procedures for entry Biohazard warning signs Specific hazard training with annual updates Graphic of sign for entrance to lab with Biohazard symbol BSL-2 Agent: PPE: Contact:
Biosafety Level 2 Laboratory Facilities (Secondary Barriers)
Hand washing sink located near laboratory exit Autoclave available Eyewash/Shower station available Biosafety Cabinets Autoclave picture here
Biosafety Level 2 Laboratory Facilities (Secondary Barriers)
Special Practices Use leak-proof transport containers Graphics
Leak proof transport containers (Pic of Nalgene container)
Biological Spill Kits Location Contents Spill Procedures
Inside Tissue Culture Rooms Contents Gloves, Goggles/shield, N95 Respirator, Lab coat/gown Absorbent material Bleach or suitable disinfectant Tongs and dust pan Spill Procedures Place absorbent material over spill Pour disinfectant around outer edges of absorbent ending in the middle Wait for inactivation of bio-hazardous material Properly dispose of all materials in biohazard box
Biohazardous Waste Includes...
Blood and Blood Products Cultures/Stocks of Infectious Agents and Associated Biologicals Animal Carcasses and Bedding Sharps Glass / Volumetric Pipettes Primary and Established Human and Animal Cell Lines
BL1 and BL2 Waste Disposal Procedures
Liquid: chemically treated prior to drain disposal 10% (total volume) sodium hypochlorite solution (Bleach; Hg free) for minutes Solid: BL1 and BL2 non recombinant waste Dispose of directly into red plastic waste containers or cardboard boxes lined with red biohazard bags Recombinant DNA Any viable organism containing recombinant DNA must be rendered noninfectious prior to disposal Steam sterilization or chemical inactivation
BL2S Waste Disposal Liquid Solid
Inactivate all liquid waste with Vesphene then autoclave Solid Autoclave all solid waste Avoid using Sharps and Glass if possible
Sharps Disposal All sharps should be disposed of directly into an approved sharps container immediately after use When the sharps container is 2/3 full: Place in biohazard waste container Arrange for pick up from Building Services (x2656)
COMS Committee on Microbiological Safety
The MGH Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) What research needs COMS approval Infectious microorganisms, in-vitro or in-vivo Recombinant DNA materials Human studies involving rDNA (Human Gene Transfer studies) Animal to human transplants (xenotransplantation) Primate tissues Dual use agents All COMS approved research is subject to an annual biosafety inspection The Forms:
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Training
Bloodborne Pathogens What are the three bloodborne pathogens you need to be concerned about and what is the risk of transmission each?
Bloodborne Pathogens Hepatitis B Hepatitis C HIV
the most highly transmissible but greatly reduced by vaccine use!! Hepatitis C No vaccine, but early identification and treatment offers some hope HIV Early treatment greatly reduces the risk
Exposure Prevention strategies
Vaccination Work Practices/Standard Precautions PPE/Engineering Controls Exposure response Education/polices
Hepatitis B vaccine Available from Occupational Health Service (6-2217) Must be offered to all employees with exposure risk A 3 shot series- must complete Antibody status checked after series completed No need for routine “boosters”
Work Practice Controls
Standard Precautions - Treat all blood and body fluids as infectious! - Gloves for contact with blood, body fluids, moist mucous membranes, non-intact skin, secretions and contaminated items - Other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as needed to suit the task you are performing - Remove PPE when task completed and moving to a clean area - Disinfect hands after contact with blood/body fluids/tissue, even if gloves are used - Disinfect equipment/surfaces per policy
PPE/Engineering Controls
Gowns, gloves, face shields, splashguards etc. Labeling Biohazardous Waste Disposal Safety Devices Sharps Disposal Sharps Containers
Post Exposure Response
How can you be exposed? -Percutaneous -Mucous membrane -Broken Skin - Animal Bites Immediate Response -First Aid- wash area Reporting- Occ. Health (x2438) or call operator (x2000), available 24/7 -All animal bites must be reported to Occ. Health Follow-up required
Policies and Procedures
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan- located in the Infection Control Manual Departmental Policies Annual Education
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