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The Great Gatsby Jeopardy

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1 The Great Gatsby Jeopardy
Review Game

2 Game Board Characters Quotes Plot Symbolism Misc. 100 200 300 400 500

3 This person could be characterized as pushy and arrogant
Characters 100 This person could be characterized as pushy and arrogant C. George Wilson B. Tom A. Gatsby

4 This person could be characterized as very indecisive and careless.
Characters 200 This person could be characterized as very indecisive and careless. A. Daisy B. Gatsby C. Nick

5 Characters 300 The narrator characterizes this person as having “an extraordinary gift for hope.” A. Daisy B. Dan Cody C. Gatsby

6 This person is Gatsby’s business associate.
Characters 400 This person is Gatsby’s business associate. A. Owl Eyes B. Meyer Wolfshiem C. Dan Cody

7 This person accidentally kills Myrtle Wilson.
Characters 500 This person accidentally kills Myrtle Wilson. A. George B. Gatsby C. Daisy

8 “I’m one of the few honest people I know.”
Quotes 100 “I’m one of the few honest people I know.” A. Jordan B. Nick C. Gatsby

9 “Civilization’s going to pieces.”
Quotes 200 “Civilization’s going to pieces.” A. Myrtle B. George Wilson C. Tom

10 Quotes 300 “It’s a bona-fide piece of printed matter. It fooled me. This fella’s a regular Belasco.” A. Owl Eyes B. Jordan C. Nick

11 Quotes 400 “I can’t forget so long as I live the night they shot Rosy Rosenthal there.” A. Gatsby B. Meyer Wolfshiem C. Michaelis

12 “You dream, you. You absolute little dream.”
Quotes 500 “You dream, you. You absolute little dream.” A. Gatsby B. Myrtle C. Daisy

13 The season most of this story takes place in is…
Plot 100 The season most of this story takes place in is… A. Spring B. Summer C. Fall

14 The climax of this novel is marked by…
Plot 200 The climax of this novel is marked by… A. The hot weather B. Dr. T.J. Eckleburg’s eyes C. The green light

15 Plot 300 Most of the guests at Gatsby’s parties are… A. B. C.
not invited and from the valley of ashes B. invited and from all over the world C. not invited and from both East and West Egg

16 Plot 400 Towards the end of the novel, Gatsby concludes that Daisy’s voice is… A. “full of money” B. “as innocent as her spirit” A. “superficial and indecisive”

17 Plot 500 Nick changes by the end of the the course of the book by… A.
starting to judge others B. no longer associating with people from West Egg C. becoming a bondsman

18 Dr. T.J. Eckleburg’s eyes are used to symbolize…
Symbolism 100 Dr. T.J. Eckleburg’s eyes are used to symbolize… A. The rich B. God C. Evil

19 Symbolism 200 The green light at the edge of the Buchanan dock is meant to symbolize… A. The American Dream B. Daisy C. All of the above

20 Symbolism 300 Fitzgerald uses symbolism as a way to… A. B. C.
highlight the important themes B. make his writing readable to only the educated C. Show the differences between the rich and the poor

21 Symbolism 400 Dan Cody is a symbol for… A. B. C.
the corrupt American society B. what Gatsby is to become at the end of the novel C. the great American self-made man

22 Symbolism 500 There is a lot of light and dark imagery to highlight…
The vast difference between the dream and the reality B. how God and the devil take form in this novel C. the class differences between the rich and the poor

23 completely superficial
Misc. 100 What kind of relationship exists between Nick and the Buchanans at the beginning of the novel? A. very close B. completely superficial C. always on edge

24 Misc. 200 The main reason that Gatsby does not drink alcohol is because… A. he saw how much it effected upper-class society B. he saw how much it effected his alcoholic parents C. he saw how much it effected Dan Cody

25 How does Gatsby make his money?
Misc. 300 How does Gatsby make his money? A. an inheritance B. stocks C. bootlegging

26 that he is more interested in other people’s lives than his own
Misc. 400 The significance of Nick realizing that it is his thirtieth birthday towards the end of the novel is that is shows… A. that he is forgetful B. how he has matured C. that he is more interested in other people’s lives than his own

27 Misc. 500 The significance of “Blocks” Biloxi is that he represents…
the similarities between East and West Egg B. the corruption of the American Dream C. the way that people from every class should act

28 You Did It!! Great Job!

29 UH OH! Better luck next time!

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