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Ms. Sugg 6th Grade Earth and Space Science

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1 Ms. Sugg 6th Grade Earth and Space Science
EQT REVIEW Ms. Sugg 6th Grade Earth and Space Science

2 1. What is the motion of the Earth turning on its axis called?

3 2. What does sewage in the ocean do to the ecosystem?
Sewage in the ocean pollutes the ecosystem.

4 2. How long does it take sewage to affect the ecosystem?
Sewage in the ocean effects ecosystems immediately.

5 3. and 18. Weather vs Climate Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are doing over a short period of time Climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time. Climate is the average.

6 3. Is it climate or weather?
Marrisa likes to visit her grandmother in the winter because where her grandmother lives it is warm all year long. Where Marrisa lives it is very cold in the winter. Marrisa prefers the _____ of the location where her grandmother lives. climate

7 4. Winds blow from the direction in which they are named.
So a northerly wind would come from the ___. north Easterly wind would come from the ____. east Southerly from the ____. south Westerlies come from the ____. west

8 5. If there is an occluded front in your area, it is a good day to plan a picnic or other outdoor activities. False; an occluded front brings precipitation

9 6. Anemometer measures ____ .
wind speed

10 7. Mathematics are used in weather forecasting.

11 8. Nonpoint-source pollution could include ________.
oil, fertilizer, and sediment

12 9. When pollution can be tracked to one location it is called ________.
point source pollution

13 10. What can affect water quality?
Pollution Erosion Deforestation

14 11. What does not affect water quality?
Solar eclipses Lunar eclipses

15 12. The eye of the storm refers to what severe storm?

16 13. The boundary between cold and warm air masses is ________.

17 14. When severe weather conditions already exist, a ____ is issued.

18 15. Deforestation may cause ____.
global warming

19 Air Molecules What do you notice about the air molecules in the picture?

20 16. __A. __ air molecules are closer to ground and sea level, __B
16. __A.__ air molecules are closer to ground and sea level, __B.__ air molecules are at higher altitudes. A. more B. less

21 17. When would northern states receive more and less solar radiation?
More solar radiation: during the summer when the sunlight is more directly pointed at the states. Less solar radiation: during the winter when sunlight is pointed at an angle towards the northern states.

22 18. Weather or climate? It snowed last night.
The wind just blew my trashcan over. It rains about 67 inches a year in Mobile. climate It was 47°F this morning when I woke up.

23 19. True or False The tile of Earth causes the variation between seasons. true If there was a decrease in the tilt, there would be less difference in temperature between summer and winter. If there was a increase in the tilt, there would be a greater difference in temperature between summer and winter.

24 20. Carbon dioxide has ____ continuously over the time. Why?
risen or increased in our atmosphere This is because of our increase in population, the increased amount of people has caused more people to burn fossil fuels adding more pollution to the atmosphere.

25 21. How can you help control greenhouse gasses?
Plant trees Recycle Turn off electronics when not in use Unplug electronics when not needed

26 22. How much pollution is considered land based?

27 23. What does a cold front look like? Where are the cold and warm air?

28 24. What does a warm front look like? Where are the cold and warm air?

29 25. Who studies weather? Meteorologist

30 26. What do we actually see when we see a tornado since it’s not swirling air that we see?
We are seeing dirt and debris swirling in the air.

31 27. What is a blizzard and what can happen if you are caught in one?
requirements/ / A blizzard is a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility. If caught in one, you may end up with hypothermia, frostbite, or even death may occur.

32 28. Equinox: It is used to name the two days of the year when light and dark are nearly equal in length.

33 29. Living plants use __A. _ from the environment to produce _B
29. Living plants use __A._ from the environment to produce _B._ for us to use. A. carbon dioxide B. oxygen

34 30. Thermometers measure temperature

35 31. infrared satellite images measure
Cloud height and atmospheric temperature

36 32. Barometer measures Air pressure

37 33. Doppler radar measures
Precipitation and wind speed

38 34. human observers measures
Cloud amounts and visibility

39 35. The Maritime Tropical (Gulf of Mexico) air mass brings what type of weather?
warm and humid

40 36. What is relative humidity?
given as a percentage indicating how much water vapor is in the air on a certain day

41 37. The Continental Polar (central Canada) air mass brings what type of weather?
cold and dry

42 38. The Maritime Polar (northern Pacific, Bering Sea) air mass brings what type of weather?
cool and humid

43 39. What is dew point? the temperature at which air is saturated and condensation forms

44 40. Label the seasons on a map based on where the planet sits in regards to the tilt of Earth and the amount of solar radiation being received from the Sun.

45 40. Label the seasons on a map based on where the planet sits in regards to the tilt of Earth and the amount of solar radiation being received from the Sun.

46 41. Describe the water cycle
41. Describe the water cycle. Use the terms evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, transpiration, sublimation, and infiltration in your explanation.

47 41. Water Cycle The water cycle is a model that describes how water moves from Earth to the atmosphere and back again. Evaporation is the process of water changing from a liquid to a gas. This enables water to move from Earth to the atmosphere. Once in the atmosphere, the water changes back to a liquid in the process of condensation. Condensation results in precipitation, which is water moving from the atmosphere back to Earth. Precipitation, such as rain or snow, that falls to Earth can move along the surface as runoff. The soil and rock on Earth’s surface will absorb the water and this is when infiltration occurs. Transpiration is when water within the Earth has been absorbed by plants and any excess water is released from the leaves. Finally, sublimation is when snow or ice turns into water vapor without melting because of the sun’s energy.

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