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By Josiah Lichti, Hunter Eustache, and Riley Harris.`

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1 By Josiah Lichti, Hunter Eustache, and Riley Harris.`
Hundred Years' War By  Josiah Lichti, Hunter Eustache, and    Riley Harris.`

2 Introduction .            This presentation is about the hundred year war. There are a few topics we will be covering. I will be covering the history and a couple fun facts. Hunter will be covering the weaponry and what they were commonly used for. Riley will be talking mostly about "The Battle of Crécy" and Joan of arc. How long did the war actually last?  What was Joan of arc accused of before she was burned at the stake?

3 History of the hundred year war
  The name the hundred years war has been around since the early nineteenth century. The hundred years war started in and it ended in 1453, which technically lasted one hundred sixteen years. The French was more powerful in the way that they had more financial and military resources and the most.     

4 Joan of arc.   Joan of Arc was a French military leader who when she was 18 she lead a military victory to English Orléans. But a year later she was captured and burned at the stake for being accused of witchcraft and heresy. on May, But after she died she became more of a hero! She is also called the “Maid of Orléans”. She was born in in Domrémy France. Joan of Arc played an important role in the hundred years war, she was important because somehow she managed to turn the war in favour of France. 

5 The battle of Crecy  The battle of Crecy was fought in northern France on August 26 1346. The battle was between King Edward III and his son, then Philip VI, King of France. They were fighting for the throne of England. King Edward's army  included: 12,000-16,000 men on foot and on horses. King Philip VI's army included: 20,000-80,000 men on both foot and horseback.  This was a significant battle because it was first open battle that cannons were introduced.  Also the introduction of the use of the English long bow was crucial to the victory of King Edward the III's English army.

6 Weaponry    The war consists of lots of weapons here I'll name a few. The crossbow, arming sword, 2 handed swords, the pike, and one of the most used is the old English longbow which was superior to the crossbow because an experienced bowma n could shoot 20 arrows per minute, but the crossbow could only shoot 1-3 arrow a minute with less force. Some very significant advancements happened during the hundred years war such as the invention of gun powder.

7 Armor In the time the mail armor was replaced by a more advanced armor made of iron and steel plates protecting almost all the body it could resist glancing arrows it could only be penetrated if struck directly with a great blow. It was thought to be heavy but the weight was distributed evenly although heat exertion was a problem.

8 Sources “The Hundred Years War.” Confucius and Confucianism, Accessed 3 Dec “Joan of Arc.”, A&E Networks Television, 27 Feb. 2018, Accessed 3 Dec, A&E Television Networks, ages/hundred-years-war. Last Updated August 21, 2018 Original Published Date November 9, 2009.  “Home.” British Battles, war/battle-of-crecy/.accessed 10 Dec. 2018

9 Sources continued. "Battle of Crecy" British Battles , Dec 11/2018.
"Battle of Crecy" Luminarium, Dec 11/2018

10 The end!!!!!

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