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New England Colonies.

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1 New England Colonies

2 The Mayflower (1620) Negotiated with Virginia Company to settle in VA…
Plymouth Bay Became squatters – ain’t nobody got time to find VA Didn’t bring necessary supplies Mayflower Compact – self-gov’t Agreement to form crude gov’t based on majority rule Male settlers meet in assemblies

3 Plymouth Plantation

4 First Year in Plymouth 44 /120 survived
None leaved when Mayflower left Survived off of furs, fishing, and lumber Later Merges w/ MA Bay Colony Governor: Bradford Worried about non-Puritans corrupting society

5 MA Bay Colony 1629, non-separatists get charter from King
Gov. Winthrop Boston was its hub “Great Migration” of 1630s Escape religious persecution Only 20,000 Puritans come to MA


7 Characteristics of New Enlgand Settlements
Higher life expectancy Babies errywhere Patriarchy Church was center

8 Rebels without a cause?

9 Roger Williams Argued about separation from C. of England
Wanted to fairly compensate natives 1635- EXILE! Went to Rhode Island Colony of squatters & dissenters Remarkable religious freedoms in RI Most lilberal colony

10 Anne Hutchinson Threatened patriarchy of church and gov’t
Gurl spoke in church, and argued with its leaders about role of women! Antinomialism – obedience of religious law earns religious salvation Argued predestination EXILE!!!!!!!

11 Native Americans and New Englanders
Natives already affected by disease before arrival. Womponoags (Squanto) cooperated with settlers The Pequot Wars 1637 – Settlers and native allies obliterated Pequot King Philip’s War Metacom –United natives, coordinated attacks Frontier settlers flee to Boston Final threat in New England from natives Metacom beheaded & drawn and quartered

12 Wrap Up

13 Wrap Up What are the factors behind the differences in the colonial regions? (North v. South)

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