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READING LOG- Individual

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1 6TH GRADE ELA- Benchmark Unit 2- Unit 2 – Determining Importance/Sequence
READING LOG- Individual Benchmark – Sequence – “Starting Your Own Business” Text Structures Flipbook- Order and Sequence + Practice Read Aloud- “Hello Universe” + Questions October 08 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Culture Finish Chapter 4 section 1 Notes + review INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Paired Reading– “Westward We Go”- Read 1 Word Gen – Structure Daily Language Review Heart Map Quick Write in Journal

2 ELA- Quick Write 10-8 Blue = Free time Green = People you care about Red = Important/Memorable memories Yellow = Places you have been to or lived in Write for 12 minutes about one of the things you love to do on your free time.

3 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 2 -Unit 2 – Determining Importance/Sequence
READING LOG- Individual Benchmark – Sequence – “The 19th Amendment” Text Structures Flipbook- Problem and Solution + Practice + Video Read Aloud- “Hello Universe” + Questions October 09 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 4 Culture Diversity in America w.S. Due Chapter 4- Section 2 Worksheet INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Paired Reading– “A Winter Tale”- Read 1 Word Gen – Answer the questions about each word Daily Language Review

4 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 2 -Unit 2 – Determining Importance/Sequence – WE DO
READING LOG- Individual Benchmark – Sequence – “Tornado in a Bottle” Text Structures Flipbook- Description + Practice + Video Read Aloud- “Hello Universe” + Questions October 10 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 4 Culture Chapter 4 Section 2 Review Chapter 4 Section 3 Notes W.S. + Video + Questions #1-3 Pg 95 INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING – YOU DO Paired Reading– “A Winter Tale”- Read 2 Daily Language Review Heart Map Quick Write in Journal

5 7th Grade Social Studies Review Ch. 4 Section 2
Would you prefer to live in an area with high population density or low population density? Explain why?

6 ELA- Quick Write 10-10 Blue = Free time Green = People you care about Red = Important/Memorable memories Yellow = Places you have been to or lived in Write for 12 minutes about one of the most important and memorable memories.

7 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 2 -Unit 2 – Determining Importance/Sequence
READING LOG- Individual Benchmark – Sequence of Events worksheet Text Structures Review Worksheet – Test Review Personal Narrative Essay Intro – Video Read Aloud- “Hello Universe” + Questions October 11 INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Paired Reading– “A Winter Tale”- Read 3 Daily Language Review 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 4 Culture Chapter 4 Section 3 Review Questions Ch.4 Review Vocab Assignment

8 ELA Sequence Practice 10-11
Think of a sequence of at least five events that occurs in a sport or other activity you know how to do Write a list of these events in the order in which they should be performed -include at least five events -write the events in the correct order -use clue words that help make the sequence of events clear Write a paragraph based on the sequence of events and use clue words to help the reader understand the sequence of events

9 7TH Grade Social Studies Ch
7TH Grade Social Studies Ch. 4 Vocab Review Assignment – For each word write the definition, put the word in your own sentence, and draw a visual representing that word Culture p.80 Culture Trait p.81 Culture Region p.82 Cultural Diversity p.83 Cultural Diffusion p.85 Population p.86 Population density p.86 Migration p.89 Democracy p. 91 Communism p. 92 Market Economy p.94 Command Economy p.94 GDP p.95 Developed Countries p.95 Developing Countries p.95

10 October 12 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 2 -Unit 2 – Determining Importance/Sequence READING LOG- Individual Benchmark – Sequence Weekly Story Text Structures- Test Review- Test Tuesday Personal Narrative Intro Read Aloud- “Hello Universe” + Questions INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Daily Language Review due Vocab Words – Match in Notebook Personal Narrative Practice Guide 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 4 Culture Ch.4 Review Vocab Assignment Due Monday Chapter 4 Review – Quiz Monday - Check Quizlet

11 6th Grade ELA Weekly Learning Targets
RL.6.5 -I Can:  Define theme  Define setting  Define plot  Explain how a particular part of a literary piece moves the story along  Explain how a particular part of a literary piece develops the theme W I Can:  Write a narrative paper  Develop a narrator and/or characters  Develop a plot  Use dialogue  Use transitions  Use descriptive  Vocabulary and sensory language  Provide a conclusion RL.6.3- I Can:  Describe the series of events that are part of a plot  Describe how a character changes throughout the story  Define resolution

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