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1 Aristotle

2 Aristotle Aristotle is a towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, making contributions to logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance and theatre. He was a student of Plato who in turn studied under Socrates. He was more empirically-minded than Plato or Socrates and is famous for rejecting Plato's theory of forms. Plato (left) and Aristotle (right)

3 Writings The works of Aristotle fall under three headings:
(1) dialogues and other works of a popular character. (2) collections of facts and material from scientific treatment. (3) systematic works. Among his writings of a popular nature the only one which we possess of any consequence is the interesting tract On the Polity of the Athenians. The works on the second group include 200 titles, most in fragments, collected by Aristotle's school and used as research. Some may have been done at the time of Aristotle's successor Theophrastus. Included in this group are constitutions of 158 Greek states.

4 Physical works Physics (explains change, motion, void, time)
On the Heavens (structure of heaven, earth, elements) On Generation (through combining material constituents) Meteorologics (origin of comets, weather, disasters)

5 Philosophical works Metaphysics (substance, cause, form, potentiality)
Nicomachean Ethics (soul, happiness, virtue, friendship) Eudemain Ethics Magna Moralia Politics (best states, utopias, constitutions, revolutions) Rhetoric (elements of forensic and political debate) Poetics (tragedy, epic poetry)

6 Art and Poetics For a discussion of poetics and dramatic literature, see the article Aristotle's Poetics. For a discussion of Aristotle's views on biology, see the article Aristotle's Biology.

7 BY : Buntita Sadsadeephaeng
M.4.1 NO.7

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