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The Trinity or the Bermuda Triangle

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1 The Trinity or the Bermuda Triangle
Gender (vs. sex) Class (vs. caste) Race (or ethnicity) Create cleavages: divisions that lead to differences in political behavior (voting, rebellion, etc.) reinforcing vs. cross-cutting These divisions are not natural/inevitable; culturally created and change over time Barack Obama: is he black? literally African American Latino vs. Hispanic The Irish are "Negroes turned inside out and Negroes are smoked Irish."

2 Basic types: Peninsulare, Criollo, Indio, Negro
Español peninsular + Española peninsular = Criollo Criollo + Criollo = Criollo Español + India = Mestizo Español + Negra = Mulato Negro + India = Zambo Mestizo + India = Cholo Mestizo + Española = Castizo Mulato + Española = Morisco Español + Morisca = Albino Negro + Zamba = Zambo Prieto Peninsulares tiny population intermarriage/miscegenation US: Loving v. Virginia, 1967 Spectrum: potentially more mobility Natives still severely oppressed Still true modern Latin America

3 Narrative Forms Comedy: bad things working out in the end
Tragedy: fatal flaw Irony: unexpected outcome Not the Alanis Morissette song Teleology: Hegel—thesis + antithesis synthesis (new thesis) ultimate outcome guided by “Spirit” of history Material determinism: Karl Marx’s teleology: primitive communism (hunter gatherers)  slave society (Rome)  feudalism (King Arthur)  capitalism (US)  socialism (Sweden / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)  communism (utopia) Base and superstructure

4 Anthropology

5 The study of Man Physical and social beings in time and space
Context of culture Bridge between humanities/bio-natural science/social science Main subfields: 1) Physical (evolution, forensic), 2) Archaeology (prehistoric, classical, historic), 3) Linguistic (relationship language and culture, historical, structural, social), 4) Cultural/ethnography

6 Key Terms Culture: the knowledge that is learned, shared, and used by people to interpret experience and generate behavior A script for life: different roles, different masks Explicit (conscious of) vs. tacit (unconscious) Subject: someone who is observed Participant observer: researcher who joins activity in order to study it Ideal of detachment

7 Ethnocentrism: the belief and feeling that one’s own culture is best
Positive and negative consequences: self-esteem vs. cultural + military imperialism Naïve realism: the belief that people everywhere see the world in the same way Cultural relativism: beliefs and actions should be evaluated in terms of their particular culture Good--> socially acceptable; Evil--> socially unacceptable Functional vs. Dysfunctional Crime + gangs?

8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

9 Water Usage




13 Every 2 minutes someone in the US is sexually assaulted
1 in 6 US women and 1 in 33 US men will be sexually assaulted (attempted or completed rape) in their lifetime 1 in 4 US girls is sexually abused before age 18. 1 in 6 US boys is sexually abused before age 18. More than 20% of children are sexually abused before the age of 8. Nearly 50% of all US victims of forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling are children under 12. An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today 60% of US sexual assaults are not reported to the police these statistics are probably too low Only 6% of US rapists spend even a day in jail Nearly 70% of child sex offenders have between 1 and 9 victims; at least 20% have 10 to 40 victims. An average serial child molester may have as many as 400 victims in his lifetime.

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