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Write 2 examples of physical properties and 1 example

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1 Write 2 examples of physical properties and 1 example
October 26, Day 1 1. Please have these Items on your desk. Science Starters Sheet notebook Agenda Science Starter: Write 2 examples of physical properties and 1 example of chemical properties.

2 To do list . . . . . . . . . Trade and grade worksheets Card sort
Create foldable (start)

3 Chemical & Physical Change Card Sort
Table on contents update Pg / Chemical/Physical change card sort

4 Chemical-Physical folable


6 Poem for Physical Change This gets written on the inside bottom left side of the foldable.
A Physical Change Changes how things look, Like tearing a page in a book, or freezing a liquid, like water to ice, or painting a house to make it look nice!

7 Poem for Chemical Change This gets written on the bottom right side of the foldable.
A Chemical Change has come to pass, if you see a new solid, liquid or gas. The color may change or the energy too. A chemical change makes something new.

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