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Take home ınstructıons

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Presentation on theme: "Take home ınstructıons"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take home ınstructıons
16th December – 23rd December

2 What are we goıng to do? Take Home Assessment consists of TWO SECTIONS: IN CLASS PART DO-AT-HOME PART Today we are going to do Part 1 here in class.

3 In order to do part 2 at home, you need to know these:
You have 4 options to choose from. These are: Diorama Board Game Descriptive Writing Play Script Writing

4 dıorama Make a diorama of scene 1 or 2 or 3 from The Phantom Tollbooth. Requirements: a. Include captions with quotes from the Play The Phantom Tollbooth. b. On a separate A4 paper, write a paragraph explaining this scene in detail and why you chose to do this scene. This option is for students who like to work with their hands! This suits physical and visual learners and artistic types. If you choose to make a diorama, you’ll be graded with this rubric:

5 DIORAMA 9-10 6-8 3-5 0-2 Presentation The diorama is very neat and attractive. The content is clear and exciting to the viewer. The overall appearance is excellent. The overall appearance is good. The content is interesting. The diorama looks rushed and put together at the last minute, missing some key details. Very little time or effort has been put into the presentation of the diorama. It is dull and unappealing to the viewer. Labelling and captions The diorama contains labels for all important people and objects and the descriptions and explanations are very clear and relate clearly to the topic. The diorama contains some labels for important people and objects; or the descriptions and explanations are mostly clear and they relate to the topic. The diorama contains almost no labels; or few of the descriptions and explanations relate to the topic. The diorama has little or no use of labels and captions. There is no linking to the topic. Materials Uses a wide range of materials to engage the audience. Uses some different materials to engage the audience. Uses a limited range of materials to engage the audience. Uses only one type of material with minimal engagement for the audience. Effort Exemplary effort on the part of the student. Very creative and original. Great presentation! Exceptional effort on the part of the student. Some creativity and originality. Good presentation! The student made a quick effort to produce the diorama. Presentation could have been better. The student did not listen to instructions and put in very little effort. Relevance The diorama clearly represents a setting and his highly related to The Phantom Tollbooth. The diorama represents the setting and is related to The Phantom Tollbooth. The diorama attempts to represent the setting and is related to The Phantom Tollbooth. The diorama has little or no reference to the setting and is related to The Phantom Tollbooth. Total ___/50

6 Board game You need to create a Board Game that
includes Scenes of The Phantom Tollbooth. Requirements: Using a thick carton, colored paper, colored pencils, and markers, create a game board. Put the name of your game on the board somewhere and decorate it so that it is a game board. This option is for students who like to work with their hands, like being creative and like to challenge others! This option suits physical and visual learners and artistic types. If you choose to make a board game, you’ll be graded with this rubric:

7 9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 3-4 points 0-2 points Design & Creativity Everything is neatly created and directions were followed completely. Game board is excellent but some parts are a little sloppy. Game board is complete but 1 or 2 elements are missing and it could be neater. Most of the directions were ignored and the board is sloppy. There is a game board but it is not colored and no extra efforts were made at creativity. Questions There are 25 questions and answers, and they are well incorporated into the game. A couple of questions or answers are missing or incorrect. Some questions are missing OR one could play the game with answering most questions. Half of the questions are missing OR questions are hardly used in the game. Many questions are incorrect or missing and very few are required to play the game. Format & Purpose The purpose of the game relates directly to the novel and the game board represents the theme. The purpose closely relates to the novel and the game board somewhat represents the theme. The purpose partially relates to the novel and the game board doesn’t clearly represent a theme. The purpose slightly relates to the novel but does not represent a theme. It is unclear what the purpose and theme of the game are from the appearance. Directions Directions make it perfectly clear how to play the game. They are neatly typed with minimal grammatical errors. Directions are typed but have 2-3 minor grammatical errors. They are somewhat unclear or 1 step is missing. There are more than 3 errors. Directions are unclear and 2-3 steps could be added to clarify. Errors in grammar interfere with understanding of the directions. Much revision is needed. Complete revision needed. Many steps are missing or incomplete and it is very difficult to understand how to play the game. Content & Difficulty Questions and rules of play are of an appropriate level-- not too difficult and not too easy. Rules of play are age appropriate but some questions are too easy or too difficult. Game is a bit too simple for the grade level and some questions are too easy. Game is very simple and most questions are too easily answered. Game is not appropriate for the grade level and questions are too easy or too difficult.

8 Descrıptıve wrıtıng You need to write a descriptive paragraph about one of the sets of The Phantom Tollbooth. Options: Milo’s Bedroom The Road to Dictionopolis Dictionopolis Marketplace. This option is for students who like writing and like to imagine themselves as an author or stage director! If you choose descriptive writing, you’ll be graded with this rubric:

9 Descriptive Writing 9-10 6-8 3-5 0-2 Presentation Presentation makes effective use of pictures, colours, and a detailed layout. Handwriting is very neat. There is an interesting variety of illustrations. Presentation mostly makes use of pictures, colours, and a detailed layout. Handwriting is neat. There is some variety of illustrations. Presentation sometimes makes use of pictures, colours, and a detailed layout. Handwriting needs some improvement. Presentation does not make use of pictures, colours, or a detailed layout. Handwriting is illegible. No illustrations included. Description of Setting Presentation provides thorough descriptions relating to the setting of the scene. Presentation provides some descriptions relating to the setting of the scene. Presentation provides basic descriptions relating to the setting of the scene. Presentation provides limited to no descriptions relating to the setting of the scene. Use of figurative language (similes, metaphors, sensory adjectives) Contains creative, effective similes and metaphors as well as more than 5 sensory adjectives. Contains at least 1 metaphor and 1 simile and 4-5 sensory adjectives. Contains at least 1 metaphor or 1 simile and a few sensory adjectives. Contains no metaphors or similes and no sensory adjectives. Effort Exemplary effort on the part of the student. Very creative and original. Great presentation! Exceptional effort on the part of the student. Some creativity and originality. Good presentation! The student made a quick effort to produce the character profile. Presentation could have been better. The student did not pay attention to instructions and put in very little effort. Relevance The presentation includes three or more quotes and examples from The Phantom Tollbooth. The presentation includes two quotes and examples from The Phantom Tollbooth. The presentation includes only one quote and examples from The Phantom Tollbooth. The presentation includes no quotes or examples from The Phantom Tollbooth. Total ___/50 points

10 Wrıtıng a play scrıpt In this option you need to write a Play Script of your own inspired by The Phantom Tollbooth. Requirements:  Your Play must include stage directions and must be written in a play format.  You need to use your imagination and write a creative play!  You need to create your own characters.  You need to write entertaining dialogues. This option is for students who like to be creative and are interested in theatre, plays and acting. If you choose play script writing, you’ll be graded with this rubric:

11 0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10 Communication Conventions The final draft has many grammar, capitalization, spelling, and punctuation errors. There more then a few grammar, capitalization, spelling, or punctuation errors in the final draft. There are few grammar, capitalization, spelling, or punctuation errors in the final draft. There are no grammar, capitalization, spelling, or punctuation errors in the final draft. Clarity Ideas and scenes seem to be randomly arranged. The plot is a little hard to follow. The transitions are sometimes not clear. The plot is pretty well organized. One idea or scene may seem out of place. Clear transitions are used. The story is very well organized. One idea or scene follows another in a logical sequence with clear transitions. Understanding Knowledge/ Format There are no stage directions or consideration of script/play format. The playwright has used stage directions, but more could have been used. The playwright used stage directions and proper script format, demonstrating a general understanding. The playwright has really demonstrated thorough thought and understanding regards to stage directions and script format. Thinking/ Inquiry Creativity There is little evidence of creativity. The playwright does not seem to have used much imagination. The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the story. The story contains creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment The story contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. Application Characters It is hard to tell who the main characters are. There is only 1 main character. The main characters are named. Dialogue and stage directions have limited expansion of character development. The main characters (3-4) are named and described. Dialogue and stage directions somewhat expand character development. The main characters (3-4) are named and clearly describe. Dialogue and stage directions expand character development. Dialogue Hard to follow characters' dialogue and minimal effort is put into conversations. It is usually clear which character is speaking. Dialogue is choppy and not well developed. It is usually clear which character is speaking. Dialogue is well developed, but could be more varied in structure. It is always clear which character is speaking. Dialogue is well developed and varied.

12 Important poınts to consıder!
Please keep up with the deadlines. You need to plan ahead and finish on time. You will lose 10% for each day the take home is late. All writing must be the students’ own words. Copying and pasting from the internet, a book or a friend is not allowed and will not be accepted. Academic honesty is a very important value of our school. Please try to be creatve and have fun while doing your task. Choose the option you think you can complete alone. GOOD LUCK 

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