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1 Website:
Developing Young Detectives by Teaching History as Mystery: An Inquiry Strategy to Challenge Gifted Learners! KAGE Conference February 27, 2018 Dr. Jana Kirchner Website:

2 Brainstorming: Characteristics of Gifted Kids
Gifted kids are….

3 C3 Inquiry Arc – What does inquiry in social studies look/sound like?

4 Mystery/Inquiry Lesson Components
Lesson Hook The Organizing Question Teacher-generated Student-generated Examine the Sources Include primary and secondary sources Integrate literacy strategies Make a Hypothesis with Evidence

5 “Texts” as Evidence or Clues

6 Inquiry-Based Lessons in U.S. History by Kirchner & McMichael
Structure of Lessons Historical Background -3 lessons Organizing Question Strategies Used Materials Needed Lesson Plan Lesson Hook The Organizing Question Examine the Sources Make a Hypothesis

7 Change Think of a time when you wanted a change.
Personal Parents School Work What strategies did you use to try to make this change happen?

8 Guiding Question: How much progress has the U. S
Guiding Question: How much progress has the U.S. made towards Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream? Supporting questions: What changes were needed for African Americans in the U.S.? What was Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision for change? What strategies were used to bring about change during the Civil Rights Movement?

9 3-Column Notes Guide

10 1

11 2

12 3

13 4

14 5

15 6

16 7

17 8

18 Examining More Clues… Background on Jim Crow laws
Table Task: Read the examples of Jim Crow laws in your envelope. Discuss the laws, where they were from, and if they support any of the evidence you found in the gallery walk images. Record evidence on the clue sheet. Give One-Get One: Now meet with other tables and share a law that supported (corroborated) evidence from one of the visuals. Record new evidence on your clue sheet.

19 What changes were needed for African Americans in the U.S.?
Texts: Images Examples of Jim Crow Laws “I Have a Dream” speech

20 What was Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision for change?
Reciprocal Reading – 1st model a section with a think aloud and annotations 1 - The first group member reads a paragraph or chunk. 2 - The second group member summarizes what was just read and shares important lines. 3 - The third group member makes connections between what was read and what was learned earlier and/or asks questions about the text. Rotate roles and go on to the next chunk.

21 What strategies were used to bring about change in the Civil Rights Movement?
Brainstorm ideas for teaching this question.



24 How much progress has the U. S. made towards Martin Luther King Jr
How much progress has the U.S. made towards Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream? Final product – Take a position on the question with evidence from all texts. Ideas for products?

25 Sources for Images “At the Bus Station,” Durham, NC, 1940 by Jack Delano ( “People Waiting for a Bus at the Greyhound Bus Terminal,” Memphis, TN, by Esther Bubley ( “A Café Near the Tobacco Market, ” Durham, NC, 1940 by Jack Delano ( “A Drinking Fountain on the County Courthouse Lawn,” Halifax, North Carolina, by John Vachon ( “Negro Man Entering Movie Theater by ‘Colored’ Entrance,” Belzoni, Mississippi, by Marion Post Wolcott ( “Beale Street, Memphis, TN,” 1939 by Marion Post Wolcott ( “Railroad Station,” Manchester, GA, 1938 by John Vachon ( “Ronald Martin, Robert Patterson, and Mark Martin Stage Sit-Down Strike After Being Refused Service at a F.W. Woolworth Luncheon Counter, Greensboro, N.C.,” (

26 Reflection/Debrief Why do you think the mystery/inquiry strategy is effective with gifted students? How might you use this strategy in a regular classroom? In a pull-out enrichment program?

27 Question Formulation Technique
Use a Question Focus (Qfocus) to ask questions about. Produce your Questions Improve your Questions Categorize as closed or open-ended Prioritize your Questions 3 most important Why you chose them Next Steps/Reflection

28 Wood engraving published in Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, July 2, 1887, Library of Congress


30 Contact Information Dr. Jana Kirchner Website:

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