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Wind Power Presentation

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1 Wind Power Presentation
By: Windco inc. CEOs: Abigail Berry and Amanda Klingsheim

2 Wind Power: Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages: * It is a clean energy source * It is more aesthetically appealing than most other energy source options *It is environmentally responsible and doesn’t emit any harmful chemicals or radiation Disadvantages: * It takes money * It takes wind which we don’t always have around here

3 Pugh Matrix Chart (See next slide)
We compared different types of energy to each other using the Pugh Matrix Chart 

4 Pugh Matrix Chart Criteria Baseline Solar Power Bio Fules Wind
Hyrodopower Geothermal Nuclear Oil/Fossil Fuels Totals Rank Cost 4 + -1 6 Reliabliltiy 8 5 1 Efficiency Durrability 7 Environmentally Responsible 3 Cultrurally Respectful -2 Easily Accessable 2 -3 9 Totals  Rank  Comments/Conclusion: Continuous Improvement Toolkit . Pugh Matrix Chart

5 Results from the Pugh Matrix Chart
Our results showed us that wind power was the way to go, as it was had the best ranking among the other types of energy sources. Wind power is clean energy source and would take up less room, resources, don't cause emissions, the cost is worth the efficiency, windmills are extremely durable and reliable, windmills are aesthetically pleasing, and culturally respectful. There were no other energy sources that could match those standards, which is why Windco's Windmills from Windco Inc was created.

6 Wind Power vs. Solar Power
Takes lots of resources Not a lot of sunny weather here Not aesthetically appealing Takes up lots of space Not very culturally respectful if we placed down a field of solar panels in our valley. 

7 Wind Power vs. Nuclear Power
It is expensive to build a facility for Hard to get Can be very harmful Dangerous Not aesthetically pleasing Not culturally respectful Very clean energy form

8 Wind Power vs. Geothermal Power
Costs a lot  Cannot always be culturally respectful Is reliable and efficient Is not environmentally friendly

9 Wind Power vs. Fossil Fuels
Hard to get at Using fossil fuels continues to emit heat and gas emissions It is a non-renewable resource Costs money to get to Not environmentally friendly emissions

10 How does wind power work?
We are able to harness wind power through specifically designed generators which harness the wind's power and turn it into electrical energy.

11 Wind Power Simulator This simulator shows how a windmill works

12 How much would a windmill cost?
According to Windustry, the cost of a windmill with under 100 kilowatts is about 3-8,000 dollars for each kilowatt of capacity.

13 Thank you!    Thank you for listening to Winco Inc's ideas. Windco is offering 25 percent of the profits from the product to our investor!

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