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One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD.

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Presentation on theme: "One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD."— Presentation transcript:

1 One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple Psalms 27:4

2 Proclaim Your awesome power Declare Your future Kingdom
Tell of mighty deeds Declare Your future Kingdom Of everlasting peace All Of My Days

3 And my eyes they look unto You always And I am captured by Your Majesty
All Of My Days

4 All of my days I will sing of Your greatness All of my days I will speak of Your grace All of my days I will tell of Your wondrous love Your love in my life Your love All Of My Days

5 All Of My Days All Your works will praise You
Your children bless Your name We speak of all Your goodness We walk in fields of grace All Of My Days

6 And my eyes they look unto You always And I am captured by Your Majesty
All Of My Days

7 All of my days I will sing of Your greatness All of my days I will speak of Your grace All of my days I will tell of Your wondrous love Your love in my life Your love All Of My Days

8 All of my days I will sing of Your greatness All of my days I will speak of Your grace All of my days I will tell of Your wondrous love Your love in my life Your love All Of My Days

9 Come Now Is The Time To Worship
Come, now is the time to worship Come, now is the time to give your heart Come, just as you are to worship Come, just as you are before your God Come Come Now Is The Time To Worship

10 Come Now Is The Time To Worship
One day ev'ry tongue will confess You are God One day ev'ry knee will bow Still the greatest treasure remains for those, Who gladly choose You now Come Now Is The Time To Worship

11 Come Now Is The Time To Worship
Come, now is the time to worship Come, now is the time to give your heart Come, just as you are to worship Come, just as you are before your God Come Come Now Is The Time To Worship

12 Come Now Is The Time To Worship
One day ev'ry tongue will confess You are God One day ev'ry knee will bow Still the greatest treasure remains for those, Who gladly choose You now Come Now Is The Time To Worship

13 Come Now Is The Time To Worship
Come, now is the time to worship Come, now is the time to give your heart Come, just as you are to worship Come, just as you are before your God Come Come Now Is The Time To Worship

14 "This, then, is how you should pray: "  'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.‘ Matt 6:9-13

15 Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)

16 Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)
Dear heavenly Father, we worship You  We want Your heart to rejoice in all we do Your kingdom come, Your will be done  Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)

17 Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)
Thank You for giving us our daily bread Teach us to forgive as You forgave And lead us not into temptation Lead us not into temptation  But deliver us, deliver us from evil    Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)

18 Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)
Dear heavenly Father, we worship You  We want Your heart to rejoice in all we do Your kingdom come, Your will be done  Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)

19 Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)
Wash us from sin and make us white as snow  Give us a clean mind to live for You and cast us not out of Your presence  cast us not out of Your presence  but restore to us the joy of our salvation  Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)

20 Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)
Dear heavenly Father, we worship You  We want Your heart to rejoice in all we do Your kingdom come, Your will be done  Our Prayer (Our Heavenly Father)

21 He Cares For Me Our God is far greater than words can make known,
Exalted and holy, He reigns on His throne. In infinite splendor He rules over all; Yet He feeds the poor sparrows, and He knows when they fall. He Cares For Me

22 He Cares For Me His power is great and will ever endure,
His wisdom is peaceable, gentle, and pure. But greater than all these glories I see, Is the glorious promise that He cares for me. He Cares For Me

23 The earth and the heav'ns are the work of His hands, And billions of angels obey His commands. He guides the great galaxies spinning through space, Yet He gave us His Son as a gift of His grace. He Cares For Me

24 He Cares For Me His power is great and will ever endure,
His wisdom is peaceable, gentle, and pure. But greater than all these glories I see, Is the glorious promise that He cares for me. He Cares For Me

25 He rides the wild heavens, He strides thro’ the seas; The high mountains tremble to hear His decrees. His voice with great thunderings sounds from above; But to His own children He whispers His love. He Cares For Me

26 He Cares For Me His power is great and will ever endure,
His wisdom is peaceable, gentle, and pure. But greater than all these glories I see, Is the glorious promise that He cares for me. He Cares For Me

27 The way that He loves……

28 The way that He loves…… the way that He loves is as fair as the day that blesses my way with light the way that He loves is as soft as the breeze caressing the trees at night

29 so tender and precious is He contented with Jesus i'll be the way that He loves is so thrilling because His love reaches even me

30 the way that He loves is as deep as the sea His spirit shall be my stay the way that He loves is as pure as a rose much sweeter He grows each day

31 so tender and precious is He contented with Jesus i'll be the way that He loves is so thrilling because His love reaches even me

32 His peace hovers near like a dove i know there's a heaven above to Jesus i cling life's a wonderful thing because of the way He loves

33 so tender and precious is He contented with Jesus i'll be the way that He loves is so thrilling because His love reaches even me

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