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(a) The caecocolic orifice is visible but the adjacent ileocolic valve is obscured by a pool of faecal liquid. (a) The caecocolic orifice is visible but.

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Presentation on theme: "(a) The caecocolic orifice is visible but the adjacent ileocolic valve is obscured by a pool of faecal liquid. (a) The caecocolic orifice is visible but."— Presentation transcript:

1 (a) The caecocolic orifice is visible but the adjacent ileocolic valve is obscured by a pool of faecal liquid. (a) The caecocolic orifice is visible but the adjacent ileocolic valve is obscured by a pool of faecal liquid. (b) Removal of the faecal liquid allows visualisation of the mushroom-like ileocolic valve, with the caecocolic orifice visible below it. (c) Blind intubation of the ileocolic valve with biopsy forceps allows either a few blind ileal biopsies to be obtained, or the endoscope to be passed into the ileum. (d) Normal ileal mucosa after an endoscopic biopsy; note the degree of bleeding, which is often more severe than after duodenal biopsy because the ileal mucosa is thinner Ed Hall In Practice 2015;37: Copyright © British Veterinary Association. All rights reserved.

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