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AQA Theme E – Religion, Crime and Punishment
December 2018 AQA Theme E – Religion, Crime and Punishment 1st Can you define Capital punishment? Give2 examples of places where capital punishment is illegal Give 2 examples of places where capital punishment is not illegal Give 2 religious teachings FOR capital punishment 2nd Can you define Community Service Order? Give an example of a crime where a community service order maybe issued as the punishment “All criminals should complete community service” – what do you think? Why? Which aims of punishment is a community service order aiming to achieve? 3rd Can you define Corporal Punishment? Explain 2 ways Corporal Punishment and Capital Punishment are different Explain 2 ways Corporal Punishment and Capital Punishment are similar “Corporal punishment should remain illegal in the UK” – what do you think? Why? Name 3 places where Corporal Punishment is legal today. 4th Can you define Crime? Give 2 examples of a crime against the state Give 2 examples of a crime against a person Give 2 examples of a crime against property Give 5 reasons someone might commit a crime “Crime against the state are the worst type of crime” – what do you think? Why? 5th Can you define Deterrence? “Deterrence is the best aim of punishment” – what do you think? Why? Give 4 aims of punishment Give 4 punishments someone in the UK could face Give 2 statistics about UK prisons 6th Can you define Duty? Give 2 reasons why we have the law Give 2 origins of UK law Give 5 of the 10 commandments What is a sin? Give 2 examples of sins Give 2 examples of sins that are also crimes according to UK law 7th Can you define Evil? Give 2 philosophers concerned with the problem of evil Give 5 qualities of God What does Inshallah mean? What does authority mean? 8th Can you define forgiveness? Explain 1 Bible parable about forgiveness Give 3 characters from the parable What is a parable and why did Jesus use them? Explain a modern example of Christian forgiveness 9th Can you define Greed? Why might greed lead someone to commit a crime? Who do Muslims believe owns wealth? Give 2 crimes someone might commit due to greed What does morality mean? 10th Can you define Hate Crime? Give an example of a hate crime Give 2 examples of people/groups who could be the victims of a hate crime Some Christians believe there is no such thing as an evil person – why? 11th Can you define imprisonment? What is the maximum prison sentence in the UK Give 2 examples of crime that could result in a prison sentence “prison is not an effective method of punishment” – what do you think? Why? 12th Can you define Law? What are God’s laws? What does the Bible say about the ‘laws of the land’? Romans 13:1 says – “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God”. How could this link to a courtroom judge?
AQA Theme E – Religion, Crime and Punishment
December 2018 AQA Theme E – Religion, Crime and Punishment 13th Can you define Murder? Give 2 Bible teachings about murder What does Quran 5:32 say about how bad murder is? What does “Murder is always wrong” – what do you think? Why? What reasons could someone have to murder someone? What does “a crime of passion” mean? “there is never a good reason to commit a crime” – what do you think? Why? Why might someone disagree with you? What might a Christian argue? What might a Muslim argue? 14th Can you define Order? “People who do not believe in God do not have any moral sense of right and wrong” – what do you think? Why? Why might someone disagree with you? One of Jesus’ teachings was ‘love God and love your neighbour as yourself’. What does this mean? According to Jesus who is your neighbour? How did Jesus show that he cared for others? How did Jesus treat the women accused of committing adultery? “An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth” – what does this suggest about how Christians should treat criminals? 15th Can you define Parole? “Criminals should not be allowed parole” – what do you think? Give 2 reasons for your view How does human free will link to suffering? How does human free will link to ’good work’? What is salvation? Give 2 ways humans can achieve salvation “God causes people to suffer” – Give 3 reasons why someone might agree with this statement 16th Can you define Protection? Can you define consequentialism? How might “knowing” the consequences of you action before you complete the action effect how you behave? “The only being who knows the consequences of human action is God” – what do you think? Give 2 reasons for your point of view What is the argument from the sanctity of life? What is Niyyah and why is it important? What is the harm principal? 17th Can you define reformation? Proverbs says – he who spares the rod hates the child. What does that mean? “people can never truly be reformed” – what do you think? Give 2 reasons for your point of view “people are not bad, their actions are bad” – why might someone disagree? How might the death penalty suggest that people cannot be reformed? What is moral relativism? What is reparation? 18th Can you define Retribution? Gandhi said “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”. What did he mean? How could this link to retribution? “Retribution is the best aim of punishment” – what do you think? Why? “it is always easy to forgive others” – what do you think? Give 2 reasons for your view Why would a religious person try to not seek revenge? Give 2 punishments that God gave to Adam and Eve Jesus did not resist arrest and did not want anyone to attack the guards – why?
AQA Theme E – Religion, Crime and Punishment
December 2018 AQA Theme E – Religion, Crime and Punishment 19th Can you define theft? Give 2 examples of things that people might steal Give 2 people who could be considered ‘evil’ What does Quran 50:16 say? How might knowing and believing Quran 50:16 prevent someone from committing a crime? 20th Can you define Victim? Who can be a victim of crime? “Misfortunes can only happen with God’s permission” (Quran 64:11) – what does this suggest about people who are victims of crime? What does the term perpetrator mean? 21st Can you define Vindication? Thomas Aquinas said that peace in society is more important that reforming the criminal. – Do you agree? Give a reason for your view The Roman Catholic Church states it is more important to protect society than the individual – do you agree? 22nd Can you define young offenders? What is the age range to be classed as a young offender? “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” - Matthew 7:3. What does this mean? 23rd Can you define reparation? What does illegal mean? What does legal mean? “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” -Where does this quote come from? 24th Can you define dignity? Matthew says – “blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy”. What does that mean? Who do religious people expect mercy from? Give 2 religious attitudes to prison 25th What does crime against the state mean? Give 2 examples of people who broke the law because they thought the law was unjust (unfair). Give 2 examples of people who went to prison for breaking the law because they thought the law was unjust (unfair) 26th What does crime against a person mean? What crimes was Jesus accused of and punished for? Give 2 examples of religious people who broke the law and as a result (later) the law was changed Give 2 examples of the methods of corporal punishment (how are people punished) 27th What does moral evil mean? Give 2 examples of moral evil Corporal punishment is the best example of a punishment that achieves deterrence – do you agree? Why? Give 2 arguments against corporal punishment Give 2 arguments for corporal punishment 28th What does suffering mean? "Whoever sheds human blood may their blood be shed" - Genesis 9:6. What does this mean? Give 2 arguments for capital punishment What does the pope think about capital punishment? 29th What does crime against property mean? When was the last person executed in the UK? “Capital punishment should be reintroduced into Britain” – what do you think? Why? Give 2 benefits of community service as a punishment 30th/ 31st What does Shariah Law mean? Give 2 countries that use Shariah Law Do Muslims in Britain follow Shariah Law? How is Shariah Law similar to UK law? How is Shariah Law different to UK law?
The crucifixion of Jesus
Theme E Complete the bricks by colour coding them all to match the topics line at the bottom. Each brick can have more than one colour but it must have at least one colour. 3 have been done for you. Murder Theft Hate Corporal punishment Protection Vindication Prison Salvation “Eye for an Eye” Evil and Suffering The Quran Deterrence Hell The 10 commandments The crucifixion of Jesus The Lost Son Capital punishment Duty Reformation Treatment Jesus The Law Parable Sin Reparation Adam and Eve Original sin Unjust Retribution Free will Crime Punishment UK Law Shariah Law Forgiveness The Bible Sin
Sin God A B C D E F G H I J K L Corporal punishment Salvation Crime
Theme E - L has been done for you. This sheet has some spaces for quotes/teachings/ examples/ evidence as notes which you could use if you were going to write up your ideas in full. God Capital Punishment Salvation Corporal punishment Sin Punishment Crime A B C D E F G H I J K L Sin – adultery Jesus – throwing stones Not legal in the uk Some crimes are sins As you can see some connections are harder than others! Example- L – Some crimes that people commit are also sins. In some countries if you commit a crime (which may also be a sin) you are subject to corporal punishment. This might involve public flogging. In the UK corporal punishment is not legal anymore but it used to be very common in schools (but not to punish sins). In Jesus’ time he stopped someone from being stoned as a result of them being accused of committing the sin of adultery. Jesus said “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” - John 8:1-11. Jesus was trying to show people it is unfair to punish people through corporal methods as everyone has committed a sin.
Question A B C D 1 – what are the 10 commandments ? [1] 10 suggestions of how to live your life given by the Bible 10 Laws handed down to the Hebrews by God to Moses 10 famous sayings of Jesus 10 commands from a religious leader 2 – List the 10 commandments [10] 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 3 – What is the correct definition of sin? [1] Going against God’s or breaking his laws Breaking the laws of the land Offending other people Following all of God’s rules and the laws of the land 4 – What was the first ever sin according to the Bible [1] Cain killed Abel with a stone The Roman people crucified Jesus Adam and Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree in the garden of Eden People were having homosexual relations 5– What is the correct definition of intention? [1] Being determined to do something When you want to do something When you plan to do something Non of these 6– Give 2 reasons someone might commit a crime? [2] 1 - 2 - 7– What is free will? [1] Acting like you want to act A gift from God Doing something willingly All of these 8 – Which of these is not an aim of punishment? [1] Vindication Reformation Protection Retribution 9- When was the last person executed by the state in the UK? [1] 13th August 1764 13th August 1864 13th August 1964 Last week – the death penalty is not illegal 10 - Flogging is an example of which of these? Corporal punishment Capital punishment Con punishment Admiral punishment
1 – what are the 10 commandments ? [1]
Question A B C D 1 – what are the 10 commandments ? [1] 10 suggestions of how to live your life given by the Bible 10 Laws handed down to the Hebrews by God to Moses 10 famous sayings of Jesus 10 commands from a religious leader 2 – List the 10 commandments [10] 1 – do not make false idols do no lie 2 –keep the sabbath day holy do not steal 3 – do not take the lords name in vein do not commit adultery 4 – do not kill respect your mother and father 5 - worship only 1 god do not be jealous 3 – What is the correct definition of sin? [1] Going against God’s or breaking his laws Breaking the laws of the land Offending other people Following all of God’s rules and the laws of the land 4 – What was the first ever sin according to the Bible [1] Cain killed Abel with a stone The Roman people crucified Jesus Adam and Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree in the garden of Eden People were having homosexual relations 5– What is the correct definition of intention? [1] Being determined to do something When you want to do something When you plan to do something Non of these 6– Give 2 reasons someone might commit a crime? [2] poverty, mental illness, greed, peer pressure, upbringing, to change a bad law, might be their only option, boredom, money 7– What is free will? [1] Acting like you want to act A gift from God Doing something willingly All of these 8 – Which of these is not an aim of punishment? [1] Reward Reformation Protection Retribution 9- When was the last person executed by the state in the UK? [1] 13th August 1764 13th August 1864 13th August 1964 Last week – the death penalty is not illegal 10 - Flogging is an example of which of these? Corporal punishment Capital punishment General punishment Admiral punishment
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” – Matthew 5:7
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” – Galatians 3:28 “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also” – Matthew 5:39 The Parable of the Lost Son - Luke 15:11-32 “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” – Romans 13:1 “Thou shalt not kill” – Exodus 20:13 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also” - Matthew 5:38-40 “God who is the Author of human life.” – Human Vitae 1968 “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. 'There is no commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:31 “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” – James 2:17 “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” -the Lord’s Prayer St Thomas Aquinas argued that peace in society was more important than reforming the sinner. He reflects the Roman Catholic Church's teaching that the protection of the whole of society is more important than the individual “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” - John 8:1-11 “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody … Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to revenge; I will repay, says the Lord’ - Romans 12:17-19 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots -Luke 23:34 “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” - Matthew 7:3 “And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein” – Qur’an 50:16 “And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining]. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good” – Qur’an 2:195 “Misfortunes can only happen with God’s permission” – Qur’an 64:11 “They’ll dwell amid scorching wind and scalding water in the shadow of black smoke, neither cool nor refreshing” – Qur’an 56: 42-44 “But those who have believed, migrated, and striven for God’s cause, it is they who can look forward to God’s mercy: God is most forgiving and merciful” – Qur’an 2:218 “‘If anyone kills a person, it is as if he kills all mankind” – Qur’an 5:32 “No soul may die except with God’s permission at a predestined time” – Qur’an 3:145 “Those whose good deeds weigh heavy will be successful, but those who balance is light will have lost their souls for ever and will stay in hell” – Qur’an 23: “Those who do not judge according to what God has revealed are doing grave wrong” – Qur’an 5:45 “God commands justice… and prohibits wrongdoing and injustice” – Qur’an 16:90 “And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden, except by right. And whoever is killed unjustly - We have given his heir authority, but let him not exceed limits in [the matter of] taking life. Indeed, he has been supported [by the law]” – Qur’an 17:33 “O My Devotees, who have committed excesses against their own selves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Surely, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed He is the most Forgiving, the Merciful’ - Quran 39:54 Capital punishment - Death penalty; state sanctioned execution for a capital offence; not legal in UK. Community service order -UK punishment involving the criminal doing a set number of hours of physical labour. Conscience - Sense of right and wrong; guilty voice in our head; seen as the voice of God by many religious believers. Corporal punishment - Punishment in which physical pain is inflicted on the criminal; not legal in the UK. Crime -Action which breaks the law; can be against the person (eg murder), against property (eg vandalism), or against the state (eg treason). Deterrence- Aim of punishment to put a person off committing a crime by the level of punishment. Duty- What we have a responsibility to do. Evil- Something or someone considered morally very wrong or wicked; often linked to the idea of a devil or other malevolent being. Forgiveness - Letting go of blame against a person for wrongs they have done; moving on. Greed - Reason for committing crime – wanting or desiring something or more of something. Hate crime - A crime committed because of prejudice, e.g. assaulting a person because they are gay or Asian. Imprisonment - Locking someone up and taking away of civil liberties of a criminal. Law- The rules a country demands its citizens follow, the breaking of which leads to punishment. Murder - Unlawfully killing another person. Order - The enforcement of rules, eg by a police force. Parole - Release of a criminal from prison under the condition they will meet with a parole officer who can monitor their behaviour. Protection - Additional aim of punishment; to keep people safe. Reformation - Aim of punishment; helping the criminal see how and why their behaviour was wrong, so that their mindset changes for the better. Reparation - Additional aim of punishment; where the criminal makes up for, or pays back for, their crimes. Retribution - Aim of punishment; getting the criminal back for their crimes. Theft -Taking something without the owner’s consent. Victim -Those who are directly affected by a crime, eg the person assaulted. Vindication - Additional aim of punishment; the punishment exists to justify the law. Young offenders - Criminals under the age of 18.
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